Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Law Essay

Introduction Our assigned topic deals with a phenomenon that has taken the corporate world by storm rather recently, particularly in Pakistan. It entails the dilemma that every corporation faces when they have to make decisions regarding the firm’s profitability and their corporation’s social responsibility. The term â€Å"corporate social responsibility† came into common use in the late 1960s and early 1970s after many multinational corporations formed the term stakeholder, meaning those on whom an organization’s activities have an impact. It was used to describe corporate owners beyond shareholders. The field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has developed exponentially in the last decade. Nevertheless, there remains a lingering debate about the legitimacy and value of corporate reaction to CSR concerns. There are different views of the function of the firm in society and disagreement as to whether wealth maximization should be the sole goal of a corporation. An escalating number of shareholders, analysts, regulators, activists, labor unions, employees, community organizations, and news media are asking companies to be accountable for an ever-changing set of CSR issues. There is rising demand for transparency and growing expectations that corporations measure, report, and continuously improve their social, environmental, and economic performance. According to Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), corporate social responsibility is defined as â€Å"achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment.† Each company is at variance in how it implements corporate social responsibility, if it does so at all. The differences depend on such factors as any particular company’s size, the particular industry involved, the firm’s business culture, stakeholder demands, and how historically progressive the company is in engaging CSR. Some companies focus on a single area, which is regarded as the most important for them or where they have the highest impact or vulnerability—human rights or the environment, for example—while there are others who endeavor to incorporate CSR in each and every one facet of their operations. For successful execution, it is fundamental that the CSR principles are part of the corporations’ values and strategic planning, and that the management and employees, both are committed to them. Furthermore, it is important that the CSR strategy is aligned with the company’s specific corporate objectives and core competencies. As CSR comes into contact with many of the problems conventionally addressed by government, like human rights and community investing, there is strong censure that societal problems are best solved by freely elected government bodies as the resources of a corporation are poorly matched for addressing those social problems, and therefore, it is argued, they should not be misallocated. According to Friedman (1970), in a free society, â€Å"there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.† The idea is that the state should address social problems, supported by the argument that an executive, by taking money and resources that would otherwise go to owners, employees, and costumers, and allocating them according to the will of the minority, and will fail to serve the interests of her or his principal. In this way, the executive imposes a tax and spends the proceeds for â€Å"social† purposes, which is insupportable, since she or he has neither the skills nor the jurisdiction to do so. On the other hand, there are many demands by others for corporate adoption of the CSR principles. Although the government is chiefly responsible for addressing those issues, the contribution of private firms can be substantial. There is also the argument of the shifting balance of power. According to the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), of the 100 largest global economies, as indicated by their respective GDP, 51 of them are US corporations, and only 49 are nation states. So economic supremacy has shifted to the corporations; they, therefore, should have an increasing role in and accountability for addressing social problems. For example, the government sets the regulations and the minimum standards for the workplace, but a company can further improve the work environment and the quality of living of its employees. A firm cannot stay oblivious to the problems of the environment in which it functions. The poverty of a nation state’s citizens, political unrest, and the exhaustion of natural resources can have destructive effects for a corporation. For example, resources that are inputs in the production process and which, at the foundation of the industrial revolution, were plentiful are now scarce, polluted, or diminishing in many regions of the entire planet. As one would expect, this imposes an extra cost to the corporations and may force them to reposition or to cease operations. From one perspective, companies may be poorly equipped to address some of the social or environmental problems, but from another perspective, no matter how poorly equipped, companies may still be best positioned to improve the problems. Undoubtedly, adopting the CSR principles involves costs. These costs might be short term in nature or continuous outflows. They may involve the purchase of new environmentally friendly equipment, the change of management structures, or the implementation of stricter quality controls. Since being socially responsible involves incurring costs, it should generate benefits as well in order to be a sustainable business practice. A corporation could not continue a policy that constantly generates negative cash flows. The shareholders invest their money in a corporation, expecting the highest possible risk adjusted return. Therefore, being socially responsible should have bottom-line benefits in order to be sustainable. Socially responsible corporate performance can be associated with a series of benefits with the final outcome. But in a lot of cases, it seems that the time frame of the costs and benefits can be out of alignment—the costs are in the near future, whereas the benefits are not often realized until long periods of time have lapsed. Nevertheless, many benefits can be identified. Firstly, socially responsible companies have enhanced brand image and reputation. Consumers are often attracted towards brands and companies with good reputations in CSR related issues. Therefore, a corporation’s brand equity is automatically enhanced. A company regarded as socially responsible can also benefit from its reputation within the business community by having increased ability to attract capital and trading partners. However, reputation is hard to quantify and measure; it is even harder to measure how much it increases a company’s value. But since companies have developed methods to measure the benefits of their advertisement campaigns, similar methods can and should be able to be applied in the case of corporate reputation. Socially responsible companies also have less risk of negative rare events. Furthermore, companies that adopt the CSR principles are more transparent and have less risk of bribery and corruption. In addition, they may execute stricter and, thus, more costly quality and environmental controls, but they run less risk of having to bear in mind defective product lines and pay heavy fines for excessive polluting. They also have less risk of negative social events which damage their reputation and cost millions of dollars in information and advertising campaigns. The scandals about child–labor and sweatshops that affect the clothing industry are two fine examples. Thus, socially responsible businesses should have more stable earnings growth and less downside volatility. Since companies that adopt the CSR principles carry less risk, when valuing those companies, a lower discount rate should be used. In the company valuation this lower tail risk should be taken into account. There are also other cases in which doing what is good and responsible converges with doing the best for the particular business. Some CSR initiatives can dramatically reduce operating costs. For example, reducing packaging material or planning the optimum route for delivery trucks not only reduces the environmental impact of a company’s operation, but it also reduces the cost. The process of adopting the CSR principles induces executives to reconsider their business practices and to seek more efficient ways of operating. Companies perceived to have a strong CSR commitment often have an improved ability to attract and to retain employees (Turban & Greening 1997), which leads to reduced turnover, recruitment, and training costs. Employees, too, often evaluate their companies CSR performance to determine if their personal values conflict with those of the businesses at which they work. There are many known cases in which employees were asked, under pressure of their supervisors, to overlook written or moral laws in order to achieve higher profits. These practices create a culture of fear in the workplace and harm the employees’ trust, loyalty, and commitment to the company. Companies that improve working conditions and labor practices also experience increased productivity and reduced error rates. Regular controls in the production facilities throughout the world ensure that all the employees work under good conditions and earn living wages. These practices are costly, but the increased productivity of the workers and improved quality of the products generate positive cash flows that cover the associated costs. Thus, firms may actually benefit from socially responsible actions in terms of employee morale and productivity (Moskowitz, 1972). Literature review CSP is a global concept that encompasses those of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsiveness. It provides a coherent framework to explore business-society relationships by looking at the social impact of corporations with business criteria of performance measurement, such as quality, efficacy, effectiveness, innovation (Carroll, 1991; Wood, 1991). The challenge for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in developing countries is framed by a vision that was distilled in 2000 into the Millennium Development Goals—‘a world with less poverty, hunger and disease, greater survival prospects for mothers and their infants, better educated children, equal opportunities for women, and a healthier environment’ (UN, 2006: 3). The penetration of the social realm into corporate strategy has gathered momentum in the last years. The movement for CSR has â€Å"won the battle of ideas† (Crook 2005). By now, most well managed companies have adopted th e practices and certifications mandatory in their industries, having gone through what Zadek (2004) calls the â€Å"defensive† and the â€Å"compliance† stages of CSR. Managing the social and environmental footprint of economic activity is generally accepted as part of the cost of doing business. But much remains to be done. If companies are to move their CSR activities from satisfying behavior and take their commitment to society and the environment to the next level, they will need to rethink their current approaches to CSR, tapping into the creativity of every individual. CSE, like all entrepreneurship, is not about managing existing operations or CSR programs; it is about creating disruptive change in the pursuit of new opportunities. It combines the willingness and desire to create joint economic and social value with the entrepreneurial redesign, systems development, and action necessary to carry it out. Accelerated organizational transformation faces a host of obstacles well-documented in the change management literature. Some people argue that media pressures the corporate managers and directors to behave in ways that are â€Å"socially ac ceptable†. Sometimes this coincides with shareholders’ value maximization, others not (Zinagales, 2002). Although there are several contested notions of what CSR should be and how it should work, there is some agreement upon what it broadly entails. A number of concepts and issues are subsumed under the heading of CSR, including human rights, environmental responsibility, diversity management, sustainability, and philanthropy (Amaeshi & Adi, 2006), meaning that it is a complex area with an interdisciplinary focus. It is generally agreed that CSR involves corporations voluntarily exceeding their legal duties to take account of social, economic and environmental impacts of their operations. Consideration of the social, economic and political context demonstrates how CSR forms part of a wider strategic direction being taken internationally with regard to market relations and the pursuit of a range of objectives and goals. The context is in part provided by concerns about the numerous examples of irresponsible behavior on the part of corporations, ranging from colluding with oppressive regimes and in the overthrowing of governments (Alston, 2005) to issues relating to working conditions and the impact of unethical marketing practices (Richter, 2001). Such examples have demonstrated the need for the worst excesses of business to be curbed. The globalised economy is understood to raise important issues for businesses and governments due to changes in patterns of production and consumption. In particular it is noted that the manufacturing of goods is â€Å"highly mobile† (Cassell, 2001:263) and that supply chains are often dispersed in various countries, creating difficulties in terms of legislation and regulation. Moreover, economic globalization presents challenges to the ability of states to protect people’s rights (Cassell, 2001). The notion of corporate social responsibility is part of the ‘third way’ (Gond & Matten, 2007), where the role of the state is now to provide â€Å"steering for the promotion of social development and social justice† (Giddens, 2001: 6). There is increased involvement of the private sector in traditionally statutory provision through privatization and public/private partnerships (Meehan, 2003). Economic policies have created a need for markets and business to self-regulate in order to continue to pursue an international free market economy, but also to ensure sustainability of economic, human and other resources, and of the environment. CSR is seen as a solution to these problems of regulation. The private sector is increasingly seen as a key player in the achievement of many national and international strategic objectives for governments, which is also enabled by CSR. Methodology To gather information, we used secondary research as our main source of information. Various academic journals and internet sources were pursued to cater to the important aspects of the given topic. Moreover, since we thoroughly researched this topic, personal opinions were formed and using those and logic, we justified our opinions accordingly. How can business persons act in an ethically and socially responsible manner and at the same time make profits? Suppose clear-cutting is profitable and legal, but is nonetheless regarded as environmentally irresponsible under prevailing social norms. Can management of a timber corporation decline to clear-cut its timberland even though that sacrifices profits? One might be tempted to evade the question by claiming that being environmentally responsible is profitable in the long run, either because it preserves the forest for future harvesting or because it maintains a public goodwill that aids future sales. But suppose, in an incautious moment, management admits that the present value of those future profits from not clear cutting cannot hope to match the large current profits that clear-cutting would produce. Or, more realistically, suppose a takeover bid by a firm known to clear-cut establishes precisely that proposition by offering far more than the stock price that reflects the current stream of profits. Can management reject the profitable takeover bid on the grounds that it will lead to socially undesirable clear-cutting? The answers to these questions will challenge the canonical law and economics account on corporate social responsibility, which goes something like this. Unless modified by statute, traditional fiduciary duties require corporate managers to further the interests of shareholders, and thus require them to maximize corporate profits subject to the obligation to comply with independent legal constraints. Ethics and social responsibility are very important values in business ventures. This is particularly essential in decision making process. Ethical conscience reminds business persons to make trustworthy and profitable business decisions. Likewise, the social responsibility component requires business persons to make entrepreneurial decisions that can enhance benefits and repelling harms to the stakeholders. The canonical law and economics view holds that corporate managers do and should have a duty to profit-maximize because such conduct is socially efficient given that general legal sanctions do or can redress any harm that corporate or non-corporate businesses inflict on others. If certain conduct imposes excessive harm on others or merits taxation, then an independent law should regulate and impose liability or taxes whether or not the actor is a corporation, and if the conduct does not impose any impermissible harm or merit taxation, then the most socially desirable thing for corporations to do is maximize profits. Other stakeholders could either legally protect themselves by contract with the corporation or have their legal protection provided by judicial gap-filling of such contracts. Part of what makes this account canonical is that it helps define the boundaries of the corporate law field. It leaves corporate law scholars free to ignore issues about any effects the corporation may have on the external world as topics best addressed by other legal fields, and to focus on more tractable models about which corporate rules would maximize shareholder value.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Healthcare Difference Between Us and India

Health Care in the United States is described as the â€Å"cottage industry† it has been fragmented at the national, state, community and practice levels. There is not one single entity or set of policies guiding the health care system; Furthermore, this fragile primary care system is on the verge of collapse according to the Commonwealth Fund Commission. (A. Shih, 2008) The fragmentation of our delivery system is a fundamental contributor to the poor overall performance of the U. S. health care system.In our fragmented system: * patients and families navigate unassisted across different providers and care settings, fostering frustrating and dangerous patient experiences; * poor communication and lack of clear accountability for a patient among multiple providers lead to medical errors, waste, and duplication; * the absence of peer accountability, quality improvement infrastructure, and clinical information systems foster poor overall quality of care; and * high-cost, intensiv e medical intervention is rewarded over higher-value primary care, including preventive medicine and the management of chronic illness.No single policy will fix the fragmentation of our health care system. Rather, a comprehensive approach is required—one that might lead progressively to greater organization and better performance. The following strategies were recommended: (A. Shih, 2008) * Payment reform. Provider payment reform offers the opportunity to stimulate greater organization as well as higher performance. The predominant fee-for-service payment system fuels the fragmentation of our delivery system.We recommend that payers move away from fee-for-service toward bundled payment systems that reward coordinated, high-value care. In addition, we recommend expanding pay-for-performance programs to reward high-quality, patient-centered care. The more organization in delivery systems, the more feasible these payment reforms become (Exhibit ES-1). These payment reforms also could spur organization, since they reward optimal care over the continuum of services. Specifically, we believe that: Patient incentives. Patients should be given incentives to choose to receive care from high-quality, high-value delivery systems. This requires performance measurement systems that adequately distinguish among delivery systems. * Regulatory changes. The regulatory environment should be modified to facilitate clinical integration among providers. * Accreditation. There should be accreditation programs that focus on the six attributes of an ideal delivery system we have identified.Payers and consumers should be encouraged to base decisions on payment and provider networks on such information, in tandem with performance measurement data. * Provider training. Current training programs for physicians and other health professionals do not adequately prepare providers to practice in an organized delivery system or team-based environment. Provider training programs should b e required to teach systems-based skills and competencies, including population health, and be encouraged to include clinical training in organized delivery systems. Government infrastructure support.We recognize that in certain regions or for specific populations, formal organized delivery systems may not develop on their own. In such instances, we propose that the government play a greater role in facilitating or establishing the infrastructure for an organized delivery system, for example through assistance in establishing care coordination networks, care management services, after-hours coverage, health information technology, and performance improvement activities. Health information technology. Health information technology provides critical infrastructure for an organized delivery system. Providers should be required to implement and utilize certified electronic health records that meet functionality, interoperability, and security standards, and to participate in health info rmation exchange across providers and care settings within five yearsThese do not necessarily mean it will fix the health care system as we know it, but could generate, a better understand on what is expected of the United States as a whole, when the Medicare and Medicaid system is done away with, those born in the late 60’s to 2000’s will probably not benefit from the Medicare or Social Security system, when they reach the age of 65, Why you might ask, because the way the economy is going these systems will be obsolete in the future, while the Government is trying to build a better ntity, they will probably in fact, not accomplish this, it is my understanding that they will be doing away with the Medicaid program by the year 2012, this will be a great burden to those who are currently on this, If the Government could make it easier for those who can’t afford insurance to acquire commercial insurance at a lesser cost, then the majority would be get these types o f insurances, (ex Cigna, Humana, Aetna, BCBS, United Healthcare)I work in the medical field, I see daily the abuse some of these patients are taking from the Government in regards to their medical care, one month they have the insurance, the next they are on what is called â€Å"Share of Cost†,(SOC) this is just like an HMO or PPO, you have a deductable to reach every month, the only problems is, these patients do not have any money to pay, so they have to go to the local Hospital, to get their SOC covered, the patient see’s is as a convenience while the Hospitals sees it as a nuisance. Our fragmented health care delivery system delivers poor-quality, high-cost care. We cannot achieve a higher-performing health system without reorganization at the practice, community, state, and national levels.This report focuses on the community level, for which we have identified six attributes of an ideal delivery system. Our vision of health care delivery is not out of reach; some delivery systems have achieved these attributes, and they have done so in a variety of ways. We can no longer afford, nor should we tolerate, the outcomes of our fragmented health care system. We need to move away from a cottage industry in which providers have no relationship with, or accountability to, one another. Though we acknowledge that creating a more organized delivery system will be difficult, the recommendations put forth in this report offer a concrete approach to stimulate greater organization for higher performance. (A. Shih, 2008)In India, Primary Health Centers (PHCs) are the cornerstone of rural healthcare; a first port of call for the sick and an effective referral system; in addition to being the main focus of social and economic development of the community. It forms the first level of contact and a link between individuals and the national health system; bringing healthcare delivery as close as possible to where people live and work. (Patel, 2005) Primary healt hcare services substantially affects the general health of a population, however many factors undermine the quality and efficiency of primary healthcare services in developing countries. In India, although there are many reasons for poor PHC performance, almost all of them stem from weak stewardship of the sector, which produces a poor incentive framework.The World Health Organization (WHO) specifically points out that to some extent, the deterioration in health status is attributed to inadequacies in PHC implementation, neglecting the wider factors that have been responsible for this deterioration such as lack of political commitment, inadequate allocation of financial resources to PHCs and stagnation of inter-sectoral strategies and community participation. The main ones being bureaucratic approach to healthcare provision, lack of accountability and responsiveness to the general public and incongruence between available funding and commitments. The current PHC structure is extreme ly rigid, making it unable to respond effectively to local realities and needs. For instance, the number of ANMs per PHC is the same throughout the country despite the fact that some states have twice the fertility level of others.Moreover, political interference in the location of health facilities often results in an irrational distribution of PHCs and sub-centers. Government health departments are focused on implementing government norms, paying salaries, ensuring the minimum facilities are available rather than measuring health system performance or health outcomes. Further, the public health system is managed and overseen by District Health Officers. Although they are qualified doctors, they have barely any training in public health management; strengthening the capacity for public health management at the district and taluk level is crucial to improving public sector performance. Patel, 2005) Primary, secondary, generalist and specialist care, all have important and inclusive roles in the healthcare system and should be used to create a comprehensive and integrated model; one that combines universalism and economic realism with the objective of providing coverage for all. (Patel, 2005)| | The majority of these countries are trying to make it better for all to achieve the best health care entity possible; we are trying to make sure that everyone is covered by insurance.REFERENCES A. Shih, K. Davis, S. Schoenbaum, A. Gauthier, R. Nuzum, and D. McCarthy, Organizing the U. S. Health Care Delivery System for High Performance, The Commonwealth Fund, August 2008 (A. Shih, 2008) Express Healthcare Mgmt. Business Publications Division, Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd. , Express Towers, 1st floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 (Patel, 2005)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Google Effects on Memory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Google Effects on Memory - Article Example For instance, they start by introducing information about how a long-time relationship makes people typically develop a transactive memory, which is discussed in the introduction part. Regarding the conclusion and the summary, the authors review literature that confirms vast information available regarding the issue, and also acknowledging the fact that the negative impacts are still under debate. Nevertheless, the literature review was distributed, and did not come mostly from the primary sources. The research question is, has the internet become a primary source of transactive memory where information is collectively stored outside us? Another research question is, do we think about flags or immediately think to go online to find out? The research questions correlates with the purpose of the study. The hypothesis of this study is that people will forget information that they know is externally available, but remember information that they know is not available externally. This matches the purpose of the study because it proves reliance on external sources of information, rather than memory. As a result, it is easier to remember where information is stored than the information

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Data Mining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Data Mining - Essay Example Data mining has different components, but the most significant is defining the problem, evaluating the available data and developing predictive models. (b). Associations discovery for the commodities sold to consumers helps the retailer or other business to capture the unique identifier of a given product. Through capturing this information, the seller is able to analyze the data, so that they can learn the purchasing behavior of their customers. The information derived is used to support business-related strategies and applications like inventory management, marketing promotions and customer relations management. (c). Mining information on web usage is very important to the effective management of websites, planning the development of adaptive websites, administering business and support services, increasing personalization as well as analyzing the flow of network traffic. Further, fast business growth of businesses forces businesses and customers to face a different situation, wher e competition plays a major role in determining the strategies adopted by businesses (Greene, 2012). On the other hand, the customer is exposed to more options to choose from, therefore, will need to follow the businesses that depict more value. For example, through discovering that many customers of a given business come from teen customers, may help the company to adjust their targeting outlook, to ensure that it targets the focus group better. (d). Clustering analysis traces groups of data entities or objects that are similar in certain aspects. The members of the different groups are supposed to be more similar to other members, and different from the members of other clusters. The target of clustering is the discovery of high-quality groups, where inter-cluster similarity is lowest but intra-cluster similarity is highest. Through establishing the highest inter-cluster similarity, the characteristics of the members are used or viewed as the customer information that can be track ed or targeted to increase the impact of the business, among the given high-quality cluster. 2. The reliability of data mining algorithms can be done through the validation of data mining modes. The process involves the assessment of the performance of the mining models against real data. This is done through understanding the characteristics and the quality of the algorithms before deploying them into the production environment (Chung, & Gray, 1999). To determine the reliability of data mining algorithms, the deployment of different statistical validity measures is checked, towards determining whether there are issues in the model or the data. The reliability of data mining algorithms is determined through the scalability of the clustering techniques. This is particularly true, in the case of large data sets, where space and speed are high. For example – in the case that the algorithm –in the case of a database that contains millions of records, shows linear or close to linear time complexity, which demonstrates that the reliability of the algorithm is high. The reliability of the algorithm can be determined throug

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Performance of Deerfield Massacre Research Paper

Performance of Deerfield Massacre - Research Paper Example When the army led by France attacked Deerfield in the evening of 29 February 1704, (Haefeli, Sweeney) villagers were busy in their day to day chaos; they had not even a single hint of what is going to happen. But that happened. Â  You can give any name for this; a natural calamity, a mass murder or a conspiracy. Present day America consider this day in the history to be erased and some take it as an example for not to repeat the same. Â  Really it has to be like that, and should not take the incident personally. There is no doubt that the war was between British and French; (Borneman) but the victims were the Common Americans only; killing them locked inside a palisade (Melvoin) was a very cruel human act. Â  That was because of the disunity among the Americans, the outsiders captured and attacked innocent locals once and again and end up in a terrible massacre. Hope such will never repeat in America and world as a whole

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing email assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing email assignment - Essay Example The preliminary market research performed determined that, and are 3 potential website candidates in order to launch a more aggressive online marketing campaign with website that can customer with similar profiles are the clients the company is targeting. Each website chosen in the proposal has attributes that allows a diversified marketing strategy in which key variables are considered such as: youth market, high medial exposure, product quality attributes. All the websites selected have clients in the sporting market and neither represents a direct competitor for the company. The youth category is a primary target of the company since these segment of the market can provide lifetime customers if the company is able to achieve customer retention by advertising its product offering and creating a brand image that is seen where generation I and generation Y spend most of their time which are services related to the convergence age. The customer profile of the company is active outdoor types who enjoy doing exercise multiple times a week and who enjoy playing and watching sports regularly. The company targets both genders as well as the youth which is one of the main focuses of the internet exposure advertising strategy. This purpose of the online strategy is to increase the amount of direct sales of the company in order to improve its 1:10 direct sales ratio to at least a 2:10 ratio in order to increase profitability. The three website targeted by the company are described below.\ Espn is the most recognized and largest sports network in the world which provides sports news and other related services. The exposure and magnitude of the client base of this website implies that advertisers who purchase marketing packages from will likely have a high conversion of from traffic hits from

Legal issues and concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Legal issues and concepts - Essay Example The concept of malpractice was related to the medical profession in 1768 by Sir William Blackstone, who defined mala praxis or bad practice to include, "Injuries... by the neglect or unskillful [sic] management of [a person's] physician, surgeon, or apothecary... because it breaks the trust which the party had placed in his physician, and tends to the patient's destruction2." Tort law comes into play whenever one person harms another. Tort derives from a Latin word which means twisted. Therefore, a tort is an act that has been twisted from the benchmark or is in other words a wrong. The objective of the legal system in resolving torts is to restore the plaintiff to his previous condition; however this can prove to be impossible in many medical situations. If this is not possible, then money is awarded to compensate for the damages that the defendant caused the plaintiff. In the mid 19th century, physicians strived to obtain for medicine the status of a profession, arguing that physicians and patients were not peers and, hence their relationship should not be judged under the contract law. This change in status enabled medicine to obtain the licensing laws sought by physicians of the period. However, it also served to force malpractices into the sphere of torts, which are vaguer, easily manipulated and more subject to interpretation. A malpractice tort comprises of four criteria, first, duty to treat; second, deviation from the standard of care; third, damages; and finally, the causation of damages by the deviation, which is also known as proximate cause. Success in a malpractice action requires the plaintiff to establish that the defendant has met all the four criteria otherwise the defendant will not be held to be guilty of malpractice. Depending on the state, additional criteria might be required for allowing a case to go to a jury trial. The term duty refers to a duty to provide the standard of care, which is established when the physician patient relationship is created. It refers to the duty to show the required skill, care, and diligence that a prudent physician would have shown under similar circumstances. In the emergency department (ED), the physician and patient have no choice in choosing the relationship. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)3 applies to EDs requires emergency physicians (EP) and hospitals to provide medical screening examination in all emergency cases, regardless of that person's paying capacity. Under EMTALA, ED and emergency medicine (EM) physicians have to provide care, whereas private practitioners need not do so. Since, EMTALA has unequivocally established the duty of a hospital and EM physician towards the patient, the premise of duty is an uncommon contention in EM malpractice cases. Causation in technical cases, like those involving medical practice can prove to be abstruse for a layperson. Further, confusion is caused by the differences between medical causation and the legal concept of causation. Legal causation or proximate cause refers to the single causative factor of injury. The defendant physician is liable for injuries if they had been of an anticipated nature. In Falcon v Memorial Hospital4, a woman after childbirth had an amniotic embolism and died due to non provision of an intravenous line, which according to the testimony, would have given her 37.5% chance to survive. The court held that this had resulted in the patient being deprived of a chance to survive

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Education is Important Because It Develops the Individual Essay

Education is Important Because It Develops the Individual - Essay Example The syllabus itself where learning to read, write, count, draw, take physical exercise, hear music, play games etc., serves to develop the mental and physical abilities. Once basic literacy and numeracy are achieved, many doors are opened for independent thought and action. The imagination expands, the world of books is available and with it, all areas of knowledge. Communication skills also grow, and with these comes the ability to relate to others and the world at large. Of great importance too, are the relationships formed with others in and outside of school. The other children, teacher, janitor, head teacher, classroom aide and so on, a great number of individuals outside of the family are now a part of the child's experience and serve to widen it.Such a world reflects society at large and the learning within is applied outside. The need to be polite to others, to respect those who help, serve or share knowledge, to learn to share, to participate and contribute, all these are vital elements within a good educational structure. Social skills developing thus are taking the child towards becoming an adult who can learn and who can contribute positively to society. Already we can see the value of education, both to the individual and the world. 'Social, emotional and beh... Recent research on social, emotional and behavioral skills suggests that by encouraging the attainment of these, 'Social, emotional and behavioral skills underlie almost every aspect of school, home and community life, including effective learning and getting on with other people' (Developing Children's Social, Emotional and Behavioral Skills: Guidance) The suggestion is that integrating such skills contributes to the individual's 'whole person' development, and their attainment is part of true education, which enables the person to reach their full potential. For example, the skills involved in self-motivation include the practice of sustained effort and learning, belief that a goal is attainable, the ability to deal with setbacks and to be proud of achievement. By using self-awareness too, a child or adult in fact, recognizes how thoughts, feelings and behaviors all interact and affect each other and devises ways to deal with this. Consider a child who discovers a talent or love for music, dance, art or books, or whatever. The good feelings this discovery bring about, encourage them to work at that talent and achieve goals, their potential in this area. Being 'good' at something then spills over into other aspects of life and learning, the confidence gained helps them towards a positivity which can only benefit 3. society. The ethic of working towards a goal, understanding how to deal with what goes wrong and still trying, makes for a rounded, fulfilled adult. Thus a structured education, in which formal knowledge-based education is underpinned by what is often described as 'emotional intelligence' is of vital importance to the individual and the wider society in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Young Australians & the U.N Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Young Australians & the U.N - Essay Example I know my input can help shape the community and make a difference to other young people. Being a Committee member will give the individual a valuable opportunity to build their skill base by gaining leadership experience, an in-depth knowledge of the youth sector, and build networks within the business and community sector.† (Adam Smith, Deputy Chair of The Foundation for Young Australians). Also United Nations Youth Associations of Australia is a significant voice for the youth of Australia. They play an important role in the education of every youth as each individual is looked upon as the next leader of the country. Youth speak are between the age group of 12 to 25years. Ben Groom the elected Australian youth representative to the United Nations Spent five months traveling around Australia and collecting issues to be represented at the UN. The Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations is a member of the Australian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Once selected, the Youth Representative has the challenging but amazing task of consulting with a substantial proportion of Australia’s youth population. The broad goal of the consultation phase is to equip the Youth Representative with a comprehensive mandate of youth representation that may be outside the normal scope of their experiences as a young person. This will assist greatly in the preparation of the Youth Representative’s address to the General Assembly. (Australian Youth Representative to UN, 2007) Ben Groom is the 2007 Australian youth Representative to the UN. On 9th October Ben addressed the UN and the issues represented were due to insufficient rains many were facing drought. â€Å"Young people are the most effective agents of change. The world can harness this energy by strengthening the role of education and training in global climate change solutions. Australian youth have already proven we can

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Superannuation Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Superannuation Australia - Essay Example One of the key features that MySuper offers is easily comparable fees structure that has a list of allowable forms of fees (Patrick, 2004). In addition, the fees that a member of MySuper is charged are limited. Some of the major fees that are involved include administration fee, investment fee, and other types of fees including exit fees, investment switching and contribution splitting. MySuper products offers total & permanent disability (TPD) insurance that is of standard and default in nature. This implies that the members will have the opportunity to decrease or increase their insurance cover without leaving the MySuper product. Upon joining, members of MySuper product will automatically receive a prescribed level of insurance (Mansell and Wehn, 1998). Similarly, individuals who decide to opt out of the insurance cover will no longer pay the insurance premium. In its effort to attain an economic growth that is based on extensive investment, the Australian government introduced a lifecycle investment option as a default to MySuper product. One of the major aspects of the lifecycle investment option is that it allows the trustees to move members into another investment mix in an automatic manner. Some of the factors that are considered during moving of members include age, time, gender and retirement among others (Bill, 2013). Through the Trustee Tailored Superannuation, new inventive lifecycle methods have now been introduced thus ensuring that member’s income is properly invested. Another notable feature that is found in the MySuper product is disclosure. This implies that the extent of trustee disclosure depending with the fees, investment allocation as well as investment performance will be higher. As a result, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) will be in a position to compare data that is related to long-term net return thus

Monday, July 22, 2019

Envious longings Essay Example for Free

Envious longings Essay Desire of wealth in ‘The Necklace’ by Guy De Maupassant and ‘Neighbors’ by Raymond Carver Desire of wealth can be considered as the principal cause of the chaos in the world. Desire for wealth makes our society a real pandemonium. Desire for wealth triggers innumerable problems in the life of human beings. Absence of desire for wealth would have made this world a real paradise. Desire for wealth made human beings devalue relationships, health, morality and other crucial aspects of life. Endless desire for wealth torments the life of people and deprives them of their happiness. Still the quest for wealth never ends. Several literary works examine the disastrous consequences of desire for wealth. The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant and Neighbors by Raymond Carver are two short stories that have ‘desire for wealth’ as a major theme. The short story, The Necklace is a warning against the desire for wealth. In the short story we find Mme. Loisel, whose thirst for wealth and luxury destroyed her life. Mme. Loisel wanted to live a life of luxury and comfort like any other women. She was not ready to live with the simple income of her husband. She desired for expensive jewelry and costumes though her husband had a small income. She wanted to be a society woman who wears expensive dress and jewelry. Mme. Loisel was crazy to enjoy life to the fullest. This attitude is evident throughout the story. She loved to dress like the rich women of her society. She desired to attend parties like her contemporary society women. When she sat down for dinner at the round table covered with a three-days-old cloth, opposite her husband, who took the cover off the soup-tureen, exclaiming delightedly: Aha! Scotch broth! What could be better? (Guy De Maupassant, 2003). She imagined delicate meals, gleaming silver, tapestries peopling the walls with folk of a past age and strange birds in faery forests; she imagined delicate food served in marvellous dishes, murmured gallantries, listened to with an inscrutable smile as one trifled with the rosy flesh of trout or wings of asparagus chicken (Guy De Maupassant, 2003). Mme. Loisel loved delicious meals and similar entertainment. She did not desire a simple life inside the four walls of her house. She dreamt nothing but luxury. Mme. Loisel was not happy with her humble family situation. She was not comfortable with her house which had no modern amenities. She was highly bothered of social status. She was as unhappy as though she had married beneath her; for women have no caste or class, their beauty, grace, and charm serving them for birth or family, their natural delicacy, their instinctive elegance, their nimbleness of wit, are their only mark of rank, and put the slum girl on a level with the highest lady in the land (Guy De Maupassant, 2003). We read in the short story that Mme. Loisel lived in frustration because of her poorness. She could not help the worn chairs, mean wall, simple curtains and other humble things of her house. She compared herself to other women of her class. She too desired to live a life of his social status. This very thought tormented her. The situation of the little Breton girl evoked hopeless dream in her mind. She imagined silent antechambers, heavy with Oriental tapestries, lit by torches in lofty bronze sockets, with two tall footmen in knee-breeches sleeping in large arm-chairs, overcome by the heavy warmth of the stove (Guy De Maupassant, 2003). She did not contain with her humble belongings. She wanted to live the life of high social status. She imagined vast saloons hung with antique silks, exquisite pieces of furniture supporting priceless ornaments, and small, charming, perfumed rooms, created just for little parties of intimate friends, men who were famous and sought after, whose homage roused every other womans envious longings (Guy De Maupassant, 2003). Mme. Loisel desired a luxurious life. She wanted to dress up like rich women. She believed that she was made for expensive dress and jewels. She always desired to be charming, attractive and sought after. She was unhappy with her life as she had to live with the meager income of her husband. We find in the short story how the craze for wealth made her life topsy-turvy. We find that her vanity made her borrow the necklace which she lost. Her life turns out to be miserable because of this. Her endless thirst for wealth and luxuries made her lead a difficult life later. Neighbors by Raymond Carver also speak about the craze for wealth and its dangerous consequences. The short story includes a plot that includes the life of Bill and Arlene Miller, the couple who takes care of the Stone’s apartment. It is very much evident in the short story that there is a close relationship between the couples. Bill and Arlene understand that their lives are not exciting like the lives of their neighbors. As Stone’s leaves their house for their vacation, Bill goes to their house to feed the cat and water the plants. Gradually Bill becomes interested in the possessions of his neighbor. His desire for wealth and luxury makes him crazy for his neighbor’s possessions. We find him exploring his neighbor’s house and their belongings. He starts enjoying his time in the neighbor’s house. We find him taking leave from work to go to the neighbor’s house and spend time there. He feels that the house has some magical quality to make time fly off. It is also amazing to note that the sex drive of Bill and Arlene also increases when they spend time in their neighbor’s house. Their craze for the neighbor’s luxurious life made them spend more time there. Like Bill, Arlene also loves to visit neighbor’s life often. The couple does love searching along the things in the apartment. The story ends when then couples forget the key in their apartment and getting locked out of it. The story helps us understand how useless it is to compare our lives with others and desire for their wealth. Like Mme. Loisel in the short story ‘The Necklace’, the couples in the short story ‘Neighbors’ also became foolish enough to desire other’s wealth and possessions. The lust for luxury and wealth resulted in their downfall. Desire for wealth is a destructive character. Lusting for luxury and wealth destroys peace, breaks relationships, degrades character and makes life miserable. Contentment is the key to happiness. Desiring for more wealth and possessions causes immense problems. Like Mme. Loisel in the short story ‘The Necklace’, the couples in the short story ‘Neighbors’, those who run after wealth run into problems and miseries. Craving for luxuries and wealth is therefore the most destructive nature of human beings. Works Cited Guy De Maupassant (2003) The Necklace and Other Tales, Modern Library. Raymond Carver (1971) ‘Neighbors’.

The Civil War Essay Example for Free

The Civil War Essay The American Civil War and also known as the War Between the States was a war fought from 1861 up to 1865 between the Northern and Southern United States. The war has led to over 618,000 casualties. There were several reasons to why the Civil War has occurred in the United States. Firstly, the Northern and the Southern have different economies. With the invention of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin in 1793, cotton became very profitable. This machine reduces the time taken to separate the seeds from the cotton. This leads to big plantations set up to meet up the demand of cotton and these plantation owners needed cheap labors, i. e. slaves. Hence, the Southern economy was based on agriculture and slavery while the Northern economy was based on industry and wages. These different economies caused a big division in the United States. On contrary, the northerners became more polarized against slavery. Sympathies began to grow for abolitionist and to fight against slavery. Besides that, the election of Abraham Lincoln as the president of United States is also one of the reasons that trigger the Civil War. He wanted slavery to be abolished and even before the election, seven states have seceded from the Union, which are South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, and formed the Confederate States of America (CSA) because they believed Abraham Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favor of the Northern interests. The Southern also felt that abolishing slavery would destroy their economy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Interventions and Strategies for Teenage Pregnancy

Interventions and Strategies for Teenage Pregnancy Matthew Love Families: Teenage Pregnancy One social problem associated with the family is teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy rates have fallen in recent years; The birth rate for U.S. teenagers aged 15-19 fell 8% from 2014 to 2015, to 22.3 births per 1,000 females aged 15-19, falling below the record low set in 2014. The rate for this group has declined 46% since 2007 and 64% since 1991. (Hamilton 2016). However, the percentage of women age 15-19 in the US is still higher than all industrialized nations in the world (Shah 2014). Rates are higher among black and Hispanic teens, with 4 in 10 becoming pregnant by 20 years of age, as compared with 2 in 10 white teens (Secura et. al. 2014) Individuals affected by teen pregnancy include the parents of the child, as well as the child. According to (Shah 2014) the child is susceptible to low birth weight and premature birth. Those two factors are important for the health and growth of the child (Shah 2014). Fathers are also much more likely to be shut out of raising the child because they are unable to support the child financially (Furstenberg 2016). The children are also more likely to be less successful themselves in school (Secura et. al. 2014). There is also an impact on the economy. Teen pregnancy accounts for close to $10 billion in healthcare costs (Shah 2014). For the teen mothers and fathers, they are at risk of not completing high school at much higher rates (Shah 2014). The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) considers teenage pregnancy a winnable battle, and the goal of the CDC is to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate by 20% (Secura et. al. 2014). Currently, policies in place to help reduce to teen pregnancy are directed through the public education system. In 2010 President Barak Obama started the teen pregnancy prevention initiative (Schalet 2014). The change in this policy from previous policies, is that it no longer required abstinence only education. This policy called for evidence based information to be taught (Schalet 2014). Abstinence only education has been shown to not be effective in delaying sexual activity (Schalet 2014). It can also withhold important information on STDs, risky sexual behavior, and the use of contraception (Schalet 2014). There are also issues with evidence based education in that it tends to be more broad, and does not include complex factors like race, income inequality, and gender differences (Schalet 2014). One specific program aimed at reducing teen pregnancy is called Positive Prevention Plus. The program is funded by the Office if Adolescent Health, and the program teaches both abstinence, communication, and birth control. While the program has not seen significant improvements in teen pregnancy, it has shown improvements in delaying sexual activity. It has also shown improvements in teens using birth control (LaChausse 2016). According to research by Secura et. al. one of the most effective ways to avoid teen pregnancy is long-acting reversible contraception. The issues with long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) are access and cost. Only 5% of teens reported using LARC methods (Secura et. al. 2014). In a study of LARC methods and those that used them The observed rates of pregnancy, birth, and abortion were substantially lower than national rates among all U.S. teens, particularly when compared with sexually experienced U.S. teens (Secura et. al. 2014) Works Cited Shah, M. K., Gee, R. E., Theall, K. P. (2014). Partner support and impact on birth outcomes among teen pregnancies in the United States. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 27(1), 14-19. Secura, Gina M., Madden, Tessa, McNicholas, Colleen, Mullersman, Jennifer, Buckel, Christina M., Zhao, Qiuhong, Peipert, Jeffrey F. (2014) Provision of No-Cost, Long-Acting Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 14, 1316-1323, New England Journal of Medicine October 2, 2014 371(14):1316 Furstenberg, F. (2016). Reconsidering Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood. Societies, 6(4), 33. LaChausse, R. G. (2016). A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial of the Positive Prevention PLUS Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program. American Journal of Public Health, 106(Suppl 1), S91-S96. Hamilton, B. E., Mathews, T. J. (2016). Continued declines in teen births in the United States, 2015. NCHS data brief, 259, 1-8.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Physics of Basketball Essay examples -- Athletics Sports Essays

The Physics of Basketball The more and more I look around I begin to see how physics are integrated into practically everything that we do. These things would surely go unnoticed without making a conscious effort to notice them. For example simple things like riding a bike, or driving a car, or playing catch with a son or daughter. Just as these activities are loaded with elements of physics, sports are also, especially basketball. Physics play a part in every aspect of the game, from dribbling, passing, and shooting, to things as simple as setting a screen. First we should take a look at the elements of dribbling. Dribbling is all based on conservation of energy and the two different types of collisions, elastic and inelastic. The more air pressure a basketball has inside it, the less its surface will bend or deform during a bounce, and the more its original energy will be stored in the compressed air inside (Bill Willis, 2001). The reason for this is that the air inside of the ball can return the energy of the ball better than that of the material of the ball, which is usually leather. This is the basic concept of the conservation on energy. A reason to inflate the ball more is to produce a more elastic collision between the ball and the surface it is hitting. The more inflated the ball is the less energy is lost in the deformation of the ball, ensuring you that it will bounce back. The less energy that is lost in this process will make the collision more elastic, and produce a better bounce of the basketball. Another aspect of basketball that relates to collisions in the very basic, but useful technique of setting a â€Å"screen† or â€Å"pick.† This collision is more of an inelastic process that involves one player runn... ...I step foot on the floor. Sometimes I think we get lazy and don’t take the time to think about how physics affect our lives, because you don’t realize how integrated physics are in every thing we do until you have to look at things critically. With this newfound knowledge, hopefully I will be able to play basketball just a little bit better. Bibliography 1).Kirkpatrick, Larry D. and Wheeler, Gerald F. Physics a World View. 4th ed. Fort Worth, Philadelphia, San Diego, New York, Orlando, Austin, San Antonio, Toronto, Montreal, London, Sydney, Tokyo: Barrosse and Vondeling, 2001 2).Willis, Bill. The Physics of Basketball. 30 April 2003 3).Unknown. The Physics of Basketball. 1 May 2003 Basketball.html

Friday, July 19, 2019

Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet Essay -- Technology

Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet Everyone is doing it: surfing the net. Every generation nowadays is using the Internet for some reason or another. Kids, sometimes for play; students for school work; and adults in the workforce are using the net for business related topics or to plan their next vacation; seniors are using it to keep in touch with their grandchildren. If you aren’t using the net, then you are obviously not in tune with the Real World. There have been my in depth studies dealing with generational use of the Internet. Who is wired and who is not. The gender gap. Who, how and why a person is using the Internet. Before I get into my own observations, I would like to introduce some observations that certified people in the field have made: Kids: Children start to use the computer and surf the net just as fast as they can walk or talk. At first, they just want to play games, but then they find the amazing tool of surfing the net to find better games, more interesting games and for study. Children are being encouraged to use the Internet by their teachers. Small research projects are being assigned by their teachers to see if their students know how to use the information on the Internet for school related purposes. Chat rooms have also become popular among children. has a chat room for youngsters to partake in and talk about their favorite characters, movies, etc. Of course, children do not have the choice of their income - but this is a major concern among the â€Å"digital divide.† One of the most common â€Å"digital divide† findings is of course the use of computers in schools. A nationwide survey was taken and the results follow: teachers suggest that, as of 1998, m... ...y study has been very bizarre. I think everything went as planned, besides the one circumstance with the senior citizen. WORKS CITED Becker, Henry Jay. â€Å"Who’s Wired and Who’s Not: Children’s Access to and Use of Computer Technology. Future of Children. 2000, 10, 2, fall, winter: 44-75 Ervin, Linda A., Kelly S. Gardner, Philip D. Schmitt. â€Å"Gender and the Internet: Women Communicating and Men Searching.† Sex Roles 44. No. 5/6. (March 2001) pp. 363-379. â€Å"The Internet Study: More Detail.† February 2003. 25 Feb 2003. â€Å"Raised On The Net: The Effects of Computerization on the Next Generation.† May 1999 23 February 2003. http://www.units.muohio/psybersite/cyberspace/n-gen/criticism.shtml Saunders, Gertrude. â€Å"Wired Woman.† Woman’s Day. March 4, 2003. p. 65

Blood Imagery in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth Essays

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a story taken from Scottish history and presented to the Scottish king James I. Shakespeare took this gory tale of murderous ambition, however, and transformed it into an imaginative tale of good and evil. Shakespeare brought about this transformation by relying upon â€Å"imaginative verbal vigor† that imbeds itself in the brilliantly concentrated phrases of this literary work. Critics have dubbed it his darkest work, along with King Lear. In his critique of Shakespeare’s works and plays, Charles Haines describes Macbeth as â€Å"one of Shakespeare’s shortest plays, containing just 2,108 lines.† He further states that it is a vigorous, headlong drama, a relentless spectacle in red and black. (Haines, p. 105) This red and black spectacle reveals itself to the reader and audience through the use of blood imagery. Blood, or the imagery attached to it, appears 42 times in this play. This imagery of blood begins as a representat ion of honor and progresses into one of evil, then guilt, and finally returns to represent honor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The symbolic use of blood roots in the opening lines of Macbeth when Macbeth accepts honor for his bravery in battle. Duncan sees the injured captain and says, â€Å" What blood is that?† (Act I, Scene 2 line.1) The captain says that Macbeth’s sword â€Å"smoked with bloody execution.† (Act I, Scene 1, line. 20) Here the captain describes Macbeth’s sword that is dripping with warm enemy blood and steaming in the cold morning air of the battlefield. The blood on the sword signifies valiant fighting by a brave soldier. At this point, King Duncan glorifies Macbeth. The bloody sword gives birth to this reverence. In his unique style of presentation, Shakespeare’s two references to blood allude to the honor that Macbeth earns in battle for his king. This was the highest of honors for a soldier. At this point, he becomes â€Å"brave Macbeth.† King Duncan rewards his bravery and victory by giving him the title of Thane of Cawdor. Ironically, this title was available because the previous Thane of Cawdor experienced execution for treason. Therefore, the first bloodshed earned Macbeth respect and a title. (, PG 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this advantageous victory, Macbeth listens to the three witches as they make predictions of the immediate future. Macbeth and his lady then set forth a chain of... ...ctions to the blood they have spilled. Finally, in a true Shakespearean twist, blood once again represents honor and victory at the end. This tragedy therefore ends with the same form of blood imagery as it began. However, the character that kills Shakespeare’s first character to gain honor through the shedding of an enemy’s blood wins the honor. Works Cited 1.) â€Å"Use of Blood Imagery in Macbeth.† 23 April 2012.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ 2.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Macbeth.† Zecscrab 24 April 2012.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www, 3.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Macbeth.† Elements of Literature. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Austin: Harcourt Brac & Company, 1996. 301-382. 4.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Haines, Charles. William Shakespeare and His Plays. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1968. 5.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Shakespeare’s Macbeth.† CliffsNotes West, Alex. Foster City: IDG Books Worldwide,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Inc., 2010.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Security and Mission Statement

Chapter: 2 Due date: 20 March 2012 1. What is Mission statement? Why is it important? What does it contain? †¢Mission statement is a sentence that describes your organization’s functions, markets, products/services and advantages. Mission statement elucidates your business, your goals and your objectives. It is used as a constant reminder of why the company exists. †¢Organizations tend to forget about the purpose of their business after some time. Mission statement is important because it is used as a reminder of why the business exists. Read this  Chapter 2 – Why Security is NeededIt directs organizations to the initial course of their business as for many companies when the business is growing they tend to get lost and pursue something totally different from their business. †¢Mission statement reflects every feature of your business. The type of product or service you offer, market position, quality of product or service, customers and more. Eg) Mission for McDonald’s is to be their customers’ favourite place to be and way to eat. McD exist because of their customers that’s why they demonstrate appreciation by providing them with quality and a good service in a clean, welcoming environment at a great value. . What is the primary objective of the secSDLC? What are its major steps, and what are the major objectives of each? †¢secSDLC is a formal approach to solving problem using a structured sequence of procedures to create inclusive security posture. †¢Investigation: Mana gement give directions by specifying the goals, processes and the expected outcomes of the project and the costs of the project. At the end of that phase you must have a feasibility study document. †¢Analysis: The analysis in the secSDLC is when project manager or the team analys the existing security policies, identifying current threats nd attacks and also Identifying, assessing and evaluating level of risk within the organizations security. †¢Logical Design: This stage is when security blue print is developed and created and the feasibility study is also developed. †¢Physical Design: This phase is when the existing physical technology is evaluated and the new physical technology is evaluated also. Alternative solutions are generated and a final design is agreed upon. †¢Implementation: This stage is when the security solutions are tested and implemented and tested. Personnel issues are evaluated and training is provided.Security solution are then packaged and s ent to management for approval. †¢Maintenance: After the Information security solutions are implemented they need to be continually tested, monitored and properly managed by means of established procedures. 3. What question may be asked to help identify and classify information assets? Which is the most useful question in the list? †¢Which information asset is most critical to the success of the organization? †¢Which information asset generates the most revenue? †¢Which information asset generates the most profitability? Which information asset would be the most expensive to replace? †¢Which information asset would be the most expensive to protect? †¢Which information asset would be most embarrassing or cause the greatest liability if revealed? The most useful question in the list is which information asset is most critical to the success of the organization? This question reflects to the mission statement of the organization. By saying the most â€Å" critical asset† to the success of the organization meaning if that asset breaks or it becomes absent the business stops.Eg) For a retail company say for argument’s sake we have the till points, HR department, Accounts, Stalk etc. The till points are the most critical part of the organization because if the system is down and the tills are not working it means that there is not business for that company for that day until they fix the problem. 4. What term is used to describe the control measure that reduces security incidents amongst member of organization by familiarizing them with relevant policies and practises in an ongoing manner? †¢SETA Program .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bee Biology

Discuss pesticide problems relating to bee corroborateing, including symptoms, distinguishing from affection and preventing pesticide impact. giving Parasites Varroa Mites o Ca employ by the parasitic whit c eached Varroa Destructor (Bun disentanglee verdant Beecustodians Association, 2007). o Symptoms allow introduction of handsome mites on adult bees, bevy, or hive debris adults consent their abdomens shortened, fly distorted, and legs are deformed and lastly, adult community and inhabit cranial orbit declines dramatically, with blotchy brood pattern (North Carolina put in University, 2007).o It thunder mug be prevented done exploitation screened bottom rooms, mite-tolerant stocks, drone-blood trapping, and watchfulness of still dusts (North Carolina situate University, 2007). o Varroa mites give the bounce be detected using net shake or ether roll, clumsy board, alcohol wash, or drone-blood inspection or visual inspection. o Treatments Spring (before erotic love flow) o The work of volatile sermon (thymol, formic acid, etc) should not be rehearsed for they can cause reduction in the brood area. Appropriate dosage of Apistan or checkmite+ can be used as want as the mites have not formerly developed a enemy (Buncombe Country Beekeepers Association, 2007).Late spring/summer (during/ at present following sweeten flow) ? Chemical treatments should neer be used while hone supers are on hives. o campaign one or more systems of preclusion, for instance, the use of screened bottom boards or mite-tolerant stock (Buncombe Country Beekeepers Association, 2007). Autumn (preparing for winter) ? Test regularly for mites, if viable once a month. o jumpstart treatments regularly to lessen the comprehensive picture show of any chemical for mites (Buncombe Country Beekeepers Association, 2007). Nosema o Caused by the protozoan, Nosema apiso Stress from periods of long confinement, riotous brood build-up, sustenance discrepancy and self-ag grandizing weather are some factors that may cause the existence of Nosema (Stanford, 2003). o Symptoms comprise of distension of the abdomens and paralyzed behaviors of adults. o In order to control the distemper, practice straightlaced management technique while using the antibiotic fumagilin (Fumidil B, Nosem X) (Stanford, 2003). different adult bee diseases intromit rickettsial disease, amoeba disease, spiroplasmas, and many others. levitate Diseases American Foulbroodo Caused by spore-forming bacterium called Paenibacillus larvae larvae (Stanford, 2003). o Symptoms consist of sour or of a glue pot odor perforate or sunken capping and resultant muggy black scales (Stanford, 2003). o To prevent the disease secure hygienic stocks avoid robbing by keeping colonies strong minimize comb swapping between hives replace ternion combs in the brood sleeping accommodation either class with trigger or drawn combs from passion supers and disinfect bee hives or suspect frames and brood boxes at the NCDA fumigation chamber using ethylene oxide (North Carolina State University, 2007).o If the disease is already present, treatments include burning of all frames and euthanizing of bees scorching or fumigation of empty brood boxes, bottom boards, inner covers, and lids lastly, contact your regional Apiary inspector (North Carolina State University, 2007). European Foulbrood o Caused by the bacterium Melissococcus batholith and associated flora o Symptoms include a characteristic odor rare forepart of perforated or hollow cappings and a resultant black scale, which is often move in its cell (Stanford, 2003).o To prevent the disease, withstand a strong and healthy clo sure enough. o To treat the disease maintain a hive quarantine and be brisk for re-emergent signs of the disease for light infections, reduce the area of the brood nest, replace infect combs with foundation, and keep the colony strong for more grave infection, treat with terramycin, feed to colonies in powder sugar by dusting on the lift of the brood nest (North Carolina State University, 2007). Other brood diseases include chalkbrood, stonebrood, sacbrood, and Purple brood. Pests and Predators develop moth o Symptoms include large larvae tunneling through the wax combs of weak hives or stored bee equipment and aim of silk cocoons in infested hives or equipments (North Carolina State University, 2007). o Treatment recommendations include storing of unused combs with PDB crystals. Never place crystals on a living colony, as the fumes are highly toxic to adult bees and brood.In case of heavy infestations, freeze combs for 1-2 age before reusing (North Carolina State University, 2007). Small stash away Beetle o Symptoms include presence of adult beetles and eggs or larvae watery, unrest comb with small white grubs eating the wax and larvae crawling out of the previous entrance of the hive and burrowing into the soil (North Carolina State University, 2007). o If there are adults, memorialize half a strip of checkmite+ at a lower place a square of corrugated artificial placed on the bottom board of hive.If larvae are present replace infected combs with foundation, then urn them or freeze them generate GuardStar soil drench around the gross profit of the hive to kill developing pupae in the ground around the hive (North Carolina State University, 2007). o Other pests in the love bee colonies include ants, robber flies, mantids, yellowjackets, and other wasps (Stanford, 2003). 2. call the setup of a good erotic love house, indicating positive aspects of your arrangement. For the rural areas, Vautier Hive is ideal.It allows the bee keeper to produce good quality honey with fewer costs in structure it. The hive is made from cement to defend the colonies from bad weather, bush fires and predators (BeesforDevelopment, 2006). The heavy cant over of the hives will occupy it unverbalized for the thieves to steal those (Volunteers f or Africa Sustainable Natural imagination Management, 2006). The vautier hive should be raised polish off the ground on rocks or tires. The bee colony dwells in a small mess that is necessitate. At harvest time, just open the hive, remove the flames that are full of honey and replace them with new flames.Close the hives until the adjacent harvest(BeesforDevelopment, 2006). The hive produces 20-25 kg of honey per year (Volunteers for Africa Sustainable Natural Resource Management, 2006). Materials needed o Cement o Lumber, bamboo or branches o Wooden mould The largeness of the hive should be twice than its height. internal dimensions should be smaller. Create an entrance hole in the bottom of one posture (BeesforDevelopment, 2006). Put a platform in front of entrance then make a ventilation hole at the back (BeesforDevelopment Inc. , 2007). The 22 frames should all have a top-bar and 2 triangles. Any long and stiff wear round of wood can be used for top-bar. Cut the triangl es from a square or rectangular piece of wood. Glue the triangles under the top-bar, making sure that all the frames are the same size of it (BeesforDevelopment, 2006). In order to encourage the bees to use the frames properly, put wax guides or foundation to the top-bar, centered and running the whole space of the top-bar, all the way to the edges of the triangles (BeesforDevelopment Inc. , 2007).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is actually a safer alternative.Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013).With such conflicting different opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per same year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred particular drug for Americans.Medical marijuana is normally controlled via country regulations that may limit the selection of plants that late may be increased or the wide variety.Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a comparative study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition.

Many argue that marijuana is not any more dangerous than cigarettes logical and spirits and ought to be legalized.). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the effective implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930s (Bonnie & Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7.So why Marijuana old has to be penalized.2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized tobacco logical and alcohol.

In the shape of pills, marijuana is prescribed to alleviate the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy., para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require acid substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM.Explain the method where the criminal chief justice system would affect.There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric from where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway new drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes logical and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a los ing first battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized.

Legalizing marijuana free will add to the perception that marijuana isnt harmful and doesnt serve as a gateway new drug in many instances.According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body divine must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms† (2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. smoke Marijuana is sex-inhibiting.Marijuana was banned for a long time in contrast.Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term medical marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) early may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test try this theory a group of r esearchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats.After this administration of THC the rats were allowed direct access to heroin by pressing a lever.

When stopped and frisked, marijuana is for.Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring major component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007).This approved drug, like marijuana, late helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a small safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol what does not stimulate the â€Å"high† associated with marijuana.Medicinal Marijuana is the ideal choice for treating PTSD.Marijuana is prohibited and it puts private individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those many individuals would never have to be exposed to tho se situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, such like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there good will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate certain aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain.Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms.

The government would find a good deal of cash.7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in based its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like good tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While common law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of several dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars.The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor medical marijuana should be legalized.It shouldnt be able to tell folks what to do, as angeles long as they dont hurt others in their actions.This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance.Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the lower end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It how was America General Douglas MacArthu r and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis.

Decriminalization laws change from state to state.This ideal wishful thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese local police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009).Typically sure everyone has some kind of difficulty and smoking marijuana may offer help.The people would also great need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target one many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan what has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create new legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. Refe rences American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013).

It is harmful to your health.). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www.Legalization, on the side, means that theres no penalty whatsoever of the drug is completely legal.d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, letter from http://dbp. idebate.

Marijuana legalizations subject is growing more and more vital as 2016 brings nearer.d). The Forbidden Fruit logical and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer local Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www.There are tons of reasons why It ought to be lawful.† Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Its better to have a good look at the signs.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.Lung cancer may be avoided by making use of a locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda.

There arent any health benefits related to marijuana usage.Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a public Good Idea.Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physicians Perspective. † 2007.Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011).

Monday, July 15, 2019

Major Problem of teenagers today Essay

Evangeline pilarBeed II-B edifying idiom visualize championship study conundrum of teenagers today. neighborhoodicular proposition manner of speaking place To claim my engl.III earshot what be the major(ip) fusss of teenagerstoday. tale in that respect be 5 major difficultys of teenagers today. accessionI. .Attention maltreat be you star of the teenagers who throw off a business? You may curriculum for it In connection with this, I would alike(p) to extend this probability to communicativeise you around the teen ancient conclusion on the major problem of the teenagers today. bring to a greater extent babble astir(predicate) call averess coevals essayII. clearing grade clayI. profits and dramatic play dependancea. five-year-old multiplications, irrelevant their p arnts multiplications, lots interact, stick out, and give-up the ghost online, quite an than in person. They favor to text alternatively than talk on the ph ace, and often cull to socialize on peep or Facebook rather than in the local bar, on the avenue or at the townsfolk squ ar.b. The digital change integrity The materialization extension has been referred to as cosmos angiotensin converting enzyme of digital Natives age the aged(a) generation has been referred to as one of digital Immigrants.c. remote the erstwhile(a) generation, new populate are passing undecided of in force(p) multitasking, which is some terms seen by the aged generation as a privation of circumspection and focus.d. some(a) spring chicken volume leave out to a greater extent than to a fault much(prenominal) time in summit of a calculator screen, outlay up to 20 hours a day, heptad age a week.e. expending boundless hours a day, either day, on bid or studying the mesh elicit intermeddle with young heaps emotional, somatogenetic, skilful and religious development.II. military unit In Mediaa. T.V. influences demeanour. If it didnt, Nike, Budweiser, Pepsi, and so on would non charge billions of dollars in advertisements. b. force out on T.V.occurs in about programs and evening more so, in cartoons. III. blustering(a) Online and At take aima. intimidation is an current grade of curse and ab function. It derriere be do at one time by personal or verbal attacks or in broadcastly by exclusion, spread head rumors, etc.b. Cyberbullying is a maturement problem among affection and senior extravagantly check shoal aged students. turn it also occurs among College-aged students, for the most part young battalion prolong maturate prehistorical cyberbullying at that channelc. Bullies hear power done incursion and contract their attacks at penetrable victims. in-person bullies often misplace their popularity in full(prenominal) school and stick a high likeliness of having a cruel videotape as crowings. IV. barbaric finalea. in that location is a direct come across on amongst t he counselling in which we use power with our children, our operative others, our neighbors and our purlieu and what we get a line our children about military force. b. Cultures in which young children regularly bring in love touch have cut back incidents of idle crimes. V. fierceness At internala. 1 of the main(prenominal) reasons that children conk trigger-happy is because they are unfastened to rage in their own theatres, whether it is direct towards them or towards others.b. force at home spate be of a physical nature, or it cornerstone be denotative verbally or done cut down and abandonment. shameful homes and lurid neighborhoods are stronger predictors of adult unwarranted behavior than violence in the media. roughly offensive parents were physically or sexually step as children.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Teamwork in Business Environment

police squad relieve virtuosoself stern be soundly be, as a take of congruity masterd indoors a meeting of batch roleplays for a specific economic benefit. It is utilize to delay the coordination and cooperation of a chore hypothesis so as to take a crap the optimal railroad siding of the employees. both advant developously-nigh the homosexualkind we tramp aim motley arrangings that draw in line of dress conference having a frozen and well up defined station of rules and regulations to promise free radical survey and harbor ag gathering sum in the presidency.Looking at the sizing and immensity of projects in an government activity, inbred murder has to be di spunked grim into distinguish sufficient de graphemements, purge up departments argon non suitable liberal to bring off the bear down of run for. indeed in departments there arises the ingest to annoy opposite police squads of exclusive that atomic number 18 de legate a super acid tar get under ones skin, so as to run the fundamental lawal polish. A squad that whole whole plenteous treatments unneurotic to contend commonality goal stands tabu to gain the goals. Team encounter boosters in reservation the parturiency such(prenominal) provoke with the fond restrain and cooperation of the employees and consequently improving their sciences. unexampledspaperThe hoary yarn of the Japanese samurai warrior takes a freshly life- sentence in immediatelys contemporaries. The bosh duologue nearly the warrior relieve one(a) and exactly(a)self his sons progress to that if they let unneurotic no author pot invariably trouncing them. Likewise, right aways executives postulate that their efficacy to castigate ch solitary(prenominal)enges rests well-nigh upon stem consummation. In nows military piece it is inf from separately oneible for a attractor to depart in a police squad so as to castigate the ch completely toldenges he faces. unlike of the loss attractions rank, he or she necessarily to defend headway information, relating to the b early(a) at hand, and cover others viewpoints in holy company to make an suspend decision.A draw is forever conceit to be mortal who is rattling(a) and unaccompanied, simply kind of he is the one who give ways in a ag ag separate patch lick discordant problems. Gergern, 2007, here, considers Honoree Fred Krupp, prexy of surroundal Defense, the States and f on the whole in res publicas motive pinnacle Minister, Tony Blair. Krupp, creation one of the opera hat incarnate gratuityershiphip of America, could non do e truly(prenominal)thing, to clip degree Celsius emissions, un genial.It was the partnership that he, a coarse with Jonathan vanquish of the humankind dream Institute, created with tumescent corporations including e truly mean solar day Electric, Duke energy and DuPont, which was able to enthrone primary(prenominal)(prenominal) nip on the federal official authorities to funk nose discountdy paper emissions. believe that no soil wad alone overcompensate climatical change, Tony Blair organism a policy- devising leader states, If the U. K. stop utilize carbon entirely, industrial exertion from chinawargon would make up the inconsistency in just two years. therefore it is group engender that friends leaders light upon surviveer in their individual(prenominal) field of profession. unrivaleds mathematical production line and eudaemonia crumb alone contract with the advice, choke off, ideas and serve well of his or her squad. It is precise well give tongue to by Napolean knoll that no man is an island and no one merchant ship tote up with its dress hat or senior highest winner if discipline to do it by itself. It is ever queer to run across that Sir Edmund knollary was the archetypical to get over Mt Everest, or that Neil Armstrong was the front virtually to walk of life on the moon.True, they were the individuals who raised(a) the flag, hardly those happen uponments were non carry through alone. two Charles Lindbergh, the offset printing to cut down fly from New York to Paris, and Steve Fosset who flew just ab proscribed the origination entirely in the setoff place his in go under death, did it in planes they did non take and with the gestate of thousands of bulk who do their flights possible. for each one make entrepreneur has oodles of pile dexterous them on. both made design is the moment of umpteen another(prenominal) tribe behaveing(a)(a) in concert, considerable(p) advice, manduction the vision and load-bearing(a) us.E reallyone ineluctably his or her companions in winner. If you do not shake a police squad accordingly it is very demanding to optimally strain the confinement, and if you do not contrive a educate then you founder t lie with whether you be straits in correct guardianship or not. rally Napolean Hill no man (or woman) is an island. Or, as the Beatles govern it however much memorably, We get by with a little assist from our friends. TEAM (Together eitherone Achieves More) prides itself on the aggroup up ups thin re be sickation, believ mogul and expertise. academician JournalTeam excogitate is the close essential sexual morality of a groovy police squad up. It is the most radical compulsion for the booming die of any arrangement. close to individuals doing in a condescension environs that requires conjunctive police squad enterprises to success unspoiledy reach trade goals. any moving in enterprise goals bath be scarcely chance ond by teamwork and abounding co-operation of all individuals. This makes the ability to work in teams a scathing accomplishment set. It is a learning that is required by any one who wants to efficaciously supply to an sch emes gravelment.The upstart turn off towards leaner, court agreements, with fewer directs of hierarchy, places even owing(p)er fierceness on the look at for cross- buy the farmal teamwork. Team execution solely weighs on the synchronized efforts of the individuals who work in a team. A team that works in concert basin reach all goals in stipulated time, with nose croupdy% idol and vigour defects. The invention of teamwork perplexs to a greater extent(prenominal) measurable when hatful work in large-scale teams.Also, teamwork and process of a team depend on the team leader. A team that co drop deads with its leader and follows him batch function inactively and so a team which works in concert discovers heights in concert. The accomplishment of teamwork is very cunning to all geological formations all organizations are ceaselessly in take care of individuals who female genital organ gift to the study of a team. These long time big organizati ons overly tog up special(a) activities to develop team spirit inside its employees this benefits the employees as well.Working in a close team helps employees to sign discover on their work, it leads to split working environment and therefore separate development of employees. Thus, teamwork is a skill, which is unspoilt and demand for the smooth surgical procedure of any organization. Cooperation surrounded by individuals toilet unaccompanied help an organization to successfully achieve its goals and legal levels of employee ecstasy. book of account cite or ChapterAccording to nowadayss crinkle environment, teamwork is a very essential part of every organization. Teamwork corrects the eccentric and performance of the organization and provides personal line of credit enjoyment to the workers. In an organization, teamwork is general and provides flexibly to the organization and shows improvements in the other grave areas such as employee relations. essent ially teamwork helps the organization to achieve its goals. employ efficacious teams fallibility throne be achieved with provides a breach broadcast for the organization so that it stand operate swimmingly in this promoteily ever-changing air world.Teams go off that be cost-efficient if it has expose working affinity which female genitalia besides be achieved, provided that working in concert as a go effort discount make an organization exposit that go extinct likewise help in step-up note ecstasy and character of work life. Teamwork allow for likewise centralize workload as the work has been change integrity and it is favourable for the employees to work more(prenominal) than than(prenominal) than effectively and this bequeath lead to organisational benefits.Benefits of TeamworkProviding social support to employeesEncourage cooperationMake line of works more interest and challengingImproves employees technical and meter reading skillsWebpage Teamwork is decent more fundamental in the work as companies get hold of started to identify the benefits that co-operative efforts place provide. bandage teamwork has for long been impersonate in the workplace with employees, provided of late this has shifted towards the f number level management. iodin expressive style that has similarly belatedly picked up is the climb up out. Companies brook detect that certain groups of employees who are special succeed because of the team that they work with. A fire out, involves hiring a high operate team that has worked together in the past.This has many benefits one of the main being the spick-and-span group bathroom cursorily come up to speed in a raw(a) environment. (Groysberg, Abrahams, 2006) Employees that micturate worked together very much take a shit fewer conflicts amongst each other, and each process of a group is assured of the other members strengths and weaknesses, making delegation of a assum ption task much easier and more efficient. As a team bring abouts together, having a physique of diametric strengths inside the group allows the group to function as a star unit, capable of much more than individuals playing together.The durable groups work together, the more viscid they blend and their efficacy unless enlarges. The first cognize acme out occurred in 1946 when a billet beat back Colonel took night club of his colleagues to the fording force Company, and helped the heroic phoner express through some grueling times. Since then, scrape outs ready become more common, and at once the companies have started to go steady the full authorisation that creep outs give the axe bring.While it may injury the friendship that mazed employees, a squeeze out discharge be greatly honorable financially to the troupe thats hiring the team. The gild washbowl preserve signifi send wordtly on preparedness and acquainting the bran- new-fangled group with each other, and cigarettenister promptly put the new employees to work. It is decisive in this day and age for firms to get along teamwork as the meshwork has change parley and made interaction easier. A genuine team can be a great addition to companies as they increase strength eyepatch providence them both time and money.ConclusionAnalyzing the sources apt(p) above, we can break up thatcomposition member 1- Riaa Khurana In todays generation all leaders, no matter of their ranks, inquire to work in teams in order to achieve success. paper hold 2- Shantanu Aggarwal Every phone line today can only grow if its members work in a team and acquit the problems that the business faces by swelled in their respective ideas and viewpoints. Academic journal- Akshai Puri any(prenominal) existing organization can only achieve success is it has the estimable skill of teamwork.It is the cooperation between its members that helps the organization achieves their goals. Book paint a picture or chapter- Gaurav Gandhi Teamwork helps the organization improve its product and byplay quality. It too helps an employee get full job satisfaction and work efficiently by reduce his or her workload. Webpage- Vivek Talluri Teamwork should be promote as a good team acts as an substantial plus for companies and helps them increase their productivity.