Saturday, August 31, 2019
Debate Winners Summary Essay
Over the past few weeks, my group and I have been in a constant debate about the pros and cons of legalizing guns in the United States. This has been a constant debate that has been going on for sometime now. My group and I had the opportunity to really explore both sides thoroughly. It was amazing to find out the citizens of America were truly divided on the decision for guns to be legalized. According to The Resnick articile (1999), In 2008, the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for private use within the home in federal enclaves. In 2010, in McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. __ (2010), the Supreme Court held that the right of an individual to keep and bear arms protected by the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states. That American citizens have a right to own firearms is conclusive and irrefutable. Due to this argument, it’s only right for the people of America to embrace the right to protect your homes and family by having the right to purchase a weapon. People also value the right to have a gun for personal pleasure. There are men and women that enjoy the sport of hunting and those of us that love to go out to a range and shoot at target. According to The Pros & Cons (2014), if we opt not to legalize guns, we would potentially increase Black Market trade and ruin commercial trade, hinder evidence for prosecution, influence effects of socialism and totalitarianism to be seen upon a country’s social and government infrastructures. Some people view guns as not being safe at all. People feel there aren’t enough restrictions for guns. There are far too many people with criminal backgrounds that have direct access to guns. Guns have been viewed as being an addition to violence. Over the years, we’ve seen children shooting children with their parent’s gun. Guns are easily accessible on the Black Market. Terrorists are utilizing guns to bully our citizens. According to Messerli (2012), Suicides and crimes of passion are higher with gun availability, as it’s much easier to act immediately on your impulses when a gun is available. As we can see, one could argue that we should ensure that guns remain legal in the U.S. and one could argue that we shouldn’t. Based on the information read, my team and I have come to the conclusion that the pros to legalizing guns should definitely win this argument. No one wants to violate the rights of the men and women of America. Reference Resnick, R. (1999). The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable. Retrieved from The Pros & Cons (2014, January 29). Pros and Cons: Gun Control. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from Messerli, J. (2012). Retrieved from
Friday, August 30, 2019
Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 Essay
The law allowed an increased cost exemption, which stated that employers that can demonstrate a one percent or more rise in costs due to parity implementation will be allowed to exempt themselves from the law. The Mental Health Parity Act did not include rules for service charges, designations for the number of inpatient hospital days or outpatient visits that must be covered, coverage in connection with Medicare or Medicaid, restrictions on a health insurance plan’s ability to manage care, and coverage for treatment of substance abuse or chemical dependency. I do not think that the Mental Health Parity Act was successful, because there are many people still in this world who don’t have insurance have to pay more than what people with insurance do. Even some people with insurance have to pay a lot out of pocket for services. Even when it was still in act, it only took effect to people with major disabilities. This left most of the population having to pay for many of the services themselves.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Environment Impact Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Environment Impact Report - Essay Example Thus, the consumption habits and lifestyle of the modern consumers are leading to a waste problem, all over the world, particularly in areas where there is heightened population. Although, authorities will normally allocate local garbage dumps and small-scale as well as large-scale waste dumping sites or landfill sites for dumping and collection of wastes, the ever growing quantity of wastes is pushing these facilities over their limits. With the existing facilities unable to accommodate the inflowing wastes, new sites are being developed. The problem with these just dumping sites is that, because of untidy, unhygienic and even infected nature of the wastes, it could have negative impact on ecosystems as well as living conditions of the people. Thus, with shortage of dumping sites and its negative effects, authorities are looking at options, which can dispose the wastes easily and can also recycle the wastes for electricity generation. Waste management process involves the collection of the wastes, transportation of it, processing of it and finally disposing it one form or other. This Waste management process differs from developed countries to non-developed countries, from urban areas to rural areas. With the urban areas in developed countries generating high quality of wastes, particular waster management processes has to be established there. These processes apart from disposing wastes will have the ability to produce other energy sources particularly electricity and steam power. In that direction, a development consortium has plans wishes to construct and maintain an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) in the south east of Sheffield. To be located in an area of derelict land at Holbrook, this ERF facility can dispose of sizable municipal wastes of the surrounding areas, and at the same time, generate sizable electricity, which can be used to run the facility, excess of which can also be given to the public electricity grid. In EPF facility, the processing of the waste and the eventual electricity generation can be carried through a multitude of processes. In that direction, the local authorities have concluded that the wastes can be processed through a mix of processes including materials recycling, composting, energy recovery and anaerobic digestion. The proposal is to establish two-stream ERF having a capacity to process 28 tonnes of household and other municipal wastes per hour. Apart from this ERF facility and other facilities for administration and maintenance of this ERP facility, there will also be steam turbine generator that will only generate the electrical power for use in the plant and to export the remaining to the public supply grid. Among the administrative buildings, there will be an education building which will have good educational resources to teach and equip the employees, as well as the facilities to conduct research by the external visitors, engineers and other technical persons. So, the scope of this project does no t get limited to a particular area in Sheffield, but also extends to a wider area, benefiting many other individuals as well. In addition, there are plans to landscape the surrounding areas with trees and plants, so any carbon dioxide emissions from the facility can be absorbed by those trees itself. This way, the carbon imprint of the ERF facility in the Sheffield area will be
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Jazz music concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jazz music concert - Essay Example Jack Jones jazz band among others. As usual, the weekend of 27th June was no exceptional, Jack Jones band was competing with a new band in town called Ron Carter trio band. Both bands are led by Jack and Carter respectively. Jones performed some of his newly composed music jazz genre, and he tried convince the whole crowd why he wanted his band to be recognised the best band in jazz music. His music was well orchestrated and organised with most of the instrument tuned to their right tune, played in the right keys and rhythm. Indeed Jones band members tried to remain on the right keynotes always throughout the music play. However, there rose a problem when the saxophone player went off key, perhaps it was because of a change of song since it was a three-music nonstop competition.Ron Carter trio band, led by Carter, was as well on its right step to fight for their best position in the whole arena of jazz music. The team was similarly organised with all the instruments arranged in a wel l-choreographed manner to produce the best synchronised music. Their lead soloist was well prepared, and it seemed all went well for the band until some few minute to end when the lead guitar man played an off key note resulting to the presentation to halt for some few minutes to correct the mistake before restarting.In comparing both the presentation, I can start with analysing the first presentation of Jones.It was only interfered with the slight discord that was played by the saxophone player.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business organization and Operations Management Case Study
Business organization and Operations Management - Case Study Example In this management style, the cloth retailers in UK especially the Moss Bros (which also operates Cecil Gee) management and staff work together as a group so as to harmonize operations such as deciding what should be invested in to the operation arrangement such as workforce, material, apparatus, power and how these resources can be easily be acquired and used to ensure that finished products meet the requirements of consumers, for instance the plan to sale of Cecil Gee and specialize in franchise business. The main aspects that should be addressed by the managers in charge of the operations management in Moss Bros are, speed, quality, dependability, cost and flexibility. Quality factor addresses the relevant or required standards in a product; speed addresses the time taken for operations to offer what is required; dependability is the extent to which the organization can be relied upon to deliver the pledges it makes to clients; flexibility addresses how fast a company can change its operations to meet new demand requirements; cost is the expenditure used up in operations and this requires that management understands these concepts for better management and organization (Galloway et al 2000). Due to the increasing economic problems in the whole world, there Moss Bros has out in place to improve its operations. The management operations in this cloth retailer was integrated to include features like empowering the executive team, simplifying the business operations especially the main sub sections; Moss, Hugo Boss and Cecil Gee, improving the product portfolio, exhibition and availability plus improving the cost effectiveness and enhancing the business efficiency (The Moss Bros Plc 2003). Since the appointment of Adrian Wright at the chief executive in the year 2002, the executive has been improving steadily; other appointments included the appointment of Philip Mountford as trading director who has a strong background in brand development, development and implementation of strategies for chains supplies. This is exactly the type of expertise that Moss Bros needed by that time to help it reduce the risk by reducing the uncertainties in the demand of clothes in the UK market. Another notable executive to be appointed was Roddy Murray as the finance director, the same year; he announced that the company had a stock of about 2.3 million sterling pounds worth of suit fabric, an amount that had decreased by less than half a million pounds in the 2004 second quarter (The Moss Bros Plc 2003). This accomplishment was attributed to the well defined supply chain operations as the company was generally aware that the adoption of market pull as a strategy would be more beneficial compared to product push. The process of business operations has been simplified since it was getting complicated because of the many formats used in the operations under different fascias which could lead to confusion in product offering and inconsistency (Galloway et al 2000). Efficient business operations has been integrated into the company's operations by the strong executive team enabling the firm to
Monday, August 26, 2019
A discussion of a contemporary play by an Asian or Asian-American Essay
A discussion of a contemporary play by an Asian or Asian-American playwright - Essay Example truggling; a forty year old mother, who sacrificed everything for her family; a forty five year old carpenter, who wants to promote his ancestors’ arts; director Ma is fifty years old and is very bold and flaunt-natured. Name of each character shows appearance of people belonging to their specific age groups. They are waiting for a never arriving bus; if, by any chance, it arrives, it never stops for its passengers. The place where eight characters are desperately waiting is a bus stop; however, the bus almost never arrives at this bus stop, and when it does, it passes by without stopping. There are two iron railings where time and again all the passengers ask each other to form a queue. Sign board is almost erased due to being so old, and people wait for endless hours on the bus stop and then leave without ever catching a bus. Time is passing very slowly and the waiting passengers are looking at their watches over and over again. Somebody says it’s an hour, another says that a whole year has elapsed. In China, the most common and most convenient way of traveling is through bus, and, therefore, people from every class use it quite often. That is why whatever is happening at the bus stop is the portrayal of the real life issues. Even though a lot of their time is wasted while they are waiting for the bus, which, in turn, makes them annoyed, rude, irritated and violent, yet they still go through this whole process of waiting every day. They pass their time by talking and discussing different things with each other. Although all of them are destined to go different places and have different purposes and ambitions of life, this bus stop is the element that connects their lives, links them to each other, with people belonging to every group of age. The bus stop has become an important part of their lives, where they expect to find someone with whom they can indulge in discussions about things of common interest and who can help solve problems by talking about
Sunday, August 25, 2019
BBA (HONS) Legal % Ethical Environment of Business Essay
BBA (HONS) Legal % Ethical Environment of Business - Essay Example Additionally, CSR-focused businesses would actively endorse the public interest by boosting community development and growth, and willingly eliminating practices that damage the public sphere, irrespective of lawfulness. CSR is the thoughtful inclusion of public responsibility into business decision-making that is the fundamental area of the business or firm, and the celebration of a triple bottom line: people, planet and profit. The word "corporate social responsibility" was coined in the late 1960s and early 1970s, after numerous multinational corporations shaped into being. The term stakeholder was also used, referring to those on whom an organization's doings and actions have an influence, to define corporate owners beyond shareholders as a consequence of a prominent book by R. Edward Freeman, Strategic management: a stakeholder approach in 1984 (Bhattacharya, Sen & Korschun, 2008). Supporters argue that businesses make more long term profits by functioning with a perspective, wh ile on the other hand, critics contend that CSR diverts from the economic role of businesses. Others debate CSR is purely an attempt at window-dressing, or an endeavour to forestall the role of governments as a regulator over powerful multinational corporations (Shumate & O’ Connor, 2010). ... ISO 26000 is the renowned international standard for CSR (presently a Draft International Standard). It is extensively recognised that CSR follows the similar philosophies but with no formal piece of legislation. As my case study, I have chosen The Walt Disney Company in order to analyse their Corporate Social Report to assess how effectively they meet their stakeholders’ needs and interests. According to The Walt Disney Company, kids as well as families are at the core of Disney. They are their most significant audience and their stimulation for new Disney entertainment as well as involvements. They incessantly attempt to delight and amaze their consumers as well as guests, and to do so in a modern and appropriate way. Parents as well as caregivers are key associates in assisting, guiding as well as shaping their methodology to entertainment for kids. Parents identify their kids best. The Walt Disney Company strives for equilibrium when evolving age-appropriate entertainment involvements. They want kids to adore their entertainment, in addition to the parents trusting them to be distributing quality content. There are four chief principles entrenched in their method of family entertainment: Promising positive growth Constructing content for kids of all ages Affiliating with parents Generating safe environments Their objective in boosting positive development is to encounter kids where they are developmentally, with age-appropriate activities that are appropriate, fun and thought-provoking to them. They aspire to carry out the best in kids by providing amusing, moving, exhilarating, exciting, astounding, delightful and enlightening entertainment experiences that they can later impart on their family and friends. Their emphasis on positive growth comes to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Where Did Americans Spend Their Money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Where Did Americans Spend Their Money - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that in his findings, Sparshott reveals that restaurants and retailers witnessed a sales rise of 1.2 percent in June compared to the previous month. The big vehicle sales also helped boost the level of economic growth. Dealers of motor vehicles and spare parts indicated that they witnessed a 2 percent rise in June compared to May. Even with the elimination of auto sales, gains were broad-based, as they still reflected a 1 percent growth. Furthermore, the cheap prices of gasoline have provided Americans with a windfall, although in recent months they are more motivated to saving rather than spending. In May, however, gasoline stations witnessed their ultimate leap since 2012, although Americans ignored the move. They directed their earnings to gardening and building materials, non-store retailers, and clothing stores. Thus, based on the growth in sales in the recent months, the researcher has realized that Sparshott has ef fectively shown the way the American economy is shifting from the harsh weather witnessed during the first quarter of the year. This is because the present figures are revealing strong growth in payroll real income. This way, the author hopes the country will be able to reverse the contraction it witnessed during the first quarter of 2015.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Critical approaches to humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical approaches to humanities - Essay Example Human evolution of thought has redefined most of what has been written as each contemporary period interprets work from a different perspective. In order to understand meanings and interpret the writing for the intended meanings, culture must be studied and examined to give the language context. Burke (1993: 56) begins his discussion of the context of culture as it relates to the written novel by stating that â€Å"Literature explores and makes sense of the mystery of the human condition in all its varied and twisted configurations†. When literature is looked at through this perspective, it is clear that beyond the idea of the story, the revelations of plot, setting, and theme, is the underlying creation of a reflection of how human beings relate to one another and to their world within a specific cultural context. This does not discount universality or the idea that human beings are at the core, human, but it does take into consideration the idea of meaning. The meaning of a concept will be very different in one time and space than it is in another. As an example, a modern reading of Macbeth creates a sense of the fantastical, belief suspended to accept the idea of witches that give over prophesy and ghosts (although often this is considered Macbeth’s hallucination) that torment those who have acted against them in life. From a contemporary perspective, however, the idea of witches and ghosts was very real to the audience. The three witches would not require the suspension of disbelief, but would be a reflection of the contemporary beliefs of Jacobean England. This could be compared to the reception of the film The Passion of Christ during a world a thousand years from now where the religions of today have transformed or been eliminated. The belief with which viewers watch this film will not have the same context as it would in a thousand years. The study of English began with the
Business Research Discussion Week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Research Discussion Week 6 - Essay Example The technique would enable gathering of pertinent information which were not captured in the eye-tracking software, such as the suggestions on improvement and assessment of usability from the users’ perspectives. As emphasized, â€Å"while the observation method may be used to describe a wide variety of behavior, cognitive phenomena such as attitudes, motivations, and preferences cannot be observed. As a result, observation research cannot provide an explanation of why a behavior occurred or what actions were intended†(Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2012, p. 236). Therefore, the brief survey or questionnaire would collect information on attitudes or preferences which could not have been made possible with pure eye-technique (or observation) method. What advantages exist of one research design over the other with regard to measuring the physiological reactions of research participants? What might be some ethical implications of observational methods? Under what circumstances might it be considered profiling? The advantage of the eye-tracking software is in measuring the physiological reactions through the natural tendencies of responding to visual appeal. The benefit of soliciting information through a brief survey is that the incorporation of cognitive skills that rationalize focusing on information deemed to be appealing or catchy. The observation methods should abide by standards of ethics in terms of soliciting the approval of participants in the research. Profiling is defined as â€Å"the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people†(Oxford University Press, 2014, p. 1). As such, the eye-tracking software falls within the profiling aspect since the information gathered enables Mazda to determine particular aspects (or profile) of users who exhibit
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Mock Trial Closings Essay Example for Free
Mock Trial Closings Essay The closing argument is the last piece of a mock trial, essentially the last time you get to sell your case to the jury. During the closing argument, you are summarizing and putting together everything the jury has already heard during the trial. You are basically clarifying everything presented in the trial from showing the relevance of a particular witness to showing how everything you’ve presented comes together to prove your case. It is one of the most important parts of mock trial, mainly because the jury listens. It is the last chance to convince the judges of your case, to show you are more skilled than your opponent, and get the perfect 10 you’re hoping for because they are the last words the jury will hear from your team. It can make your case, or break it, thus delivery is very important. Writing the Closing Theme An important part of a great closing is the theme. It will tie your case together in a pretty ribbon that will stay in the juries mind. It will be the same theme from the opening, one that runs through your entire case, and in the closing reminding the jury of your case with the catchy phrase or sentence. Structure 1)Introduction: Begin with a short introduction that catches the jury’s attention. It should remind the judges of the big picture. If it’s a murder trial, talk about how tragic it is that this person’s life was taken away. If it’s a civil trial you can speak about how the person’s rights were violated. Also be sure to introduce your theme during the introduction. 2)Burden of Proof: Explain what your burden is and what your role is in relation to it. Tell the judges exactly how you’ve met the burden or how the opposing counsel has failed to met this burden. In addition, frame the burden of proof in your favor. 3)Law: Tell the judges about each element of the charge. Explain whether or not you have proved or disproved each element, or whether it is enough to prove or disprove any one element. Then make a roadmap. Tell the judge that to prove your burden/undermine your opponents case, you are to prove x, y, and z. 4)Argument: This is the meat of your case. This is where one by one you are going to signpost and tell the judge exactly what you are talking about. Example: â€Å"Now let’s look at X†. X, Y, and Z should not be your three witnesses but parts of the law that you need to prove or disprove. Remind your judges of testimonies/evidence from the trial that adds up to show X. Do this for all points. Its important to remember it should be based around the law. Don’t go witness by witness recounting the evidence. 5)Conclusion: Sums everything up. Restate how you’ve met your burden of proof through x, y, and z. Use your theme once more to tie everything together. Ask for a verdict. Remember to be this strong, convincing and memorable.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Treatment of Juveniles in the US Criminal Justice System
Treatment of Juveniles in the US Criminal Justice System The juvenile court system was created specifically to deal with children and was established in Chicago over one hundred years ago. It was developed and it created a separate juvenile justice system nationwide. Today juvenile courts are responsible for dealing with children who are accused of committing two types of offenses: status offenses, which are violations of laws with which only children can be charged (e.g., running away from home); and delinquency offenses, which are acts committed by a child which, if committed by an adult, could result in criminal prosecution. Prior to the Progressive Era however, child offenders over the age of seven were imprisoned with adults and such actions had been the model historically. The actions of political and social reformers, as well as the research of psychologists in the 18th and 19th centuries, began a shift in societys views on juvenile delinquents. Early reformers who were interested in rehabilitating rather than punishing children built the New York House of Refuge in 1824. The reformatory housed juveniles who earlier would have been placed in adult jails. Beginning in 1899, individual states took note of the problem of youth incarceration and began establishing similar youth reform homes. Such early changes to the justice system were made under a new found belief that society had a responsibility to recover the lives of its young offenders before they became immersed in the criminal activity they were taking part in. The juvenile justice system exercised its authority within a parens patriae (state as parent or guardian) role. The state assumed the responsibility of parenting the children until they began to demonstrate positive changes, or became adults. At this point youth were no longer tried as adult offenders. Their cases were heard in a somewhat informal court designed for juveniles, often without the assistance of attorneys. Extenuating evidence, outside of the legal facts surrounding the crime or delinquent behavior, was taken into consideration by the judge. Early reform houses were, in many ways, similar to orphanages. The criminal justice system dates back to oldest known codified law, which is known as the Code of Hammurabi. It was established in 1760 BC in ancient Mesopotamia. Laws have been handed down by many different organizations threw out history. For example, in ancient Rome, laws had to be voted on by a Senate before taking effect. In the modern world, laws are typically created and enforced by governments. Within the realm of codified law, there are generally two forms of law that the courts are concerned with. Civil laws are rules and regulations which govern transactions and grievances between individual citizens. Criminal law is concerned with actions which are dangerous or harmful to society as a whole, in which prosecution is pursued not by an individual but rather by the state. The purpose of criminal law is to provide the specific definition of what constitutes a crime and to prescribe punishments for committing such a crime. No criminal law can be valid unless it includes both o f these factors. The subject of criminal justice is, of course, primarily concerned with the enforcement of criminal law. Although both courts have different objectives we know that the juvenile courts main focus is to rehabilitate and the adult court system acts as a more punitive, retributive court. We will proceed to discuss all things related to the juvenile court. The juvenile court process begins with an allegation that a crime has been committed. Next, an arrest can be made based upon allegations. When a juvenile is arrested, just like everything else, the officer must have more than a mere suspicion, there must be probable cause. In some states, police are required to notify a probation officer or other official designated by the juvenile court: in other states, police are required to notify only the childs parents. When a juvenile is arrested s/he is taken to the police station or JAC (Juvenile Assessment Center) for initial screening, after that, the officer then makes a decision whether to terminate the case, divert it to an alternative program, or refer it to juvenile court for formal intake . Intake procedures are designed to screen out cases that do not warrant a formal court hearing. Within 24 hours, there will be a detention hearing (petition). Within the following months ahead there will an arraignment (information), case disposition (discovery), and calendar call (status check). Once all the previous steps have been completed, there will be an adjudicatory hearing (court determines if allegations are supported by evidence) then a disposition (sentencing) and possibly an appeal. Although children have been denied their constitutional protection for the first sixty-seven years of the juvenile court, we are aware that during that time, children were arrested, tried, adjudicated (not convicted), and given a disposition (not a punitive sentence) on the basis of parens patriae. Parens patriae is defined as the power of the state to act on behalf of the child and to provide care and protection equivalent to that of a parent. Throughout the process, the juvenile court system was guided by a rehabilitation philosophy by which the purpose of the court was therapeutic rather than punitive. However, over time, the use of the parens patriae doctrine without constitutional safeguards led to arbitrary treatment for many juvenile offenders. Nowhere was the absence of due process more evident and more problematic than in two cases that found their way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The two cases, Kent v. United States and In re Gault, were characterized by such constitutional flaws that the Supreme Court decided it was finally time to rule on whether juveniles were entitled to due process protections. We will discuss these two very important cases after we discuss the important elements to be considered when going through the court process. A very important element to be considered is the seriousness of the childs offence. Undoubtedly lesser offenses may involve informal hearings, adjudication, and probation supervision and is frequently administered at the intake level, without referral to a judge. If a child has been referred on a minor charge, and the intake worker determines that a court intervention is not necessary but feels the child needs to be impressed with the seriousness of his or her actions, the worker may lecture the child and make the warning more impressive. The child may be taken before a judge for a strict reprimand. If it has been decided the child will be submitted to a formal court hearing, a petition is filed. The petition tells exactly what delinquent act was committed and notifies the child of the claims made about his or her misconduct. This petition operates the same way an indictment would for an adult. The Supreme Court in its final decision claims that a jury trial is an adult right that is not essential in juvenile proceedings, and also stated that a jury trial in any case does not ensure competence and fact-finding function of the proceedings. Juveniles do get everything else the Constitution provides, double jeopardy, and even at one point the death penalty. In 1998 there were 73 people on death row who had committed their offenses while under the age of 18. The Court decided it was unconstitutional to execute a juvenile under the age of 16, and the reasoning for that is because 16 years of age is generally recognized as the age separating childhood from adulthood. In most states, this is the age at which minors are legally allowed to take on some adult responsibilities, like driving a car. The need to preserve an orderly society has been a major concern throughout our nations history. Ever since there were correctional institutions for juveniles, they have been filled to capac ity. The criminal justice system and court systems in general, strive everyday to understand. The right to due process of the law will always remain a big issue for the juvenile court system. Rights such as: The accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district Sixth Amendment. The right of trial by jury shall be preserved Seventh Amendment. Also, the jury is to be comprised of ones peers but when a juvenile has a jury trial, the jury is made up of adults, not children. A well known supporter for juveniles getting a fare trial once said: Neither the Fourteenth Amendment nor the Bill of Rights is for adults only. In 1971, the issue of whether juveniles had a right to a jury trial was reviewed by the Supreme Court in McKeiver v Pennsylvania. It was argued that if children were subject to the same incarceration as adults, and our Constitutional rights to a jury trial was for everyone also, children should get the same rights as adults. The Court did not agree, but they were aware of the imperfections in the juvenile court system. They also agreed that children should be allowed informal protective proceeding. In the end, the Court agreed that additional adult rights would be entered into the proceedings, but it had to be done with great caution. The adult court process starts with an allegation that a crime has been committed followed by an arrest based upon the allegation where the adult will be taken to county jail. Within the next 24 hours, the adult will make their first appearance (bail) where the formal charges will be brought forth to them. The adult will then be arraigned (information), have a case disposition (discovery), and a calendar call (status check). Upon the completion of those steps, there will be a trial (states burden to prove reason beyond a reasonable doubt) and depending on the outcome there can be an appeal. In the juvenile court, the terminology referring to the situation that has occurred is known otherwise as an act of delinquency and in the adult court the term crime is used. Another difference is the way in which the juvenile offenders background is taken into consideration. For instance, the juveniles academic record and family background are taken into consideration for the case. This is not true in the case of the adult. Adults do not receive this special consideration when they are in front of the judge. The criminal justice systems for adults and juveniles are different in many significant ways. Their differences vary from state to state. In general, juveniles are not prosecuted for committing crimes, but rather delinquent acts. When the delinquent acts are very serious, they may be considered crimes and the juvenile may be tried in the adult system. Juveniles dont have a right to a public trial by jury. For a juvenile charged with a crime, the trial portion of the case involves a judge hearing evidence and ruling on whether or not the minor is delinquent. This is called an adjudication hearing. Once the juvenile has been deemed delinquent, the court will determine what action should be taken. This stage differs from the adult system in the purpose of the action. In the adult system, the goal is to punish. In the juvenile system, on the other hand, the goal is to rehabilitate and serve the minors best interest. Juvenile courts are often more informal than those for adults. For examp le, rules about the admissibility of evidence may be more lenient. Even though the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems have significant differences, there are also many similarities between the two. Most importantly, individuals in both systems retain many of the same rights. These include these rights: (1) The right to an attorney, (2) The right to confront and cross-examine witnesses, (3) The privilege against self-incrimination, (4) The right to notice of the charges, and (5) The prosecution must provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a person can be convicted. The juvenile courts tend to focus on the individualized rehabilitation of the offender. The adult courts tend to focus on the expression of the communitys disapproval for the illegal behavior with an appropriate amount of punishment for every conviction. It is interesting that when offenders are in the adult courts that we no longer take into consideration their backgrounds or special circumstances. It seems that as a society, we tend to try and protect our children regardless of their actions. Adults are treated in a much different fashion since there is a level of understanding that we expect. The juvenile court has many steps that the adult courts do not have. The juvenile courts begin with the term of delinquent, and the act is referred to as a delinquent act. In the case of the adult, the person is known as a criminal who committed a crime. It would seem that there is severe labeling from the beginning of the case. To clarify the term labeling, it can be described as a common occurrence in our lives. When children are referred to as delinquents or adults are called criminals for their actions, this is an example of labeling. The idea of the juvenile justice system rests on the fact that children are developmentally different from adults and thus are more prone to reach to treatment and rehabilitation. The juvenile justice process centers on the individual child and takes into account the childs problems and needs, focusing less on punishment and more on helping the child to change and so minimize the likelihood of future criminal behavior. During the past ten years there has been a fear of juvenile crime and even more recently we have seen a much bigger spike within juveniles for more heinous crimes. Such cases as the burning of the 15 year old boy in Broward County, the rape of a Bay Area California teen during a school dance while more than 20 witnesses watched the gang rape and cases near home such as the fatal stabbing of a Coral Gables high school student. Cases such as these provide for the idea that state legislatures and the federal government will increasingly turn to the more punitive adult mod el, requiring that even pre-teen children in some instances be treated as if they were equal in culpability and understanding to adults who commit similar crimes. Although there may be in fact a pendulum swing with the juvenile justice system the underlying rationales of the juvenile court system are that youth are developmentally different from adults and that their behavior is accepting. Rehabilitation and treatment, in addition to community protection, are considered to be primary and feasible goals. Limitations are placed on public access to juvenile records because of the belief that juvenile offenders can be successfully rehabilitated, and in order to avoid their unnecessary stigmatization most files are only disclosed to government agencies when necessary. Court proceedings may be confidential to protect the privacy of the juvenile. The juvenile justice system follows a psychological casework approach, taking into account a detailed assessment of the youths history in order to meet his or her specific needs. The juvenile offender faces a hearing, rather than a trial, which incorporates his social history as well as legal factors. Law enforcement has the option of preventative detention, which is detaining a youth for his own protection or the communitys protection. Not all states afford juveniles the right to a jury trial. A juvenile offender is judged delinquent rather than guilty. Because of the individualized nature of the juvenile justice system, sentencing varies and may cover a wide range of community-based and residential options. The disposition is based on the individuals offense history and the severity of the offense, and includes a significant rehabilitation component. The disposition can be for an unspecified period of time; the court can send a youth to a certain facility or program until it is det ermined he or she is rehabilitated, or until h/she reaches the age of majority. The disposition may also include a restitution component and can be directed at people other than the offender, for example his parents. Parole combines surveillance with activities to reintegrate the juvenile into the community. On the contrary, in the criminal justice system rehabilitation is not a primary goal. The goal of the criminal justice system is to operate under sanctions and be proportional to the offense. In the criminal justice system deterrence is seen as a successful outcome of punishment. Unlike in the juvenile court system, all criminal records have open public access and all court proceedings are open to the public. Defendants in the criminal justice system are put on trial and this is based on the gathering of information and legal facts. Defendants have the right to apply for bond or bail; however, this is never guaranteed and only the judge can grant this. Defendants are entitled to a jury trial which is a constitutional right. If a defendant is found innocent or guilty, depending on the verdict they may be incarcerated and sentenced to a specified period of time which is determined by the severity of the offense. Parole is primarily based on surveillance and monitoring of illicit behavi or. Often times whenever a very severe crime is committed by a juvenile; such as a murder or gang related acts, they are tried as adults. Beginning about 35 years ago, increases in violent juvenile crime permitted judges to transfer juveniles to adult criminal courts. No national data exist on the number of juvenile offenders prosecuted as adults. Juvenile court is a special court or department of a trial court which deals with under-age defendants charged with crimes or who are neglected or out of the control of their parents. The normal age of these defendants is under 18, but juvenile court does not have jurisdiction in cases in which minors are charged as adults. The procedure in juvenile court is not always adversarial, although the minor is entitled to legal representation by a lawyer. Parents or social workers and probation officers may be involved in the process to achieve positive results and save the minor from involvement in future crimes. However, serious crimes and repeated offenses can result in sentencing juvenile offenders to prison, with transfer to state prison upon reaching adulthood with limited maximum sentences, often up until the age of 21. Where parental neglect or loss of control is a problem, the juvenile court may seek out foster homes for the juvenile, treating the child as a ward of the court. The Juvenile Court handles case of delinquency and dependency. Delinquency refers to crimes committed by minors, and dependency includes cases where a non-parental person is chosen to care for a minor. Now that we have a better understanding of the juvenile court process and procedures, we will review two very important cases dealing with juveniles and their due process laws. The Kent case concerned the transfer of a juvenile from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to the adult criminal justice system. The juvenile justice system recognized that certain forms of criminal conduct require that children be tried as adults in the adult criminal justice rather than the juvenile system. Thus, most jurisdictions had statues by which certain juveniles would be removed from the juvenile justice system. There were two basic methods: (1) Some states used a waiver or transfer hearing; and (2) some states excluded certain offenses from the juvenile courts jurisdiction. Because of the nature and effect of the waiver decision on the child in terms of status and disposition, the U.S. Supreme Court used the Kent case to consider procedural protections for juveniles in the waiver process. The Supreme Court ruled that the waiver proceeding was a critically important stage in the juvenile process and that juveniles must be afforded minimum requirements of due process of law at such proceedings. As stated by Larry J. Siegel and Paul E. Tracy in the book Juvenile Law, the In re Gault case concerned the process by which juvenile courts should give a punitive disposition for a juvenile and expose the child to a possibly long period of incarceration for a relatively minor offense. The Supreme Court ruled that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment required that certain procedural guarantees were essential to the adjudication of delinquency cases. It then specified the nature of due process by indicating that juveniles who have violated a criminal statue and who may be committed to an institution in which their freedom may be curtailed are entitled to: (1) fair notice of charges against them; (2) right to representation by counsel; (3) right to confrontation and cross-examination; and (4) the privilege against self-incrimination. The Gault decision, and particularly the constitutional right of a juvenile to the assistance of counsel, completely altered the juvenile ju stice system. Juveniles in adult prisons face an array of problems because the criminal justice system was not created to rehabilitate, therefore these juveniles are being exposed to harden criminals and are being victimized on a daily basis. Children in adult correctional facilities suffer higher rates of physical and sexual abuse and suicide. Compared to those held in juvenile detention centers, study show that youth held in adult jails are: (1) 7.7 times more likely to commit suicide, (2) 5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted, (3) twice as likely to be beaten by staff, and (4) 50% more likely to be attacked with a weapon. Children in adult facilities, particularly in jails, frequently do not receive the education or other services appropriate to their needs. In many states juveniles are treated the same as adults and are provided the same health, educational and recreational services. Few adult correctional agencies provide special programming developed for this age group and most states do not provide special staff training on handling juvenile offenders. The situation for girls is particularly troublesome as there are so few of them nationally that there will often be only one female under 18 in a particular prison and therefore little likelihood of special services being provided. The move to send more children into the adult criminal justice system is a major rethinking of the traditional view that delinquent children need help to turn their lives around and belong in a system that focuses primarily on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Surprisingly, the nationwide transformation to this more punitive approach is taking place despite the continuing decline in juvenile crime. As the number of juvenile cases heard in criminal court increases, more people involved in the system are recognizing that adult courts are inappropriate and unjust settings for children whose developmental immaturity puts them at a disadvantage at every stage in the system. There is increasing evidence of the long-term and damaging consequences suffered by children who are imprisoned in adult prisons and jails. Furthermore, the imposition of adult punishments, far from deterring crime, actually increases the likelihood that a young person will commit further criminal offenses. The tr ansfer of increasing numbers of children from juvenile to criminal courts is continuing in the face of mounting evidence of the harm it does both to the children and to public safety once again tough on crime politics undermines good public policy. Work Cited Associated Content (May 2006). Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Analysis. Retrieved February 18, 2010, from LawyerShop. History of Americas Juvenile Justice System. Retrieved February 18, 2010, from Legal Match. How Does the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Differ From the Adult Justice System. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from MoneyInstructor. Inside Juvenile Court: How the Criminal Justice System Punishes Todays Juveniles. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from PBS (1999). Juvenile vs Adult Justice. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Siegel, Larry J and Tracy, Paul E. (2008). Juvenile Law: A collection of Leading US Supreme Court Cases. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. P 9-52
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The History of Newspapers
The History of Newspapers Introduction: Any kinds of news about something new or current affairs which appears frequently and is a type of publication can be considered as a Newspaper. According to American author Mark Twain â€Å"If you dont read the newspaper, youre uninformed. If you read the newspaper, youre mis-informed.†Newspaper consists of many different contents such as news, articles, features, advertisement and many more which is printed in relatively cheap newsprint. Newspaper publishes news daily or weekly of general interest to large portions of public in a specific geographic area. According to American Novelist Norman Mailer Once a newspaper touches a story the facts are lost forever, even the protagonists. A newspaper contains news and articles that touches personalities, business and finance, crime, severe weather, natural disasters, health and medicine, science and technology, sports, entertainment, fashion and arts divided and published in different sections closely related to proximity factor or general interest of the people. Even though the Newspaper is based on facts and news, personal opinions are adjusted through editorials and op-eds. The newspaper includes photographs shot by the photographers along with stories and articles along with graphic artists, data, chats and diagrams. All the reports or stories have headlines and photographs with caption is edited to be fixed somewhere in the papers layout after being checked by the editors usually supervised by an editor-in-chief or an executive editor. The newspaper business is kept alive by general circulation or through advertisement they carry. It is important for newspaper to provide citizens with information on government and politics. History of Newspaper in European context: The history of newspaper in Europe can be traced back to 59 B.C. to A.D. 222 in Rome when writing and reading gained reliability. The Roman Empire published Acta Diurna (Daily Acts), a daily handwritten news sheets which were carved in mental or stone and posted by the government in Roman forum. The acta contained news of Political happenings, trials, scandals, military campaigns and executions. These were printed with the order of Julius Caesar, a Roman general and author of Latin writing style. The printing press came into light to propagate news in Europe soon after the invention of letter press by Johann Gutenberg in the 1450s which was the initiation of movable type of printing press. In 1470, one of the first printed works which can be considered as news was an Italian account of a tournament. Christopher Columbus had written a letter reporting his discoveries which was set in type and was circulated all over Barcelona before he got there in 1493. There were thousands of printed newsbooks, short pamphlets reporting on a news event, and news ballads, details of current events written in verse and generally printed on one side of a single sheet of paper which were circulated all over Europe and its colonies specially America in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The newsbooks and news ballads was eligible enough to be called a newspaper since they appeared only once, to report only one story and had no identity separate from the scrupulous news report they told. There is no doubt that the concept of modern newspaper was invented in Europe. The oldest form of modern newspaper is said to be first published as a handwritten news sheets that circulated extensively in Venice, Italy in the sixteenth century. Notizie scritte (written notices) were published by the government of Venice in 1556 which led to the trademark of modern newspaper. Venice was the center of trade in Europe therefore hub for information. The Venetian news sheets also known as avisi or gazettes which was handwritten had information and news regarding politics, wars and economy of Italy and Europe during early modern era (1500 – 1800). The newspaper traveled all along Europe till London and was distributed weekly during 1566 A.D. They techniques and style they applied for this paper were short sets of news items, advanced from a particular city, printed under the name of that city along with the date on which they were sent. These techniques would be used in most early p rinted newspapers and this idea of handwritten newsbooks travelled all the way to Germany and Holland. According to World association of newspapers, the oldest surviving European printed newspaper were published weekly in German language in Germany, the first being Relation aller Fà ¼rnemmen und gedenckwà ¼rdign Historien printed in 1605 A.D. in Strasbourg by Johann Carlous followed Avisa Relation oder Zeitun printed by Lucas Schlute in 1609 in Wolfenbà ¼ttel. The names of the cities were not included in the papers in order to evade government prosecutions. It did not take much time for the printed newspaper to spread through Europe rapidly starting from printed weeklies which appeared in Basel in 1610, followed by Frankfort and Vienna in 1615 and finally in Berlin by 1617. All the weeklies were in German language and no specific names have been discovered. In 1618 the first Dutch newspaper weekly was introduced in Amsterdam called Courante uyt Italien, Buytslandt, c. which can be considered as the first broadsheet paper because it was issued in folio – size rather than previously printed pamphlets in quarto – size. The very first newspaper printed in England came in 1621 when an English official complained about the lack of means of communication in England. The French started printing newspaper of its own in May 30, 1631 called La Gazette in Paris. The Italians introduced their first printed weekly in 1639 followed by Spanish Catalan language newspaper Gazeta in 1641. The first English Language newspaper was printed in Amsterdam by Joris Veseler for the publisher Pieter van den Keere in 1620. The first English newspaper does not begin with a title because in those early days papers often did not have consistent names. The first English newspaper is well illustrated by the following item: Out of Ceulen (cologne), the 24 of November. Letters of Neurenburge of the 20 of this present, make mention, that they had advise from the Borders of Bohemis, that there had been a very great Battle by Prague. The news was translated in English, printed and shipped to London. Many early newspapers did not have many stories to be printed and struggled to find new news to fill their paper every week, especially in England, the news were published late. The readers expectation of weekly newes was not fulfilled during those time. This led to more working hours to gather news to fill the weekly news and this pace of gathering news lead to adapt itself to the schedule of daily newspapers later on. The first actually printed newspaper in England was Corante, or weekely newes from Italy, Gerany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, France and the low Countreys in September 24, 1621. The publisher known by only initials N.B. whose credits are given either to Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne which were both Englands first newspaper journalist. The second newspaper in France Gazette de France was also published in 1631 by Theophraste Renaudot which survived till the French Revolution in 1789. There were basically two formats in which the newspaper were published in early days; one was the Dutch paper style known as corantos, in which the reports were packed densely in only two or four pages and the other style was the German weeklies, generally a pamphlets with eight to twenty four pages. The Dutch style of paper eventually turned into German style in 1622. The news were printed directly in print shop as soon as it was received, such as the thirty years war raging on the continent at that time appeared under the name of Vienna, Frankfort or Prague or any other cities where a letter or newspaper found its way to a printing shop. The same news printed in some date in a certain city was printed in different date in some other city. In London the process of editing story to make it easier for the reader started by editor Thomas Gainsford, who started working in series of early English newspaper in 1622. The Oxford Gazette which was established in 7 November 1665 and that contained official journals of record of the British government is the oldest surviving English newspaper in the world today. The Daily Courant was the first daily newspaper in the England and the world. It was first published in 11 March 1702 and was produced by Elizabeth Mallet and contained a single page with advertisements on the reverser side. Year Newspaper Language City Country Reference 1605 Relation aller Fà ¼rnemmen und gedenckwà ¼rdign Historien German Strasbourg Holy Roman Empire First newspaper of the world 1609 Avisa Relation oder Zeitung German Wolfenbà ¼ttel Holy Roman Empire 1610 German Basel Swiss Confederacy 1615 German Frankfurt Holy Roman Empire 1617 German Berlin Holy Roman Empire 1618 Courante uyt Italien Duytslandt, c. Dutch Amsterdam Dutch Republic It is the worlds first broadsheet. out of use in 1664 1620 Nieuwe Tijdinghen Dutch Antwerp Spanish Netherlands Published in 1605 – 1629 1631 La Gazette French Paris France First newspaper in French language and first weekly magazine established between May 30, 1631 – September 30, 1915 1641 Gazeta Catalan Barcelona Spain The first Catalan Language newspaper. Only two issues were published 1645 Ordinari Post Tijdender Swedish Stockholm Sweden Oldest and still published newspaper in the world. Went online in 2007 1656 Weeckelycke Courante van Europa Dutch Haarlem Dutch Republic In 1664 the name was changed to Oprechte haerlemsche Courant. The newspaper merged with the Haarlems Dagblad in 1942 and still exists. 1661 La Gazeta Spanish Madrid Kingdom of Spain Existed till 2008 as Boletin official del Estado and went completely online from 2009. 1661 Merkuriusz Polski Ordynaryjny Polish Krakow Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Lasted till 22 July 1661 in Warsaw. 1664 Gazzetta di Mantova Italian Mantua Duchy of Mantua, Holy Roman Empire Still the oldest privet and continuously published print in the world. 1665 Oxford Gazette English Oxford England It was renamed as London Gazette and moved to London in 1666. 1702 Daily Courant English London England It was the worlds first daily Newspaper. Merged with the Daily Gazetteer in 1735. 1702 Vedomosti Russian Moscow Russia Renamed as Sankt – Petersburgskie in 1728, and again renamed as Petrogradskie Vedomosti in 1914. Last issue in 1917. 1703 Wiener Zeitung German Vienna Austria Still in publication. 1704 The Review English London England Founded by Daniel Defoe as a Review of the Affairs of France until 1713. 1705 Hildesheimer Relations – Courier German Hildesheim Germany Still in publication with name Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung. 1705 Mercurius Hungaricus Hungarian Hungary Hungary Was printed in Latin and lasted till 1710. 1709 The Tatler English London Kingdom of Great Britain Founder was Richarded Steele and existed till 1711. 1709 The Worcester Post – Man English Worcester Kingdom of Great Britain Renamed as Berrows Worcester journal since 1753. Last publication was in 1690. 1710 The Examiner English London Kingdom of Great Britain Jonathan swift had the most contribution and lasted till 1714. 1711 The Spectator English London Kingdom of Great Britain Founded by Joseph Addison and lasted till 1712. 1719 The Daily Post English London Kingdom of Great Britain Established in 1719 by Daniel Defoe. It contained news about current events, science, art and all important dates. 1719 PraÃ…Â ¾skà © poÃ… ¡tovskà © noviny Czech Prague Kingdom of Bohemia It was a weekly newspaper which is no more. 1731 Gentlemans Magazine English London England Lasted till 1922 and was first to use the term magazine. 1734 Lloyds List English London England It still publishes news about shipping, marine insurance and is the oldest English – language daily to be published till date. 1735 Gazzetta di Parma Italian Parma Duchy of Parma Still available. 1737 The Belfast News Letter English Belfast Kingdom of Ireland Still available. 1738 Feuille dAvis de Neuchà ¢tel French Neuchatel Swiss Confederacy The oldest French – Language daily newspaper which is still published. 1747 The Press and Journal English Aberdeen United Kingdom Still available. 1749 Berlingske Danish Copenhagen Denmark – Norway Originally known as Kjà ¸benhavnske Danske Post-Tidender. Still available. 1752 Leeuwarder Courant Dutch Leeuwarden The Netherlands Originally known as Leeuwarder Saturdagse Courant. Still available. 1758 Norrkà ¶pings Tidningar Swedish Norrkà ¶ping Sweden Originally published weekly asNorrkà ¶pings Weko-Tidningar. Still available. 1761 Nassau – Saarbrà ¼ckisches Wochenblatt German Saarbrà ¼cken Nassausaarbrucken Still available as Sarbrà ¼ker Zeitung. 1767 Adresseavisen Norwegian Trondheim Denmark – Norway Originally namedKongelig allene privilegerede Trondheims Adresse-Contoirs Efterretninger. Still available 1767 Finns Leinster Journal English Kilkenny Kingdom of Ireland 1772 Fyens Stiftstidende Danish Odense Denmark – Norway Originally namedKongelig Privilegerede Odense Adresse-Contoirs Efterretninger. Still available. 1783 The Herald English Glasgow United Kingdom Still available. 1785 The Times English London United Kingdom Still available. 1791 The observer English London United Kingdom First Sunday newspaper of the world. Still available. 1794 Arhus Stiftstidende Danish Denmark – Norway Arhus Originally named Aarhus Stifts-Tidende.still available 1817 The Scotsman English Edinburgh United Kingdom Still available 1821 The Guardian English Manchester United Kingdom Originally named The Manchester Guardian. Still available. 1824 Abo Underrà ¤ttelser Swedish Abo Finland Still available. 1826 Le Figaro French Paris France Still available. 1829 Curierul Romà ¢nesc Romanian Bucharest Romania Lasted from 1829 to 1859. 1829 Albina Romà ¢nească Romanian Lasi Romania Lasted from 1829 to 1850. 1831 Takvim-I vekayi Turkish Istanbul Ottoman Empire Published till 1891. 1835 O Aà §oriano Oriental Portuguese Ponta Delgada Azores Portugal Still available. 1843 News of the World English London United Kingdom Closed in 7 July 2011, after the phone hacking scandal. 1844 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant Dutch Rotterdam The Netherlands Merged with Algemeen Handelsblad in 1970 and still available. 1846 LIndà ©pendant French Perpignan France Still available. 1853 Faro de Vigo Spanish Vigo Spain Oldest and still available newspaper published in spain. 1854 Surrey Comet English London United Kingdom Still available. 1855 The Daily Telegraph English London United Kindom Still available. 1855 A Aurora do Lima Portuguese Viana do Castelo Portugal Still available. 1859 Le Progrà ¨s French Lyon France Still available. 1859 La Nazione Italian Florence Grand Duchy of Tuscany Still available. 1861 LOsservatore Romano Italian Vatican City Papal States Semi official newspaper of the Holy See. 1863 Church Times English London England Weekly newspaper which is still available. 1870 La Dà ©pà ªche du Midi French Tlulouse France Still available. 1873 Richmond and Twickenham Times English London England Weekly London newspaper which is still available. 1877 Dernià ¨res Nouvelles dAlsace French Strasbourg France Still available. 1881 The Evening News English London England Closed in 1987. 1882 El Pireneo Aragonà ©s Spanish Jaca Spain Still published in the Autonomous community of Aragon. 1888 Financial Times English London United Kingdom Still available. 1889 LEst Rà ©publicain French Nancy France Still available. 1891 Gazet van Antwerpen Dutch Antwerp Flanders, Belgium Still available. 1891 La Nuova Sardegna Italian Sassari Kindom of Italy Still available. 1893 Lidovà © Noviny Czech Brno Moravia, Austria – Hungary Still published in Prague and known as Lidovky. 1893 De Telegraaf Dutch Amsterdam The Netherlands Still available and is the largest Newspaper in Holland. 1895 Heraldo de Aragà ³n Spanish Zaragoza Spain Still available and known as Heraldo. 1896 Daily Mail English London England Was a major trendsetter for English newspaper market by starting the trend for popular mass journalism and is still published. Table 1: List of oldest newspapers in Europe according to the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. The freedom of the press was very much suppressed during those times and controlled by the authorities therefore very less news about the country was being printed at those times. The newspapers were not allowed to discuss any local or national issues or events. The first breakthrough in news writing came during the English Civil War after the parliament under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell struggled with King Charles I, and journalist felt free to discuss about it. The first English newspaper to talk about national issue was the sedate little weekly entitles which talked about the proceedings in the parliament in 1641. The struggle of freedom of press was initiated by John Milton in His Areopagitica in England 1644. They were free from government control and experienced free press. According to the historian Joseph Frank, newspapers in England were the first to use Headlines, print advertisement, employ women, newsboy to sell newspapers and proper journalist in the world in 1640s. Newspaper started reporting newsworthy national stories by 1649 with a story: This day the King was beheaded, over against the Banquetting house by White – Hall†¦. Cormwell gained more power after the beheading of Charles I and cracked down the press allowing only few newspapers to be printed. However the Glorious Revolution in 1688 again free the press freedom and the Licensing Act lapsed in 1695 allowing press to criticize the government and write what they pleased. Newspapers started taking new turns by becoming more commercial with more advertisement along with printing price listings and market reports. In 1650 the worlds oldest surviving printed daily newspaper Einkommende Zeitung was established in Leipzig in 1650. Daily Courant became the first daily newspaper in the world which appeared in London in 1702. In the early eighteenth century, according to journalism historian Stanley Morison, the newspaper gained a hold on Londons commercial classes which it never lost. At that time, too, great essayists like Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift began publishing newspapers filled with their social and political commentaries in London. Breakthrough in English newspaper came when journalist were allowed so sit in the gallery in parliament, however they could not take any notes. In 1783 journalist were allowed to take notes after William Woodfall, editor of morning Chronicles send his reports to write the parliament proceedings. Similarly reports about the French Revolution were heavily written all over Europe which led to many other revolutions notably the American Revolution in late 1700s. The early 19th century there was many newspapers being published in Europe specially after the Industrial Revolution. Advances in printing technology related to the Industrial Revolution enabled newspapers to Become and even more widely circulated means of communication. By 1814, the Times (London) acquired a printing press capable of making 1,100 impressions per minute. Conclusion In this way the development of newspapers in Europe has impacted the way of newspaper writing and printing all over the world. The rich history of newspaper in Europe and its domination around the world at that period has left a lot of impact and impression on other newspaper around the world. According to WAN-IFRA Currently there are more than 15 thousand newspaper titles in the world. Newspaper is a part of eve
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Nature of Space in Kafkas The Castle :: Kafka Castle Essays
The Nature of Space in Kafka's The Castle  From the end of the nineteenth century to the outbreak of World War I, great developments in technology and knowledge brought about significant changes in the way man viewed time and space. The necessity of clear train schedules led to the development of World Standard Time and the plurality of private time. In regards to space, with which this paper deals, man moved into other subjective realms beyond the two and three dimensions described by Euclid. In fact, with Einstein's theory of relativity, the number of spaces inherent in life increased beyond calculation to equal the number of moving reference systems of all the matter in the universe. This theory echoes Nietzche's contemporary philosophical theory of perspectivism, where space only consists of points of view and interpretations, not objective facts. Thus, these two doctrines signaled a breakdown of the old notion that there is a single reality, a single, absolute space. Space became subjective and relative, man could not be sure of what it was that actually surrounded him and made up his physical world.  Creative artists, painters and novelists, attempted to deal with this new concept. Attacks were made on traditional notions that there is only one space and that a single point of view is equal to an understanding. Writers, specifically, responded with multiple perspectives depicting different views of the same objects in space in order to demonstrate that the world is always different as it is perceived by various observers at varying times. Man had to come to grips with the fact that with such a plurality of space, he cannot know, understand, or even see the physical world completely.  Thus, it is not surprising that Kafka's final work, The Castle, which emerged out of the pluralism and confusion of this age, deals with this new notion of space, this new relativity of the world surrounding man. While the book can be looked at on a spiritual level, with the castle symbolizing divinity or the ultimate spiritual meaning of man's existence, in regards to space, the castle could also symbolize the actual literal, physical world. Through the nature of K. and his quest, the different ways the Castle is perceived by K. from various viewpoints along his quest, and the inability of anyone to know the true nature of the castle officials, Kafka
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Solar Cell Experiment :: Papers
Solar Cell Experiment Introduction: Solar Cells convert light energy to electrical energy, so are transducers. Aim 1: To investigate any relationship present between the distance between a solar cell and a lamp, and the current output of the solar cell, at a fixed voltage. Aim 2: To investigate any relationship present between the power supplied to a bulb, and the current of a solar panel, at a fixed distance apart. When investigating a solar cell, there are several variables we could investigate. Below, I have analysed all the variables that could be investigated, and evaluated which one I will investigate. When considering what variables of the light I could investigate, several things come to mind. Variable 1: Light Light has different colours, and different coloured lights are known to have different frequencies. This in turn would cause the different coloured lights to emit different levels of power. We know that this is the case because when combining the two below formulae, we can see that energy and frenquency are related. Wavelength x Frequency= Wave Speed Planck's Constant x frequency= Energy The second formula states that frequency is directly proportional to energy. When rearranging the first formula to display frequency as the subject of the formula, and then substituting the value for frenquency given (wave speed/wavelength) into the second formula, we get: Planck 's constant x wavespeed/wavelength= energy Using this formula, we can find out what kinds of light give out the most energy. As all light travels at the same speed (300,000 m/s), we know that the wavelength of the light will determine how much energy is given out from the light. The wavelength and frequency are directly related in light, because both multiplied must give a product of 300,000 m/s. We can gather by the formula that lights with a smaller wavelength will give out more energy, because when a smaller number is divided by the wavespeed and multiplied by the constant, a higher value for the
Dell Computer Sustainability Performance Metrics Essays -- Business, S
Dell Computer Sustainability Performance Metrics Dell Computer Corporation is the world’s largest supplier of personal computers (Fleming, 2006). Dell’s goal is to be â€Å"the greenest technology company on the planet†(Ball, 2008, p. 1). Hence, Dell, like many corporations today, establish sustainability initiatives to persuade regulators, stakeholders, and consumers of their commitment to protect society and the environment. However, companies must support these claims with tangible performance metrics. Thus, some of the processes, programs, and reports Dell using to identify and measure performance is examined. Performance Measures Dell Computer Corporation believes stakeholders must be given long term value by ensuring the company commits to and integrates economic, social, and environmental sustainability into its business practices (Litten, 2005). Hence, Dell’s commitment to this goal is evidenced by becoming a Ceres company (Fleming, 2006). Ceres is a national coalition of investors, environmental groups, and public welfare organizations assisting companies with sustainability efforts. Thus, Dell was lauded for being the first in the computer industry to partner with Ceres (Fleming, 2006). Moreover, companies involved with Ceres must agree to the following terms: discuss sustainability issues with shareholders and stakeholders, release sustainability reports to the public, and commit to continuously improve sustainability efforts (Fleming, 2006). Thus, an assumption can be made based on Dell’s definition of sustainability and its Ceres affiliation that industry standards, sustainability performance, and shareholder reaction are key performance drivers. Consequently, aspects of this assumption are found in Del... ...ould be measured or what constitutes a â€Å"footprint†(Ball, 2008). Consequently, Dell is no different than other corporations attempting to calculate emissions on their own terms. Conclusion The relevance of sustainability is clear. Regulators, stakeholders, and consumers expect corporations to account for the impact their business practices have on society and the environment. Hence, corporations must not only promise to act they must also provide realistic, tangible performance metrics that magnify their level of commitment. While this is a challenge all corporations face Dell has embraced the challenge. Dell’s sustainability performance is measured, monitored, tracked, and made public through its annual sustainability reports. Inasmuch as sustainability is continuous more work needs to be done. However, Dell’s overall scorecard is impressive.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Cargills( Ceylon)
Cargills at a Glance Cargills (Ceylon) PLC is a Sri Lankan corporate established in 1844 and built on a strong foundation of values and ethics. Guided by trusted leadership it spearheads the sustainable development of the food industry in Sri Lanka. Its continuous investment in retail has made the Cargills retail arm Cargills Food City the largest retailer in the island in all categories. Pursuing innovation and food safety its manufacturing brands Cargills Supremo and Cargills Finest (processed meats) Cargills Kist (processed fruits and vegetables) and Cargills Magic (ice cream and dairy products) lead sectoral growth.Its KFC franchise is the largest international restaurant chain in Sri Lanka. Through its marketing and distribution arm spread across the island Cargills distributes its manufactured brands as well as internationally renowned food and non-food brands. The Cargills agribusiness model has gained global recognition for linking farmers and entrepreneurs to the market thro ugh a sustainable and inclusive value creation process. Key business 1. Modern retailing 2. Manufacturing 3. Agri Business 4. Restaurants 5. Distribution Subsidiary Companies †¢Cargills Quality Foods (Pvt) Ltd †¢Cargills Distributors (Pvt) Ltd Cargills Quality Dairies (Pvt) Ltd †¢Cargills Food Processors (Pvt) Ltd †¢Cargills Food Services (Pvt) Ltd †¢CPC Agrifoods Ltd †¢CPC Lanka Ltd †¢Cargills Retail (Pvt) Ltd †¢Millers Distributors Ltd †¢Cargills (Ceylon) Plc (Cargills) operates in the retail chain of food outlets. The company also engaged in food manufacturing and †¢restaurant chain sectors. Cargills operates through its ten subsidiaries. Cargills is the official franchisee for Kentucky Fried Chicken †¢(KFC) in Sri Lanka. It also provides distribution and FMCG manufacturing services. The company also offers discount sales to its †¢products.Cargills operates through its 116 outlets across 19 districts in Sri Lanka. Cargil ls is headquartered at Colombo, Sri Lanka †¢Pricing and availability are what drives the economy of the fast food industry. They effectively penetrate markets with advertising campaigns that cater to a whole range of demographics that make them a need in high demand in almost all US geographic locations. With specialized and highly focused franchise management and vast distribution channel they can be established themselves in a new community almost overnight creating instant revenue and jobs wherever demand is present.Economic Characteristics OF THE FOOD AND DRUG RETAIL INDUSTRYIt is extremely important to understand what the dominant economic factors are in an industry in which you are participating. These factors have a very strong influence in determining the corporate strategies that a company will decide to implement. How can a corporation define and implement their corporate strategy without understanding the environment of the market they are in? They simply can not!The economic factors to be considered are as follows: market size, scope of competitive rivalry, market growth rate, number of rivals, number of customers, degree of vertical integration, economies of scales, resource requirements for market entry, and profitability of the industry. Each one of these factors will be defined in the following paragraphs. The supermarket retail market is a $363 billion industry(sales 2000). Approximately $272 billion in sales, or 75%, is achieved by 25 companies with 16,000 stores. The total number of retail grocery stores total 127,000.It is obvious that the market share is dominated by a select few corporations. The largest company is Kroger (11% market share), followed closely by Albertson’s(9%), Safeway(6%), and Win The number of rivals in this industry is becoming more important to recognize. According to Progressive Grocer, supermarket sales have increased 5. Gross margins are approximately 2% greater for a supermarket when they have access t o a distribution center. In closing, the supermarket industry is profitable. All indications in the research that I have done leads me to believe that sales have increased at the same pace in 2000 that it did in 1999.These companies manufacture some of their products in inventory. Because of the single-person and one-parent households, less people are frequenting the grocery stores and more people are eating out at restaurants. Kroger brand(private label) products account for approximately 25% of their grocery sales and almost 9% of drugs and general merchandise. Albertson†tms has acquired American Food to increase their market share in the West region. Kroger is the only major supermarket operator to implement a three-tier distribution system. As stated above, the top 25 companies capture 75% of the market.Safeway, SuperValu, and Kroger are the only companies that go even further upstream concerning vertical integration. They use these facilities to produce private label prod ucts. The growth has been driven by increasing affluence and the rise of a middle class; the entry of women into the workforce; with a consequent incentive to seek out easy-to-prepare foods; the growth in the use of refrigerators, making it possible to shop weekly instead of daily; and the growth in car ownership, facilitating journeys to distant stores and purchases of large quantities of goods.The opportunities presented by this potential have encouraged several European companies to invest in these markets (mainly in Asia) and American companies to invest in Latin America and China. Local companies also entered the market. [12] Initial development of supermarkets has now been followed by hypermarket growth. In addition there were investments by companies such as Makro and Metro in large-scale Cash-and-Carry operations.While the growth in sales of processed foods in these countries has been much more rapid than the growth in fresh food sales, the imperative nature of supermarkets to achieve economies of scale in purchasing, means that the expansion of supermarkets in these countries has important repercussions for small farmers, particularly those growing perishable crops. New supply chains have developed involving cluster formation; development of specialized wholesalers; leading farmers organizing supply; and farmer associations or cooperatives.Cargills (Ceylon) entered the Business Today TOP 10 list a year ago at the tenth place and this year notched one place up to number nine. Having evolved from its original four department stores, Cargills (Ceylon) is today the fastest growing and largest retail chain in Sri Lanka. The company continues to invest in food and agriculture, and with the expansion of the retail outlets to 136 during the year, new opportunities were reportedly presented to more rural famers and entrepreneurs. The company is also actively participating in the revival of the Eastern Province with the opening of outlets in Batticaloa, Ampara and Trincomalee.At present Cargills has established its presence in 23 districts of the country. Cargills (Ceylon) owns and operates its own manufacturing and distribution arm. The company also owns the KFC franchise in Sri Lanka, and it introduced the first KFC drive-thru in the South Asia region. During the year a full year of operation of Millers Distribution was brought under the fold of Cargills. An Island-wide reach and distribution capability of Millers is expected to help Cagills (Ceylon) further penetrate the market. Turnover of the company during the year was Rs 16 billion and profit after tax was Rs 499 million.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Christianity vs. Mythology Essay
For many centuries, ancient Greek mythology has played an instrumental role in the development and foundation of all societies. The ancient myths formed through Greek Mythology has given meaning to the world people saw around them and helped answer perplexing questions such as, â€Å"Who made the world? How will it end? Who was the first man? Where do souls go after death?†. In fact, Greek mythology has provided meaning to people and the world around them in the same way Christianity and Judaism does. Greek mythology can relate to Christianity and Judaism such that they all were based off oral tradition, they have helped mankind develop a community that shares a common world view through moral way of life, and they all respond to our quest for wonder, the mystical and the unknown. Nonetheless, it is necessary to try and understand that both Ancient Greeks and Ancient Christians may have held similar beliefs about the world they were living in. In ancient Mythology, although there were no written texts that presented the several myths and stories such as the Christian Bible or the Hebrew Torah, the earliest Greek myths were part of an oral tradition. Ancient Greek myths, in their unknown beginnings, are believed to have been formed and passed on by oral tradition, meaning the myths originated from story-telling. The spread of Greek myths can relate to the early spread of Christianity and Judaism in the respect that the stories in the Bible and the Torah were stories about the sayings and acts of Jesus as told by story tellers long before they were ever recorded into a written text. Greek mythology, Christianity and Judaism are also similar such that they all teach a moral way of life and help mankind share a common world view. Almost all ancient Greek myths were constructed to teach some sort of lesson or moral, for example, in the story of Arachne. In the story, Arachne expressed extreme pride in her weaving skills; in Ancient Greece, having too much pride was considered a very unfavorable quality to acquire. Arachne believed her weaving abilities were far more superior than that of Athena’s, the goddess of weaving, so she challenged her to a weaving contest. In the end, Arachne’s skills did not even compare to Athena’s and Athena turned her into a spider. The story teaches that excessive pride and having a big ego is not considered acceptable if one wants to like a purely moral life. Like Greek mythology, Judaism and Christianity also strive to teach mankind how to live a fulfilling, moral life through the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity are a set of laws that God gave to the people of Israel that represent the main moral code of behavior every person should try to follow in order to live a spiritually pure and moral life. Finally, Greek mythology, Christianity and Judaism are similar because they all attempt to answer our perplexing questions and wonders about the world we live in. For instance, one similarity lies with the stories of creation; The story of Pandora’s Box in Greek mythology and the Book of Genesis in Judaism and Christianity. In the story of Pandora’s Box, Pandora was the first woman created and she was given a box by the Gods that she was told to never open. In the end, her curiosity overcame her, she opened the box and out came all the evils of the world. The story in the Book of Genesis is very similar- God created Adam and Eve and commanded them not to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Eventually, a serpent appeared to Eve and convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit. She persuaded her partner, Adam, to eat the fruit also and as a result, sin engulfed the world. The ancient Greeks and early Christians tried to find an explanation for the evil in the world, and both blame a woman for mankind’s downfall.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Rise of Industry in the Late 19th Century
During the 1860’s America was in a period of economic hardship due to the ongoing demand for materials and money to fund the war. In the South, sufficient money and materials were hard to acquire because the southern economy still depended on the labor of slaves to produce their goods and income rather than factories. The Northern economy used numerous factories to produce goods and make profit for the war, but they still did not have technology that was advanced enough to easily produce all the necessary materials and money. After the civil war, America embarked on a journey of economic expansion and unification for the nation. In the late 19th century, government policies, technological advancements and population changes contributed to the rise of industry in America. Many government policies were created in the 19th century to encourage expansion and growth for America. Three very influential policies were the Homestead Act, the Pacific Railway Act and laissez-faire. The homestead act was passed by Congress in 1862 to encourage settlement of western land. It promised any citizen of the United States that was at least 21 years old a homestead of 160 acres under the terms that they paid a 10 dollar registration fee, farmed on the land for 5 years and lived on the land for at least 6 months out of a year. When passed, the act proved a success at allowing huge masses of people to further enlarge and develop America because â€Å"settlers from all walks of life including newly arrived immigrants, farmers without land of their own from the East, single women and former slaves came to meet the requirements†(Weiser). The pacific railway act of 1862 provided the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad companies with federal land grants and funds to construct a transcontinental railway that would unite the country as one. With the completion of the railroad, industry had the opportunity to rise across America because the transportation time of goods, capital, and people was significantly decreased and more efficient. Laissez-faire was a policy practiced by government that preached a free market economy. Under laissez-faire, the business’s of America were able to grow and acquire larger sums of money because the government had little to no interference in the actions of companies. In the 19th century as settlement and companies expanded across America, technological discoveries were being made as part of an industrial revolution that would further the efficiency and growth of industry. With the transcontinental railroad, the steam engine could transport materials, machinery, goods and more to companies across America with much more ease than horses and wagons could in previous times. The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 increased communication between people to help the coordination and cohesiveness of companies. One brilliant inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, provided the nation with numerous inventions, two of which were the light bulb and the electric generator. As industrialization occurred, machinery was used to produce materials instead of human labor in order to increase production and profit. With the aid of Edison’s electrical generator, the machines of textiles could work faster and more efficient to maximize benefits. Also, with the aid of the light bulb, textiles were able to have longer work hours and produce larger quantities because the restriction of daylight hours was no longer a problem. â€Å"By the end of the nineteenth century, the nation was about to become a mass-production economy†because â€Å"the utilization of steam and electricity, the introduction of improved processes and labor-saving machinery†¦ multiplied enormously the effectiveness of labor†(Chandler 277; George 50). As America was booming from government policies and new technology, population changes also took effect to contribute to the rise of industry. Population was steadily rising due to immigration, migration, and improved conditions of living. Millions of European and Asian immigrants came to America in search of a more promising and successful life. These immigrants created a growing work force that big industries took advantage of by using the minimally paid workers to help produce more for their companies. Along with westward migration in America, â€Å"In the post-civil war period, cities swelled in population as a twin migration of immigrants and rural Americans flocked to the glittering urban environment†(Riis 320). This urbanization solidified the transition of the nation from an agricultural economy to an industrial one. Also in the 19th century, population was at a high compared the past because of improvements in health care, a higher reproduction rate and a better standard of living. These population changes provided America with a large, growing consumer economy that allowed industry and business to thrive. Compared to previous times, America ended the 19th century at an all time high due to new government policies, technological advancements and population changes. With the help of federal encouragement to settle westward and unite the country, industry was able to expand to more places across the nation. In these numerous factories, textiles and other working places, new machinery and technology was used to produce greater quantities in a shorter amounts of time which allowed industry to gain more profit and grow. These successful and innovative factories attracted immigrants and rural Americans, and pushed them to move to cities where industry and business could be a main focus. The growth of American industry in the 19th century took the nation to a whole new developmental level, and from there the nation continued to thrive and evolve. Citations Chandler, Alfred D. The Beginnings of â€Å"Big Business†in American Industry. 1959. American Issues. New York: Glencoe, 1994. 277-80. Print. Evans, Harold. â€Å"The Spark of Genius. †2004. American History. Vol. 2. Dubuque: McGraw Hill, 2007. 6-21. Print. George, Henry. â€Å"Progress and Poverty. †1879. America's History. Fourth ed. Vol. 2. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. 50-51. Print. Riis, Jacob. â€Å"Life in the Tenements of New York City. †1890. Voices of the American Past. Second ed. Vol. 2. Orlando: Harcourt College, 2001. 320-22. Print. Story, Jill. â€Å"Lecture. †27 Sept. 2010. Story, Jill. â €Å"Lecture. †5 Oct. 2010. Weiser, Kathy. â€Å"The Homestead Act – Creating Prosperity in America. â€Å"Legends of America – A Travel Site for the Nostalgic and Historic Minded. Apr. 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2010. .
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
How War Is Necessary Essay
Mr.Weirzbowski-English 10 War has been with mankind for many millenniums. The reasons for wars in mankind’s history have all been various, however one big reason for war is that countries want to grow bigger, by taking over one another. Throughout history, rulers would not be satisfied with the amount of land that they had or wanted to spread their beliefs around the world. So, they did it by trying to take over others. However, some didn’t want to give up their land or change, so they fought. Fighting these wars are, however, necessary no matter what people believe. This is because fighting them and winning will stop them from controlling others. Some wars that stopped countries from controlling others are the second world war, the war in Vietnam, and the Revolutionary war. However, there are claims that the Vietnam war could’ve been avoided, but there would’ve been consequences for going to war. War is necessary because it’s a way to try to stop countries from dominating o ver others and controlling them. There are many ways that war has stopped countries from controlling one another. Firstly, the Vietnamese war was necessary because, the war would’ve stopped the spreading of communism to neighboring asian countries, also known as the â€Å"domino theory†. The idea of communism started with the election of Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam. Kennedy wasn’t concerned with Vietnam until Lyndon B Johnson called Ngo Dinh Diem the â€Å"Winston Churchill of Asia†because, Diem was the only one trying to resist the communists and Johnson promised to help him. Noam Chomsky, a US philosopher, stated that if a country better its economy due to communism, neighboring countries would try to improve their economy using communism, as seen when China influenced North Vietnam. Had communism been successfully spread to South Vietnam, then Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Also, other countries would’ve lost faith in the US for not prote cting S.Vietnam in their time of need. This shows that the US needed to fight this war to stop the communistic ideals from spreading to countries and to keep the confidence of other countries around the world, so that they could help the US when the US needs them. The second world war as necessary because, it showed how the world responds to a fascist ruler controlling a major country, trying to claim the world. It also showed how the US would react when attacked by another major country. Hitler want to create a â€Å"master race†, which was blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. So when he came into power, he had convinced the german people that jewish people were less than humans and should be treated as such. Thus he started taking over various countries in Europe and started killing jewish people to start his plan. While that was happening, the US was maintaining neutrality and supplying Britain, Russia, and China with weapons until the japanese attacked pearl harbor on December 1941. The US then declared war on Japan and fought in the Pacific theater until August 15th, 1945. Had the axis powers won World War II, North America and South America would be surrounded by dictators ready to destroy democracy and take over the world. Also, H itler’s plan would’ve probably been completed and the world would’ve been comprised of blonde, blue-eyed people. However, the war told us that when we are concerned with individualism, we become selfish and corrupted or under the influence of corrupted selfish nations. This war was needed because, when one tries to dominate and take over another country, we become blinded and end falling. We need teamwork to stay strong in the world. Finally, the Revolutionary War was necessary because, it allowed rights normally granted by the king, to be for every single individual. It also sparked other revolutions, along with stopping Britian from controlling the colonies. When the French Indian War concluded, King George III made the Proclamation of 1763, which stated that no colonists may settle west of the Appalachian and anyone other than Indians there had to move from the area. The Boston Massacre also brought them closer to the revolution, because British soldiers killed 5 civilians for calling them names. The Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773, were all attempt of Britian to try and control the colonies in North America. However after the war, the Declaration of Independence was signed and Britian let the colonies rule themselves. With this newfound freedom, the colonists were allowed to trade with anyone they wanted, colonize past the Appalachian Mountains, set up a new government and th e British moved out of the colonies. Had the colonists lost the war, the US would probably still be under British rule to this day. Even with all this evidence that war is necessary, people still see war as a terrible thing. Going back to the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese War could’ve been avoided because the US could’ve stayed neutral and let the problem in Vietnam blow over, instead of sacrificing 50,000 men. The war would’ve been avoided and Vietnam would’ve became a communist country along with possibly, part of Asia. Robert McNamara, defense chief under John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, says that he doubted Vietnam would let China or Russia use them as a base, but that’s the US had feared at the time. The US had feared that China or Russia would use them as a base they could use to control more parts of Asia. The Vietnamese could’ve probably fought the war themselves and probably resisted the communistic ways of China and/or Russia. The belief about if war is needed in the world or not cuts both ways. Either that it helps bring everlasting peace in the world closer or it’s useless and all it does is kill off innocent people. War is a big thing that stops countries from trying to gain total global domination or keeping them at bay until they give up. Until that happens, there will be allies who will attack at a moments notice when a country is trying to bite off more than it can chew.There are so many more examples of how war is necessary in the world that this would be a lot longer than it is already. The concept of war may seem bad, but in the end, it’s all worth it.
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