Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The history of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The history of art - Essay Example Ancient Roman architecture consists of elements like paintings, mosaics and statues made up of concrete and cement. One chief feature of ancient Roman architecture was the construction of vault in the ceiling or roof. The vaults can be semicircular in shape (barrel vault) or elliptical (groin vault). The two most common perspectives used by the Roman artists in their works were the linear perspective and the atmospheric perspective. Another technique that was mastered by the Romans was chiaroscuro or the strong contrasts between light and dark. A very good execution of the same can be seen in the painting ‘Still Life with Peaches’. The use of a garden scape is yet another feature of Roman wall paintings. The Tomb of the Reliefs and The Tomb of the Leopards are two of the most well-known tombs of Tarquinia. Sarcophagus from Cerveteri is an Etruscan sculpture depicting a married couple together in the afterlife. The four styles of Roman painting are Masonry Style, Illusion istic Style, Ornate Style and Realistic Style. In sculpture, the equestrian statue, or the statue of a rider mounted on a horse, was very popular. An example is the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius. The Capitoline Wolf is a bronze figure of a female wolf feeding her two infants, inspired by the myth of the founding of Rome. Such female personification is another dominant trait of erstwhile Roman sculpture. Most of the famous historic buildings and archaeological sites in Italy can be found in Colosseum and Pantheon.
Monday, October 28, 2019
High School Essay Example for Free
High School Essay â€Å"Since you started high school, how have you changed? Write to answer this question.† My high school years have been the most transformative years of my entire life. Although many aspects of who I am have essentially remained unchanged, some alterations in the way I behave around others and basic mentality ultimately left me with a completely new persona. Before I was in high school, I was a very sensitive person, always worried about how people perceived me and concerned with how that perception would affect me in the long run. Because of this, I conformed who I was to fit the liking of those around me, and never â€Å"let myself go,†to simply allow myself to do whatever I wanted with no obstruction or restraint. I finally realized in high school that simply being myself was far more rewarding than forcing myself to conform to the whims of those who don’t really matter. Furthermore, I realized that those who accepted me for who I was were the ones who really cared. Disliking people solely on the basis of who they are is unfair, and since I finally allowed myself to live my life without worrying about how others’ saw me, I was able to see those people who were this way. In addition, I had always been someone driven by emotion, always reacting severely to anything and thereby antagonizing those closest to me. In high school, I learned that being this way would never allow for healthy relationships, so I set myself upon fixing this issue in order to mend those relationships which I so valued. I detached myself from the outside world, placing that anger that came from my reactions into more productive things, such as writing and reading. I channeled my anger into more useful things that would have no adverse effects and because of this, was able to change my usually emotional mindset to a much more logical one – one that considered repercussions and remained cautious even in times when my patience was most tested. Clearly, I’ve changed significantly in my general outlook on many things, even though the foundations of who I am have stayed the same. I’m eternally grateful that I was able to make some of these changes, as I’d be someone completely different today if I hadn’t, someone that I’m not sure I would like being. I’m satisfied with who I am now.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Relationship Between Inflation and Unemployment :: Economics
Inflation and unemployment are two key elements when evaluating a whole economy and it is also easy to get those figures from National Bureau of Statistics when you want to evaluate it. However, the relationship between them is a controversial topic, which has been debated by economists for decades. From some famous economists such as Paul Samuelson, Milton Freidman etc to some infamous economists, this topic received a lot of attention. However, it is this debate that makes the thinking about it evolve. In this essay, the controversial topic will be discussed by viewing different economists’ opinions on that according to time sequencing. But before started, it is worthy getting a better understanding of the terms, inflation and unemployment. Inflation refers to an increase in overall level of prices within an economy. In simple words, it means you have to pay more money to get the same amount of goods or services as you acquired before. By contrast, the term unemployment is easier to understand. Generally, it refers to those people who are available for work but do not find a work. And unemployment rate, which is the percentage of the labour force that is unemployed, is usually used to measure unemployment (Mankiw 1992). The debate of the relationship between inflation and unemployment is mainly based on the famous â€Å"Phillips Curve†. This curve was first discovered by a New Zealand born economist called Allan William Phillips. In 1958, A. W. Phillips published an article â€Å"The relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of money wages in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957†, in which he showed a negative correlation between inflation and unemployment (Phillips 1958). As shown in figure 1, when unemployment rate is low, the inflation rate tends to be high, and when unemployment is high, the inflation rate tends to be low, even to be negative. Figure 1 Phillips Curve Two years later, economists Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow, who are the most infusive representatives of Keynesian School, also published an article, showing the same negative correlation between inflation and unemployment, based on the United States’ economic data (Samuelson and Solow 1960).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Psychological Theory And Research And The Foxwood Inclusion Education Essay
â€Å" Inclusive instruction is concerned with all scholars, with a focal point on those who have traditionally been excluded from educational chances – such as scholars with particular demands disablements, kids from cultural & A ; lingual minorities, and so on ( UNESCO, 2001 ) †This is an inclusion which was set out by the guidelines for learning. With that being the instance it is difficult to grok why some students with SEN, who â€Å" attend mainstream †school, are frequently still separated from their typically developing equals. This is known as integrating and was identified to hold 3 types ; location, societal or functional- ( Warnock, 1978 ) . . It can be seen by the survey of students with SEN who attended categories in a particular unit- Sinclair Taylor ( 1995 ) . Here it was found that these pupils, even though they had SEN, were cognizant of how others around them thought about them and knew they were non like the remainder of their typically developing equals due to this separation. The classification of those with SEN is based on medical rules and factors which Belanger ( 2000 ) researched and schools frequently abide by this theoretical account prior irrespective of their consent or want. What features can be identified that are consistent with the recommendations from psychological theory & A ; research? Inclusive instruction is centred on the human right to instruction, which was asserted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948: â€Å" Everyone has the right to instruction†¦ †( art.26 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights ) From the present article it was addressed that the really word picture of what inclusion is to each individual needs to be addressed in articles environing this subject, an as Booth and Ainscow ( 2002 ) pointed this out as being â€Å" cardinal †to inclusion but which is frequently left out, The present survey does a good occupation to turn to their conceptualization of what inclusion is early in the article. From the Education Act ( 1981 ) and the Education ( NI ) Order ( 1986 ) the authorities had been be aftering a steady patterned advance towards inclusion. This entails that all kids should hold entree to a basic but good quality education- ( Frederickson & A ; Cline, 2002. ) There is grounds that kids can do appropriate advancement in a mainstream scene if specific course of study distinction and instruction schemes are employed ( Manset & A ; Semmel, 1997 ) . In the Foxwood inclusion, this was adhered to as the single plans were developed for the demands of each kid alternatively of them seeking to suit into a stiff plan or course of study that would non function their best involvement. Pupil diverseness is something which needs to be accounted for in order for successful inclusion to happen. Wedell ( 1995 ) besides reported that stiff learning methods and regulations that merely cater for typically developing pupils may do issues for pupils with SEN. Local instruction governments ( LEAs ) are now draw a bead oning to explicate 1why a kid ‘s demands can non be met in mainstream schools if they have SEN, 2 why inclusion can non be achieved without the intervention to other kids ‘s instruction 3and why inclusion puts emphasis on resources portraying it to be complicated to supply schools with resources. Some have implied that the impression of inclusion extends further than simple integrating. It is people ‘s revised thought that has led to a re-conceptualisation of â€Å" particular demands †. If troubles had by the students are recognized, it makes advancement more likely. Communication between those involved in the kid ‘s integrating into the new school was recognised by the Foxwood inclusion programme as being imperative. Mainstream categories, predating and during the first phases of debut of students from the SEN school, were provided with a equal readying bundle. This included workshop activities which were held by an inclusion squad member and besides the category instructor. This provided the pupils with information to help their supportive interactions towards the kids with SEN. The kids with SEN wore the same uniform as the remainder of the kids in the Foxwood inclusion strategy. This brought a sense of integrity and belonging to the kid as they were visually granted the sense of adjustment in and being the same as the other pupils. This characteristic has been given more attending in the US than the UK. What farther developments could be suggested? In a survey carried out by El-Ashry ( 2009 ) the relationship and attitude of instructors towards kids with a disablement and their inclusion into mainstream schools was investigated. This showed a negative attitude from the instructors towards these kids. However, instructors that reported a relationship with one of the kids with a disablement spoke more favorably of their inclusion. This could hence be implemented in schools and reversed to happen out the attitudes of kids with SEN towards their instructors and in add-on, the instructors ‘ attitude towards them. It could give penetration into the possibility of the kid with SEN picking up on the instructors ‘ attitude towards them and their ideas on inclusion, whether it is negative or positive. Conveyance to and from school would necessitate to guarantee the obliteration of a seeable barrier implemented between mainstream and SEN. If kids with SEN are required to utilize â€Å" particular conveyance †this is a seeable separation of them from their equals e.g. â€Å" The xanthous coach. †Goodman and Burton ( 2010 ) used â€Å" Semi-structured interviews to analyze instructors ‘ experiences and attacks to including pupils with BESD in mainstream instruction †. They stated that they found this difficult â€Å" due to a deficiency of resources and degree of proficiency †. Their work showed that although the sum of work done was extended and hence a assortment of schemes for working with pupils with BESD identified, they were still concerned that instructors still raised by issues resembling those recognized in policy over 20 old ages ago. This would propose that despite the alterations that have been made ; already established obstructions to guarantee inclusion have yet to be addressed. There would necessitate to be more schoolroom helpers available to help the instructors every bit good as the pupils. Wedell ( 2000 ) really stated that for effectual inclusive instruction at that place needs to be a greater alteration than is presently acknowledge d. Educational psychologists have a cardinal function to play, nevertheless the assorted demands placed upon them raises issues as to how they can concentrate on inclusion to accomplish a coveted result every bit good as support from specializer instructors ( Takala & A ; Aunio, 2005. ) Therefore once more at that place needs to be more resources and services available in any inclusion scene, nevertheless, the Foxwood inclusion did demo grounds of this. Information and communications engineering has potential for larning among students, as has the development of equal tutoring. This could advance the sense of belonging and credence for kids with SEN every bit good as a sense of duty towards them from their equals, which in bend may turn out to decrease the extent of intimidation. Class Wide Peer Tutoring, ( CWPT ) was used to heighten the spelling public presentation and societal interactions of three typical pupils and three pupils with mild disablements in an probe by Sideridis ( 1996. ) The consequences showed a addition in the truth of spelling of all pupils, an addition of pupils ‘ continuance of positive societal interactions and eventually the satisfaction of pupils and instructors showed an addition besides. Another survey showed the same consequences, although somewhat less clear cut, with regard to kids with autism ( Ward and Ayvazo 2006, Mc Donnell et Al 2001. ) If this was incorporated it could demo success and advance coveted emotional and societal success for both the kids with SEN and their equals. In such scenarios, learning and larning becomes a collaborative activity. How might the undermentioned facets be investigated: the societal competency & A ; affectional operation of the kids with SEN, and the attitudes & A ; behavior of their schoolmates towards them? Gresham et Al ( 1997 ) described this, societal capableness, as â€Å" multidimensional concept made up of societal accomplishments, adaptative behavior and equal relationship variables. †There are multiple ways in which societal competency or ability can be investigated. A technique which could be used would be the Roster and Rating Scale. It provides the kids with a record of all those being targeted for the intent of the consequences, i.e. , their schoolmates. The numerical graduated table is explained and the kid rates each kid in conformity with this. Forced Choice Group Preference Record is besides one which can be used. Connolly ( 1983, cited by Frederickson & A ; Furnham, ) emphasized the hazards of recognizing unpopular kids, yet, Fredrickson and Furnham ( 2004 ) argue that this fact-finding method is suited for mensurating societal inclusion and besides noted that few researches supported Connolly ‘s claim as small grounds was found to reenforce it. Frederickson & A ; Graham ( 1999 ) reported dependability and cogency with respects to the information which the method produced. The present survey investigated some of these facets by analyzing the relationship between strong-arming and exploitation between kids with SEN and their equals. In a reappraisal by Gresham ( 1997 ) it was concluded that kids with mild disablements had poorer societal accomplishments and besides displayed more clogging job behaviors. They were unsuccessfully accepted or discarded by equals. However, it is Important that the instruction proviso giv es extra attending to warrant that kids who have SEN are non subjected to severe societal rejection since they lack expertness in cardinal societal and emotional countries. Dodge et Al ( 1982 ) illustrated that kids with SEN experienced troubles in certain societal state of affairss as they found it hard to construe these state of affairss in the manner that their equals could. The â€Å" Guess who †societal behavior, bully and victim steps developed by Frederickson & A ; Graham ( 1999 ) was used in the Foxwood inclusion strategy and is utile for the indicant of the pupils sentiments to give an penetration into the attitudes towards the kids with SEN. Some worried that if kids with SEN were incorporated into a schoolroom or school with typically developing kids, that the typically underdeveloped kids would be disrupted. However research by Kalmabouka et Al ( 2007 ) found there to be no unfavorable effects for the first initial pupils when SEN kids were included in the school. In the Foxwood inclusion article, it was reported that Trends in equal studies of strong-arming suggest that there is no room for complacence and that ongoing monitoring is required. Humphrey ( 2008 ) worryingly admitted that after their research for including kids with SEN among their equals that â€Å" none of the schemes outlined here or elsewhere are likely to be successful unless they are underpinned by nucleus values and attitudes that include regard for ( and jubilation of ) diverseness. †Decision of inclusion The current Foxwood inclusion strategy made usage of bing research and schemes, every bit good as guidelines for successful inclusion. The students were good supported and accepted contrary to Warnock ‘s ( 2005 ) uncertainnesss. The equal readying bundle may be responsible for the differences among the consequences of credence. They admitted more research would be insightful. In order for the concerns of intimidation and credence within the schoolroom, the literature could be farther examined to set into topographic point any suggested which may farther better the state of affairs. Combined work on inclusion along with the hereafter developments discussed supra could hopefully retroflex the consequences shown by the Foxwood strategy except on a more cosmopolitan graduated table. The inclusion of a kid would normally come about by the petitions of the parent or the kid ; therefore it is the figures in the educational system, pupils and parents etc to guarantee the kid ‘s e xperience is worthwhile.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Legalization of Euthanasia
People have the right to medical care, but pain and suffering for a person has to be one of the toughest things in life to deal with. In the health care world, few topics create a debate as heated as euthanasia. Euthanasia comes from the Greek word meaning good death. Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a person either by lethal injection or the suspension of medical treatment. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and negatives in legalizing euthanasia.Although legalizing euthanasia would help alleviate suffering in terminally ill patients, the act of intentionally killing an individual devalues human life causing a distrust in physicians and may even become a means of health care cost containment, empowering law abusers. Firstly, i'll discuss the benefit in legalizing euthanasia, for it is a good way of ultimately relieving extreme pain when a persons quality of life is low. The biggest argument in favor of euthanasia is that the person involved is in great pain.L egalizing euthanasia would help alleviate suffering of terminally ill patients. It would be inhuman and unfair to make them endure the unbearable pain. In case of individuals suffering from incurable diseases or in conditions where effective treatment wouldn’t affect their quality of life; they should be given the liberty to choose induced death. Also, the motive of euthanasia is to â€Å"aid-in-dying†painlessly and thus should be considered and accepted by law. Although killing in an attempt to defend oneself is far different from mercy killing, law does find it worth approving.In an attempt to provide medical and emotional care to the patient, a doctor does and should prescribe medicines that will relieve his suffering even if the medications cause gross side effects. This means that dealing with agony and distress should be the priority even if it affects the life expectancy. Euthanasia follows the same theory of dealing with torment in a way to help one die peacef ully out of the compromising situation. Euthanasia should be a natural extension of patients’ rights allowing him to decide the value of life and death for him.Maintaining life support systems against patients’ wish is considered unethical by law as well as medical philosophy. If the patient has the right to discontinue treatment why would he not have the right to shorten his lifetime to escape the intolerable anguish? Isn’t the pain of waiting for death frightening and traumatic? Faye Girsh, at the Final Exit Network says, â€Å"At the Hemlock Society we get calls daily from desperate people who are looking for someone like Jack Kevorkian to end their lives which have lost all quality†¦Americans should enjoy a right guaranteed in the European Declaration of Human Rights  the right not to be forced to suffer. It should be considered as much of a crime to make someone live who with justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life withou t consent. †That point being made, the act of intentionally taking the life of an individual also devalues human life which may cause a distrust in physicians and ultimately makes this form of pain alleviation a bad idea. Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life.People who support euthanasia often say that it is already considered permissable to take human life under some circumstances such as self defense – but they miss the point that when one kills for self defense they are saving innocent life – either their own or someone else's. With euthanasia no one's life is being saved, rather life is only taken. History has taught us the dangers of euthanasia and that is why there are only two countries in the world today where it is legal. That is why almost all societies, even non-religious ones, for thousands of years have made euthanasia a crime.There are also two topics to discuss here: the definition of â€Å"terminal†and the c hanges that have already taken place to extend euthanasia to those who aren't â€Å"terminally ill. †There are many definitions for the word â€Å"terminal. †For example, when he spoke to the National Press Club in 1992, Jack Kevorkian said that a terminal illness was â€Å"any disease that curtails life even for a day. †The co-founder of the Hemlock Society often refers to â€Å"terminal old age. †Some laws define â€Å"terminal†condition as one from which death will occur in a â€Å"relatively short time. Others state that â€Å"terminal†means that death is expected within six months or less. Even where a specific life expectancy is referred to, medical experts acknowledge that it is virtually impossible to predict the life expectancy of a particular patient.Some people diagnosed as terminally ill don't die for years, if at all, from the diagnosed condition. Increasingly, however, euthanasia activists have dropped references to term inal illness, replacing them with such phrases as â€Å"hopelessly ill,†â€Å"desperately ill,†â€Å"incurably ill,†â€Å"hopeless condition,†and â€Å"meaningless life. Even doctors cannot firmly predict about the period of death and whether there is a possibility of remission with advanced treatment. Bernard Baumrin, PhD, MD, Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York, wrote in his chapter, â€Å"Physician, Stay Thy Hand! †that appeared in the 1998 book Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate, â€Å"Doctors must not engage in assisting suicide. They are inheritors of a valuable tradition that inspires public trust. None should be even partly responsible for the erosion of that trust.Nothing that is remotely beneficial to some particular patient in extremis is worth the damage that will be created by the perception that physicians sometimes aid and even abet people in taking their own lives. †So, implementing euthanasia would mean many unlawful deaths that could have well survived later. Along with empowering law abusers and increasing distrust of patients towards doctors, legalizing euthanasia may also lead to using as a means for health care cost containment.Perhaps one of the most important developments in recent years is the increasing emphasis placed on health care providers to contain costs. In such a climate, euthanasia certainly could become a means of cost containment. In the United States, thousands of people have no medical insurance; studies have shown that the poor and minorities generally are not given access to available pain control, and managed-care facilities are offering physicians cash bonuses if they don't provide care for patients.With greater and greater emphasis being placed on managed care, many doctors are at financial risk when they provide treatment for their patients. Legalized euthanasia raises the potential for a profoundly dangerous situation in which doc tors could find themselves far better off financially if a seriously ill or disabled person â€Å"chooses†to die rather than receive long-term care. Savings to the government may also become a consideration. This could take place if governments cut back on paying for treatment and care and replace them with the â€Å"treatment†of death.For example, immediately after the passage of Measure 16, Oregon's law permitting assisted suicide, Jean Thorne, the state's Medicaid Director, announced that physician-assisted suicide would be paid for as â€Å"comfort care†under the Oregon Health Plan which provides medical coverage for about 345,000 poor Oregonians. Within eighteen months of Measure 16's passage, the State of Oregon announced plans to cut back on health care coverage for poor state residents. In Canada, hospital stays are being shortened while, at the same time, funds have not been made available for home care for the sick and elderly.Registered nurses are being replaced with less expensive practical nurses. Patients are forced to endure long waits for many types of needed surgery. Nearly all pain can be eliminated and, in those rare cases where it can't be eliminated, it can still be reduced significantly if proper treatment is provided. It is a national and international scandal that so many people do not get adequate pain control and although voluntary euthanasia may help aleviate the pain that may come from seeing a loved one or being the one in pain, killing is not the answer to that scandal.This form of assisted suicide will not only diminish the honour and value of human life, but cause a distrust in doctors, create a rise in law abusers and a reason to allow individuals to pass in order to cut down on health care costs. The solution is to mandate better education of health care professionals on these crucial issues, to expand access to health care, and to inform patients about their rights as consumers.Everyone, whether it be a person with a life-threatening illness or a chronic condition, has the right to pain relief. With modern advances in pain control, no patient should ever be in excruciating pain. However, most doctors have never had a course in pain management so they're unaware of what to do. If a patient who is under a doctor's care is in excruciating pain, there's definitely a need to find a different doctor. But that doctor should be one who will control the pain, not one who will kill the patient. Legalization of Euthanasia ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY – EUTHANASIA By Troy Jacques Euthanasia is known as the practice of deliberately ending a life which releases an individual from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. This mercy killing is often referred as an easy and painless death. This can be done from the request of a dying patient or that person’s legal representative. When this is done it is known as Voluntary Euthanasia. Not doing something to prevent someone’s death is known as passive or negative Euthanasia. Active or positive Euthanasia is when someone takes deliberate action to cause a death.Currently Euthanasia is not allowed by law to be practiced on people. My opinion on Euthanasia is that it should be legalised because the patients get to die in less pain and suffering as possible, the majority of the public believe that Euthanasia should be allowed morally and in a free society an individual should be able to choose their time of death. Patients with such diseases as cancer should be allowed to choose their time of death. This is because cancer is the most common cause of death in Australia, accounting for more than a quarter of all deaths.There is major pain that is associated with cancer suffers and it is a severe and intractable form of chronic pain. Patients with advanced cancers often experience multiple symptoms like fatigue, weakness, mental haziness, anxiety and nausea. Many of these symptoms can not be eliminated and any may widely affect the function of sense and well being. This can cause a major source of distress to the terminally ill and it can cause extremely unpleasant symptoms, which are undignified in the terminal stage.This is where Euthanasia would be able to step in and with the request from the patient or their legal representative put a stop to their pain and suffering. I also agree that special guidelines must be put into stop abuse from families that may profit form the death of a person. In Australia the public opinion also supports Euthanasia being legalised. It is around three quarters of the population in Australia that are in favour of doctors giving or practicing Euthanasia if requested by a terminally ill patient who is experiencing unrelievable suffering.This is based on the responses to the Morgan Poll question: â€Å" If a hopelessly ill patient, experiencing unrelievable suffering with absolutely no chance of recovery, asks for a lethal dose, so as not to wake again, should the doctor be able to give the lethal dose. In 1962 only 47% said â€Å"yes†. In 1993 78% and in 1994 and 1995 74% answered with â€Å"yes†. Now only 18% say â€Å"no†and another 8% are undecided. From this poll the people have stated that in some circumstances Voluntary Euthanasia should be allowed to be practiced.In a free society a person should be able to choose the time of their death if they are terminally ill. If we are to be truly living in a free society a person should be able to reque st their doctor to perform Voluntary Euthanasia if they are terminally ill. In not being able to request this means that we are not allowed too freely decide our own fate. I believe that Euthanasia should be legalised because if policed properly it can put a person out of intolerable suffering in which they will die in more pain anyway.At the present moment under some circumstances the public also agree that a patient should be able to request Voluntary Euthanasia to be practiced on them. It is also that a person should also be able to choose his or her own time of death if we are to be living in a fee society. If a person is allowed to legally refuse treatment that will in a consequence end their life, well why can’t a person just be put out of intolerable suffering and achieve the same fate? Word Count 650
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
GPS essays
GPS essays With the proliferation of satellite-based defense systems and their continuing presence in the media it makes us more aware of our national defense. The United States is large, economically strong and a sometimes tumultuous presence in the global community. Although we may feel secure because of our superior technology and defense capabilities, our size and position in world affairs can make us a target for some countries. We can no longer be concerned with just our borders and now what comes from the skies and the sea is more of a threat than ever before. The United States government had to develop a way to counter these possible attacks and the Global Positioning The Global Positioning System was initiated in 1973 by the Department of Defense (DOD). It was developed by the the DOD because at a cost of over twelve billion dollars the government had the monetary resources to achieve these idealistic goals. Since that time it has grown from one satellite used strictly by the military to twenty-six satellites that can be used by civilians also. This satellite system is used to determine the speed and position of an object anywhere in the world within one hundred meters to mere millimeters depending on the size and quality of user equipment.(GPS JOINT PROGRAM OFFICE. ICD-GPS-200:GPS INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT.) The original purpose of GPS was to maintain a strategic military advantage over our enemies. Toward the end of the arms race the targeting of ballistic missiles became so exact they could land directly on an enemy missile silo and destroy any missiles inside of it. The ability to take out your enemies missiles from great distances had a major effect on the balance of power. To maintain the balance of power the United States government had to develop a way to locate surfacing submarines in a matter of minutes anywhere in the world. Wi ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
LSAT Tricks from an Insider
LSAT Tricks from an Insider The makers of the LSAT are famously mysterious, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get inside their heads. Teaching LSAT prep classes has given me some unique insights into the how and why of the test; the following tips- one for each section of the LSAT- should help you crack LSAC’s code on test day. LSAT Trick #1: Memorize Argument Types Section: Logical Reasoning The vast majority of questions on the two Logical Reasoning portions of the LSAT contain a full argument: one or more premises and a conclusion. The conclusion is the thing the author is trying to prove, and the premise is some evidence that supports that conclusion. A tried and true way of scoring big on the Logical Reasoning portion is to memorize a list of those argument types then look for them on test day. Here’s an example of a common argument type, often referred to as excluding alternatives: There are two restaurants in this town- Roach Hut and Beef in a Cup. Beef in a Cup is closed for health code violations. Therefore, we must eat at Roach Hut. We’ve eliminated every possible alternative, so we can conclude that we must go with the only one left. Arguments like this show up on every LSAT. There are also mistakes that show up regularly in arguments, and the LSAT tests your understanding of them. Here’s an example of a flaw that some refer to as an exclusivity flaw: Imagine that, in the town referenced in the argument above, there was a third restaurant, Road Kill Bar Grill. If you made the exact same argument- excluding one restaurant- without showing that this third option was impossible, you would’ve committed an exclusivity flaw. On the test, two questions can look different on the surface- one might be about moon rocks and another about ancient history- but they may very well just be different contexts for the same type of argument. If you memorize the argument types and argument flaws before test day, you’ll be light-years ahead of the competition. LSAT Trick #2: Use Your Game Setup More Than Once Section: Analytical Reasoning (Games) Let’s say question #9 asks you, â€Å"If C is in slot 7, which one of the following must be true?†You dutifully create your Logic Games setup with C in 7, get the answer and move on. Guess what? You can use the work you did on question #9 on later questions. For example, another question might ask something like, â€Å"Which of the following could be true?†If there’s an answer choice that matches the setup you already made for question #9, you’ve already proven that it could be true, and so you’ve got the right answer without doing any work. If you can use your earlier work to knock out a few answer choices, you have a better chance of getting the later question right. If you can knock out all four wrong answers, then you’ve got the right answer by process of elimination. The takeaway here is don’t do more work than you have to. LSAT TRICK #3: Find the Argument Structure Section: Reading Comprehension It’s useful to think of a passage in the Reading Comprehension section as a really long (and boring) Logical Reasoning argument. Since there are generally between one and three arguments being made in any Reading Comprehension passage, and we know that an argument is made of premises and a conclusion, look for those premises and conclusions as you read. Find the structure of the argument to help you understand whats being asked. These things are very often conclusions: A cause and effect relationship; a hypothesis; a recommendation that a course of action be taken; a prediction; an answer to a question. These things are very often premises: An experiment; a scientific study; scientific research; an example; an expert’s statement; a laundry list of items in a category. Here’s an example of something you might see on test day: The author says that smoking causes cancer. Then he talks about a study that shows that people who smoke are far more likely to get cancer than those who don’t. The cause and effect relationship is the conclusion, and the study is a premise that supports it. You’ll get tested on your understanding of how those two things relate to one another. About the Author Branden Frankel is an LSAT instructor for Blueprint LSAT Preparation. Prior to teaching, he scored a 175 on the LSAT, got his JD from UCLA, and practiced patent law. You can find more of his insights at Most Strongly Supported | LSAT Blog, through BluePrint LSAT Prep. About BluePrint LSAT Preparation Blueprint students increase their LSAT score by an average of 11 points on in-class practice tests, and can enroll in live LSAT prep classes throughout the country or take an online LSAT course from home.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Supermarine Spitfire in World War II
Supermarine Spitfire in World War II The iconic fighter of the Royal Air Force in World War II, the British Supermarine Spitfire saw action in all theaters of the war. First introduced in 1938, it was continually refined and improved through the course of the conflict with over 20,000 built. Best known for its elliptical wing design and role during the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire was beloved by its pilots and became a symbol of the RAF. Also used by British Commonwealth nations, the Spitfire remained in service with some countries into the early 1960s. Design The brainchild of Supermarines chief designer, Reginald J. Mitchell, the Spitfires design evolved during the 1930s. Utilizing his background in creating high-speed racing aircraft, Mitchell worked to combine a sleek, aerodynamic airframe with the new Rolls-Royce PV-12 Merlin engine. In order to meet the Air Ministrys requirement that the new aircraft carry eight .303 cal. machine guns, Mitchell chose to incorporate a large, elliptical wing form into the design. Mitchell lived just long enough to see the prototype fly before dying of cancer in 1937. Further development of the aircraft was led by Joe Smith. Production Following trials in 1936, the Air Ministry placed an initial order for 310 aircraft. To meet the governments needs, Supermarine built a new plant at Castle Bromwich, near Birmingham, to produce the aircraft. With war on the horizon, the new factory was built quickly and it began production two months after the ground breaking. Assembly time for the Spitfire tended to be high relative to other fighters of the day due to the stressed-skin construction and the complexity of building the elliptical wing. From the time assembly began to the end of World War II, over 20,300 Spitfires were constructed. Evolution Through the course of the war, the Spitfire was repeatedly upgraded and altered to ensure that it remained an effective frontline fighter. Supermarine produced a total of 24 marks (versions) of the aircraft, with major changes including the introduction of the Griffon engine and varying wing designs. While originally carrying eight .303 cal. machine guns, it was found that a mixture of .303 cal. guns and 20mm cannon was more effective. To accommodate this, Supermarine designed the B and C wings which could carry 4 .303 guns and 2 20mm cannon. The most produced variant was the Mk. V which had 6,479 built. Specifications - Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb General Crew: 1Length: 29 ft. 11 in.Wingspan: 36 ft. 10 in.Height: 11 ft. 5 in.Wing Area: 242.1 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 5,090 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight: 6,770 lbs.Power Plant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Merlin 45 Supercharged V12 engine, 1,470 hp at 9,250 ft. Performance Maximum Speed: 330 knots (378 mph)Combat Radius: 470 milesService Ceiling: 35,000 ft.Rate of Climb: 2,665 ft/min. Armament 2 x 20mm Hispano Mk. II cannon4 .303 cal. Browning machine guns2x 240 lb. bombs Early Service The Spitfire entered service with 19 Squadron on August 4, 1938. Successive squadrons were equipped with the aircraft over the following year. With the beginning of World War II on September 1, 1939, the aircraft commenced combat operations. Five days later, Spitfires were involved in a friendly fire incident, dubbed the Battle of Barking Creek, which resulted in the first RAF pilot death of the war. The type first engaged the Germans on October 16 when nine Junkers Ju 88s attempted to attack the cruisers HMS Southampton and HMS Edinburgh in the Firth of Forth. In 1940, Spitfires took part in the fighting in the Netherlands and France. During the latter battle, they aided in covering beaches during the evacuation of Dunkirk. Battle of Britain Spitfire Mk. I and Mk. II variants aided in turning back the Germans during the Battle of Britain in the summer and fall of 1940. While less numerous than the Hawker Hurricane, Spitfires matched up better against the principal German fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf 109. As a result, Spitfire-equipped squadrons were frequently assigned to defeating the German fighters, while the Hurricanes attacked the bombers. In early 1941, the Mk. V was introduced, providing pilots with a more formidable aircraft. The advantages of the Mk. V were quickly erased later that year with the arrival of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Service Home Abroad Beginning in 1942, Spitfires were sent to RAF and Commonwealth squadrons operating abroad. Flying in the Mediterranean, Burma-India, and in the Pacific, the Spitfire continued to make its mark. At home, squadrons provided fighter escort for American bombing attacks on Germany. Due to their short range, they were only able to provide cover into northwest France and the Channel. As a result, escort duties were turned over to American P-47 Thunderbolts, P-38 Lightnings, and P-51 Mustangs as they became available. With the invasion of France in June 1944, Spitfire squadrons were moved across the Channel to aid in obtaining air superiority. Late War After Flying from fields close to the lines, RAF Spitfires worked in conjunction with other Allied air forces to sweep the German Luftwaffe from the sky. As fewer German aircraft were seen, they also provided ground support and sought out targets of opportunity in the German rear. In the years following the war, Spitfires continued to see action during the Greek Civil War and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In the latter conflict, the aircraft was flown by both the Israelis and Egyptians. A popular fighter, some nations continued to fly the Spitfire into the 1960s. Supermarine Seafire Adapted for naval use under the name Seafire, the aircraft saw the majority of its service in the Pacific and Far East. Ill-suited for deck operations, the aircrafts performance also suffered due to the additional equipment required for landing at sea. After improvement, the Mk. II and Mk. III proved superior to the Japanese A6M Zero. Though not as durable or as powerful as the American F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair, the Seafire acquitted itself well against the enemy, particularly in defeating kamikaze attacks late in the war.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Can u pls make up a title for me anything to do with marktering Literature review
Can u pls make up a title for me anything to do with marktering - Literature review Example In the earlier times, shop keepers were able to acquire a fair understanding of consumer behaviour because they sold their products directly to the customers. However, with the increasing growth in the size of firms, opportunities of direct contact with consumers have lowered. Increasingly, managers are investing more to gain an insight on consumer behaviour. As a consequence, business and academic researchers invest more resources in studying consumer energy for the improvement of businesses. One of the oldest models in regards to consumer behaviour is ‘stimulus-behaviour model’. The following model propagates that marketing and other stimuli influence the buyer’s black box, producing certain responses (The Institute for Working Futures, n.d.). The stimuli can be of two kinds. The marketing stimuli or the marketing mix consist of 4 P’s including product, price, place and promotion. Others include economic, technological, political and cultural stimuli. All these stimuli move through the consumers’ black box and help them to make the product choice, brand choice, purchasing timing and purchasing amount. Apart from this simplified model, several other models have been developed by the marketing scholars in the field of ‘consumer behaviour’. The most prominent models have been developed by John A. Howard and Jagdish N Sheth, Francesco M. Nicosia, James F. Engel, Roger D. Blackwell and David T. Kollat. The five stage model of buying process includes steps like recognizing the problems, searching for information, evaluating the alternatives, purchasing decision and post purchase behaviour of the consumers. After purchasing the products, the buyer is expected to feel some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding the product or service acquired. The number of organisational buying processes can be quite
Friday, October 18, 2019
A Theme In Human Evolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Theme In Human Evolution - Research Paper Example An exanimation of the fossil records for the hominids can reveal much information on the early forms of the present creatures. The study of human remains did not feature until the nineteenth century when archaeologists realized that the culture and the morphology of early man could be revealed by the remains and the tools that were found buried with these remains (Greene, 11). A comparison between the morphology of the different fossils can be made to provide an insight into the relationships that occur between populations of organisms at different stages in the evolution process. Much information regarding the human culture could be obtained through the study of such remains. It has been noted that by studying the bone morphology of the fossils â€Å"one can understand the nutritional status, diet, disease processes, factors affecting mortality and life expectancy, biological responses to environmental stressors and aging of our ancestors†(Seth, 19). The teeth of animals wil l be related to the kinds of food that they consume. The herbivorous animals feed on vegetation and have many large molar teeth for chewing the fibrous foods. On the other hand, carnivorous animals like lion have large canine teeth that are used for killing and tearing the meat of their prey. The early hominids had the ape-like U-shaped dental arcade whereas the modern, man has a parabolic dental arcade. These early hominids and the modern man have the same dental formula of 32. This means two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molar teeth on both sides of the upper and lower jaws. However, there is a difference in the teeth structure and size between the early hominids and the modern man. This has been caused by the difference in the kinds of food that have been consumed by man at different stages of evolution. The early hominids were mainly herbivorous and had large molars for chewing the high roughage content foods.
Executive Leadership in Public Organizations Assignment - 1
Executive Leadership in Public Organizations - Assignment Example The Sunroof community performance will be determined by multiple experiences of leaders, and the outcome reflected at individual and community level (Wart, 2012). In order to achieve better performance, the community should build the capacity of new leaders by provides sufficient information through utilization of wisdom of the older generation (Cleveland, 1985). The community should inspire the new generation of leaders by building their capacity and matching individual goals with community goals so that individual leader’s achievement can translate to community advancement. The leadership performance can be determined by the community standards (Wart, 2012). Therefore, Sunroof community should utilize the leadership programs to impart the new generation of leaders with the relevant knowledge and use those programs as a benchmark for measuring performance standards in all community aspects such as social, cultural and economic aspects (Cleveland, 1985). In order to surpass th e previous leadership performance, the community should make a review of the leadership programs and modify the components that did not work according to the community expectations. The community should involve a diversified team of leaders who can identify and solve various issues affecting the community (Wart, 2012). The aim of the community is to train a new class of leaders that will take place of the former group and maintain the status quo of the Sunroof City as a community model for advancing science, innovation, culture and knowledge. As a diversified community and a role model in performance, the community should ensure they obtain leaders from various cultural and intellectual backgrounds to promote a unity of the community and retain creativity. The community should ensure they obtain new leaders from all cultural and intellectual background in order to achieve the organizational goals (Cleveland, 1985). Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Managment accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managment accounting - Essay Example The profit should be higher than the cost of production. There is increased desire by companies to know the behaviour of factors that drive to different cost .In increasingly competitive business environment organizations seeking to maintain or improve their competitiveness need cost information that is relevant and accurate. This system is based on cost modelling that traces an organization expenses both direct and indirect (Thukaram, 2007, p. 171). The activity based costing is fashionable because it has the advantage of advanced technology to the management of an organization. Hence; organizations are automating what previously had been manual jobs. The primary reason for the shift is also due to the different channels of distributing the variety of products and services, in addition the organization has been servicing different types of customers (Nolan, 2004, p. 17).Hence sufficient information can be obtained to make decisions about the profitability of different product lines. It also helps the organizations provide value added services or â€Å"top-ups†to existing products on actual cost incurred basis thus creating efficiency. The introduction of this greater variation and diversity creates complexity and increasing complexity results in greater overhead expenses. The fact that this expense overhead in recurring the labour expense does not mean that the organization is becoming inefficient, is means that the company is offering variety to different customers (Humphrey, 2007, p. 100).It traces indirect cost also called overhead to products, customers and services by identifying resource and their cost, the consumption of this resources by activities and performance of activities to produce output. Thus eliminating unprofitable items from the product line, thereby increasing profitability without increasing prices, a
Refilction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Refilction - Essay Example Although many aspects of leadership require that lay down a set of rules for directives which stakeholders should follow, spirituality is one of the only determinants that will be discussed within this five-part analysis that is completely concentric upon the way in which the individual leader the Hanes himself/herself. Challenge - is a compound of leadership that is not only necessary for the leader, but also necessary for the stakeholders. Although most people derive a sense of satisfaction from many different determinants, challenge is one of the most universal. What is meant by this is the fact that will be most fulfilled in his/her responsibilities by performing tasks and functions that represents something of a challenge to the ability that he/she is able to bring to bear. In much the same way, the fulfillment of the individual stakeholders/employees will most be affected by a degree of challenge within their own respective work. Whereas no one would be fulfilled by a monotonou s and unchallenging job that requires little to no creativity or problem-solving skills, the converse be said with regards to the level of the filament which can be derived from a job that provides a type of challenge and encourages the individual to maximize their potential and strengths. Friendship - no matter how good the leader is and no matter how effective his/her strategies might be, there is a high level of efficiency that can be affected by treating one’s colleagues, superiors, and subordinates with a level of friendship. This is particularly dangerous concept due to the fact that it has been proven that the work environment should remain professional. However, what is meant by engaging in a level of friendship with all of the stakeholders in the process is that they should be treated with the courtesy, kindness, acceptance, and respect that one would give to their own friends. Although they may indeed not be close friends outside of the work environment, this level of respect and admiration for the unique skills and qualities that they bring only helps to facilitate the work process and encourages each and every member of the organization to perform at their peak capacity. The leader should understand that even though a level of friendship is engaged with the stakeholders, he/she should not feel that they are continually among friends and not required to display a level of professionalism at all times. Loyalty - whereas all of the other aspects which have been discussed up until this point are some what unidirectional, the issue of loyalty is something that is very specifically multidirectional. What is meant by this is that the leader/manager that attempts to engage in level of loyalty with respect to both his superiors and subordinates will necessarily have this level of loyalty returns to them in time. Although loyalty should not be engaged in as a means of getting something in return, this action allows for each and every stakeholder in th e process to come to the understanding that the leader in question prizes loyalty and its compounded parts above all other things. In this way, a feeling of confidence and increased efficiency will be generated whereby each and every stakeholder is secure in the knowledge that they have loyal colleagues who are not merely engaged in the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Managment accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managment accounting - Essay Example The profit should be higher than the cost of production. There is increased desire by companies to know the behaviour of factors that drive to different cost .In increasingly competitive business environment organizations seeking to maintain or improve their competitiveness need cost information that is relevant and accurate. This system is based on cost modelling that traces an organization expenses both direct and indirect (Thukaram, 2007, p. 171). The activity based costing is fashionable because it has the advantage of advanced technology to the management of an organization. Hence; organizations are automating what previously had been manual jobs. The primary reason for the shift is also due to the different channels of distributing the variety of products and services, in addition the organization has been servicing different types of customers (Nolan, 2004, p. 17).Hence sufficient information can be obtained to make decisions about the profitability of different product lines. It also helps the organizations provide value added services or â€Å"top-ups†to existing products on actual cost incurred basis thus creating efficiency. The introduction of this greater variation and diversity creates complexity and increasing complexity results in greater overhead expenses. The fact that this expense overhead in recurring the labour expense does not mean that the organization is becoming inefficient, is means that the company is offering variety to different customers (Humphrey, 2007, p. 100).It traces indirect cost also called overhead to products, customers and services by identifying resource and their cost, the consumption of this resources by activities and performance of activities to produce output. Thus eliminating unprofitable items from the product line, thereby increasing profitability without increasing prices, a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Are all pressure ulcers avoidable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Are all pressure ulcers avoidable - Essay Example At all times, nurses should observe the law and ethics related to informed consent (Selinger, 2009). Assuming that the patient has severe dementia or some kind of severe mental illnesses, it would be difficult for the nurse to seek permission from the patient prior to the delivery of care. Therefore, the nurses should at all times make sure that their decision-making gives justice and will not harm the patient in any way (i.e. physically, psychologically, etc.) (Selinger, 2009). To avoid facing ethical or legal problems, all nurses should regularly upgrade their knowledge concerning all legal and ethical aspects that defines the nursing profession (Barnard, Nash and OBrien, 2005). Action 2 – In relation to the NMC (2002) Code of Professional Conduct, the patient’s real name should be kept confidential at all times in order to protect the patient’s privacy and avoid the risks of unintentionally causing harm to the patient. Action 3 – Brian, who is 55 years old, refuses to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment. In relation to nursing ethics, the case of Brian should be addressed by examining the principles of autonomy. Since the patient refuses to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment, the nurse should respect the patient’s decision (Selinger, 2009). To avoid facing any legal problem in the future, perhaps it is best for the nurse to get the patient to sign a form stating about his decision not to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment. Action 4 – Brian, aged 55 years suffers from multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a health condition wherein the patient’s immune system could adversely affect the main function of the myelin (Falvo, 2014, pp. 109–110). As the disease progresses, the
Rhetorical Analysis on Ads in Magazines Essay Example for Free
Rhetorical Analysis on Ads in Magazines Essay Magazines are gaining in popularity nowadays as a tool not only to provide information, but also to advertise ads on products that are available on the market. Since magazines gain readers with different kinds of interest, what are the rhetorical strategies used by advertisers to market similar products to different target audiences of similar culture? Capturing the target audiences’ attention requires understanding about the audiences which open new avenues for many strategies to be used by advertisers to advertise an ad in order to make sure that the ad can actually capture the target audience. To describe or analyze the strategies used by advertisers, a variety of analytical tools, such as determining who the target audience is, describing the details in the ad, studying the Aristotelian appeals used by the advertisers, and also the angle of vision involved in the ad are needed to examine these strategies. Describing the details on an ad could be a good starting point to begin the analysis. Kraft ad for its Macaroni Cheese in Oct 2009 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine shows a girl standing on her right feet, with a smile carved on her face and an umbrella in her left hand. Beyond her are two boxes of macaroni and cheese of the same size, one of Store Brand and another one of Kraft, sitting right next to each other with the Kraft’s splashing a massive amount of cheese out of the box. What appears right above the bottom line, with all letters capitalized, is â€Å"KRAFT HAS MORE CHEESE THAN THOSE OTHER GUYS. SO GO FOR THE CHEESIEST†and with a bigger font right above it, is â€Å"THE MAC WITH MORE CHEESE†. Emphasis is on the color of the Kraft macaroni, the splashes of cheese, the girl’s boots, and the umbrella, as they stunningly boast the same magnificent orange color, unlike the one that is being used on the macaroni of the Store Brand. Sunchips came up with an ad in May 2010 issue of Women’s Health magazine on page 109. The focus in the ad is on a lady with a black hair and brown skin smiling as she is about to make her bite on a chip that she is holding. Right above her head is a sentence saying â€Å"THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO HELP THE PLANET. HARVEST CHEDDAR IS ONE†. Few steps beyond the lady, happily playing with the fresh water of in the river, are two kids. There is even rock face by the river’s edge with 4 people on it watching the kids. Nothing can beat the feel of having river water flows through our fingers and touches our body as we immerse ourselves in the water. It is amazing of how the water never stops flowing, not even a single second. SUNCHIPS claims that such beauty of nature can be sustain with the use of its plant-made bags that is compostable. Happiness is possible as we can enjoy every single bite of the chips and at the same time, taking care of the nature. Such joy can be seen on the face of the lady that is about to make her bite. Determining who the target audience is should be the next step after describing the details in the ad. Kraft appeared in the Good Housekeeping magazine, targeting middle class and a wide range of age of married women that care about the health of the their family, interested in learning home cooking for the family and care about environment. An article on â€Å"Cook like a Chef†provided some interesting food for the family and how to make it. This article is targeting married women in the middle class who would like to learn how to cook some interesting meal that is affordable for the family. Dixie Ultra came up with an ad showing a picture of a family happily having breakfast by using their paper plates. This ad targets on those who care about the environment. Fresh Step came up with an ad for its product, which is a healthy food for cats. This ad is clearly targeting those who care about the health for the family by promoting a healthy product for pets in the family. It is clear that based on the evidences found in the magazine, the advertiser for the ad for Kraft is basically targeting a wife and a mother that puts family above all else. The ad for Sunchips appeared in Women’s Health magazine, which targets middle-aged up to old women with middle-class income that care about staying in a healthy lifestyle as a consumer. â€Å"Run Less / Lose More†, an article in the magazine provided the information on how do women, ranges from middle-age up to old, lose fat in order to obtain a healthy and nice looking body. Another article that showed the reason for this type of target audience is â€Å"Lose your Fear of Lifting†, which gave some encouragement to women to get a perfect bodyline. The magazine came up with an ad, â€Å"Metabolic Max Program†by Jenny Craig that showed the target audience is those in pursuit of healthy lifestyle and at the same time concern about how much they will have to spend on such program. Another ad showed a lineup of affordable branded cosmetics products for the women. This ad is targeting middle class women that care about their beauty appearances. Different from the ad for Kraft, the advertiser for Sunchips’ ad targets any women, whether married or not, that put physical appearance and health as the top priorities in their life. Now that the details in the ads and the target audience have been figured out, making way for rhetorical analysis for both ads is needed to show how the strategies used by the advertisers to connect the details in the ads with the target audience and how do they give impacts to the audience. In order to attract the targeted audience, Kraft uses a strategy called pathos, one of the Aristotelian appeals, on its ad. The use of orange color in high contrast tends to attract the targeted audience as it can show the amount and quality of cheese that is being used to make the product. Cheese is well known for its delicious taste and good for the health, so this detail will surely attract the target audience, as they would want to choose a delicious and healthy food for the family. A picture of a girl standing on one leg with joy also brings the same strategy. The emotion that is being expressed by the girl tends to catch the targeted audience’s attention because they would definitely want to see their children having the same emotion. These two strategies tend to be related to pathos because they are attracting the audience’s emotions and values. The same strategy, pathos, is being used by Sunchips in order to steal the targeted audience’s attention. Pathos can be seen through the use of a picture of a lady that is about to make her bite on the chips. Such pleasant smile showed by the lady can attract the audience by creating a desire of having the same smile among the audience. Besides pathos, logos is also being used in the ad too. The message in the ad, about what are the bags of the chips made off, gives a clear reason to the targeted audience. For the consumers that care about their health, they will definitely give attention to this message because it helps them maintain a clean environment. Living in a clean environment is another way of having a healthy lifestyle. In this ad, the strategy of delivering emotions to the targeted consumers shows pathos. Logos can be seen by the reasons showed in the ad for the targeted consumers. Another strategy for the rhetorical analysis is the angle of vision, which is the use of important details to be focused on and the omitting of other details that may distract the audiences’ attention, is being involved in the ad too. For Kraft ad, the advertisers focuses on the massive amount of cheese spilling out from the box that contains Kraft’s macaroni and cheese product. The reason why the advertisers did this is because that they wanted to show how large is the amount of cheese present in the product. The advertisers include a text that suggests the macaroni product of Kraft has more cheese and a picture of a girl that is happily standing on one leg, for the audiences to focus on. The angle of vision presents in these details attracts the target audience by showing the quantity of the cheese and how appetizing the Kraft’s macaroni and cheese is. These would probably be the things that the target audience would want to focus on when it comes to choosing f ood that their kids will enjoy. However, there is a scientific detail that the advertisers try to omit from the audiences which is the ingredients used to make the product. Since the target audience wants healthy food for their families, this detail is being omitted because without doing so, the ingredients will show how unhealthy the food is. The advertisers for Sunchips ad focus on the image of a lady that is smiling while holding a chip on her hand and the use of the beautiful scene of a riverbank beyond the lady. Such beautiful smile of the lady and how wonderful is the environment shown in the ad are as if that the secrets lie behind the chips. This would attract the target audience as they would want to see such beauty in themselves. The same detail as in the Kraft ad, which is the nutritional information, is being omitted from the audiences because of not healthy. This is done because the advertisers know that the targeted audiences care about health in their life. The rhetorical strategies used by advertisers to advertise an ad are simply not just strategies. They are a step-by-step method to deliver the message in the ad to the target audiences; from determining whom the target audiences for the ad are, to how to give an impact to those audiences by using Aristotelian appeals and angle of vision in the ad to so that the target audiences could get a clear picture on what is being delivered by the ad. Analyzing the strategies used to deliver what the advertisers wanted to through the ad could actually open up new avenues on how to communicate with the audiences through an ad by just connecting the details available in the ad. In fact, it is not only helpful to gain audiences for an ad, but also to gain readers for our writing work. Works Cited Sunchips. Advertisement. Womens Health May 2010: 109. Print. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Advertisement. Good Housekeeping Oct. 2009: 108. Print.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Temsas Global Product Strategy Marketing Essay
Temsas Global Product Strategy Marketing Essay Q1: Discuss the product strategies of Temsa Global in 1984 and in 2009. Ans: Temsa Global, when it began manufacturing operations for buses and coaches on 1984, was selling the products only under the name of Mitsubishi motors. Licensing and distribution agreements were signed by both the companies. The company could only manufacture the products which were designed by Mitsubishi and then could distribute them. And still today, Temsa Global performs operations such as the sales, services and spare parts for Mitsubishi passenger cars, the panel van as well as the pick-up light commercial vehicles, to support its licensing and distributorship agreement with Mitsubishi. But at that point of time, Temsa was not a brand in itself because it was not selling any original products under its name. Since 2003 however, when the Temsa RD and Technology Inc. was incorporated, the company has gradually shifted its product strategy. This shift in the strategy was mainly owing to the experience that the management had in the manufacturing of products. As the result of t he amalgamation of that experience with the research and development results from the sister company Temsa RD and Technology Inc., Temsa was successfully able to create products under its brand name and create a brand name for them in the Europe in the automobile industry. This helped them to gain a substantial market share as the new products were so designed that there was a reduction in the production costs. Hence, they were able to provide products to their target market at significant low prices. Also, with these new developments in the design, they were also effectively able to reduce the fuel consumption by the buses, which also helped them to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Temsa successfully used both the porter generic strategies to their best, by providing the same quality products at lower prices, hence the cost differentiation strategy, as well as providing the product with better benefits to the customers at reasonable prices-the product differentiation str ategy. (Temsa Global Official Website) Q2: What organizational changes are required to support the shift in strategy at Temsa Global? Ans: Since the company was earlier only manufacturing products whose designs were predefined, there was hardly any requirement for any sort of research and development facility. But in order to achieve the vision and the mission of the company, To Be A World Class Global Brand As A Commercial Vehicle Producer, Together, We Create Innovative Solutions For The Customers, and keeping objectives in line with the same, the company had to start developing its own branded product soon. Hence there is a requirement of infrastructure which will enable them to innovate, design new products for their customers. Also, there is a requirement of change in the organizational structure with the inception of the RD facility. This is because there has to be a top management to make right decisions at the right time, to have the greatest impact for the benefit of the organization. This top management is the one who should be accountable for every operation that is performed in the RD facility. Also, there would be a requirement of effective and efficient employees who need to be trained so that they can play their role in the organizations quest to achieve its vision and mission. Also, there is a requirement of the organization to focus on its budgeting strategies as there would be a need to spend more on the innovation and creativity. In order to meet the demands, needs and wants of a more-than-ever informed and changing consumer, and to fend off the competition (which keeps the organization on its toes else lose the market share to the competitors), it is necessary for a company to design and develop new products on a regular basis. Also, with the pace that the old technology becomes obsolete now-a-days and new technology always being at the doorstep, product development at a faster rate doesnt seem like a tough job. And more and more automation coming into the picture, even the manufacturing industry is availing the benefits provided by the mingling of Information Technology into everyday processes. Hence, sometimes there might be a requirement of retraining their employees to keep up with the technological advancements or at times, even replacing manually skilled workers. In every organization, whenever there is a change, there is always a resistance to change, so the top management has to take some steps which should ensure that this resistance should be at its minimum and the organization can take steps further and become closer to achieve its vision and mission. (Research and Development in the Automotive Industry, 2008) Q3: What are the possible advantages of investing in the RD center for advanced technologies? Discuss the implications considering the changing perceptions and demands of consumers. Ans: Investing, for any organization, is a tough decision, and a considerable amount of thought has to be put into the matter before an informed decision can be made. Sometimes companies opt for marketing research techniques to see if they can successfully make a decision. However, in a manufacturing industry, innovation and creativity plays a huge role in the development of the organization as a whole. Especially in an automobile industry, where fuel consumption is a big issue now-a-days, and the pollution measures, the eco-friendly initiatives by various organizations including the government, across the world, it is all the more necessary for an organization to constantly look for methods and way which can give them a competitive edge over the competition. The customers today are more careful about pollution and are more informed about measures to be taken to avoid pollution, and hence prefer eco-friendly vehicles. When travelling in buses and coaches, passengers want all the com fort they can and that too at a reasonable price, which can only be given if the coaches are constantly revamped, adding one thing or the other making them more customer satisfying. Also, the constantly reducing oil reserves across the world and subsequent rise in the prices make it more necessary for the customers to focus on fuel consumption as much as possible. There is a grave need to develop engines which can efficiently utilize the fuel and save as much as possible. RD centers today, are a common existence in almost all the industries across the world. If an organization invests in a RD center, it opens up a plethora of possibilities for itself. The RD efforts of the automobile industry are mainly centered on developing new and advanced technologies so as to manufacture an automobile which is not only environmentally compatible, but also economical for customers. RD centers can help them develop advanced batteries which would require less re-charging; finding ways to produce bio-fuels for any type of engines, either diesel or gasoline. Q4: What should be the focus of Temsa Global in supporting its market driven product strategy and customized designs? Ans: Since Temsas strategy is on creating market driven products, it is necessary for them to focus on the customers needs and wants. They should conduct a market research amongst the target customers and based on the inferences made by the research, they should take a further decision. They should focus on customer satisfaction more than anything, because customer satisfaction is the buzzword today, in the industry. Management gurus have many-a-times said that in todays competitive world, the customer rules, and he is the king. The products should be made according to what the customer desires, only then can the product will be successful enough to provide opportunities for future growth of the company. The products should be constantly upgraded with new features and designs, which should entice the customers to buy the products. The company should follow an agile business strategy. To support the market-driven product strategy, Temsa Global should be aware of the market conditions , i.e. does the market have growth potential or not? They should also take into consideration the competitors, what they are trying to do, how they are trying to capture the market share and constantly strive to acquire new customers. To sum up, the product should me manufactured according to the market conditions, what is prevalent in the industry, will the customers like what is being sold to them and what is more likely to be purchased by the customers. Therefore, the main focus of the company has to be on the customers and their satisfaction. They should always provide distinct value proposition to the customers with their products. Then only the market-driven product strategy can work effectively. (Research and Development in the Automotive Industry, 2008)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the human species face today, yet the majority of the population does not pay attention to it. People are not aware of the dangers and do not care about it much because the main effects will affect the next generation and not themselves. Global warming is happening and it is the reason for changing weather and weather extremes such as earthquakes, floods and wildfires. Global warming is caused by societies lifestyle and these lifestyles destroy the environment and affect the whole world. The use of cars, trains, planes, as well as wasting energy for people’s entertainment has a price; this price is that society is in danger. The common definition of global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants (Global warming, Wikipedia). Moreover, the effects of global warming will bring ecological and social changes. Because there is no exact way to predict the effects of global warming, it is almost impossible to say how strong global warming will affect life in the future. Scientists blame the greenhouse gas effect in combination with societies greenhouse gas emissions for the rising temperature. The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is emitted back towards the earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Simply, global... ... of extreme weather and melting ice caps are indicators of global warming. Because these things will affect society, there are important decisions that have to be made in the present as well as in the future to secure people’s lives and lifestyles. The world community is aware of this serious issue and do already prepare for projects to slow down global warming, but they still have to improve. If the world leaders stop worrying about this issue, the future generations could be in danger. The future lifestyles will be affected by the decisions made in the present day. Society has much to improve to save energy and to lower greenhouse gas emissions. There are also small things people can do to help. Individuals can live a life without wasting energy or polluting the environment. Without effort, global warming endangers the quality of life for the future generations.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Give a life to your friend, it’s free!
Give a life to your friend, it's free! BY wersl 23 Compare and Contrast: Lion and Tiger Lions and tigers are the top two ferocious animals in the big cat family. The lion is known as the â€Å"king of beast â€Å"and the tiger is known as the â€Å"emperor of beast†. Both lions and tigers have many things in common and at the same time they have a number of differences. Lions and tigers belong to the mammalian group and Felidae family. Lions lives in prides and tigers lives alone. They have no predators of their own and reside at the top of their food chain.This essay is going to talk about the physical characteristics, diet, habitat and geographical distribution, reproduction and cross breed. The physical characteristics of a lion is male lion is highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its mane. Lion coloration varies from light buff to yellowish or reddish of the body. The underparts are generally lighter and the tail tuft is black. The color of the mane varies from blond to black. The lion is a carnivore and a hunter. Its legs are short with very powerful muscles. Male lions are 20 to 35% larger than the females and 50% heavier.Each lion has, what are called, â€Å"whisker spots†The pattern formed by this top row of whiskers differs in every lion and remains the same throughout its lifetime. Lions are the second-largest in the cat family (the tiger is the largest). Physical characteristics of a tiger highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its stripes. Tigers are tawny brown in color with dark stripes and whitish. Tigers have rusty-reddish to brown-rusty coats, a fair (whitish) medial and entral area and stripes that vary from brown or hay to pure black.The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, and thus could potentially be used to identify individuals, much in the same way as fingerprints are used to identify people. This is not, however, a preferred method of identification, due to the difficulty of recording the strip e pattern of a wild tiger. the function of stripes is camouflage, serving to hide these animals from their prey. Tigers have round pupils and yellow irises. Tigers are the heaviest cats found in the wild.The diet for both the lion and the tiger are kind of the same, but they eat different animals because they are not from the same place. Both lion and tiger eats about 15. 4 lbs. of meat per day. A typical diet for a lion will include zebra, giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest, gazelles and impala. Lions are opportunistic and will readily scavenge the kills of cheetahs, leopards, wild dogs and hyenas. A main prey species for a tiger is are deer, buffalo and wild pigs, but they will also hunt fish, monkeys, birds, reptiles and sometimes even baby elephants.Occasionally, tigers kill leopards, bears and other tigers. Both lion and tiger are both meat-loving big cats. Habitat of a lion and a tiger are both different, because they are both from different contents of the world. Lion lives in Rich grasslands of East Africa to sands of Kalahari Desert, South Sahara to South Africa, excluding the Congo rain forest. They avoid dense forests because prey is scarce. Fun fact in the wild, lions live for approximately 12-18 years, while in captivity they can live over 24 years. Fun fact
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Good and evil Essay
Two authors of different periods wrote on the same subject. Each approaches the idea from a different direction. Anton Chekhov looks at the aspects of light as a sign of hope. Franz Kafka examines the despair that comes from darkness in humans. Despite their different approaches, both address the aspects of the human psyche that deal with good and evil. Light to Chekhov displays hope and the good in man. Kafka sees darkness as the example of human evil and despair. The use of light in The Cherry Orchard and The Metamorphosis shows the antithetical elements of good and evil and the authors’ attempts to show the human condition of the conflicting elements hope and despair. Kafka’s mind dealt in the darkness, and Chekhov’s mind dealt in light. According to human mythology, light and dark represent good and evil. Good things happen under the light; in the shadows, the human psyche does not feel comfortable. The aristocrats in Cherry Orchard exist in a changing society, with the new ways crumbling away their positions. Madame Ranevskaya, one of the main aristocrats, says upon her return from Europe, â€Å"All white, all white! Oh, my cherry orchard! After the dark and stormy autumn and the winter frosts you are young again and full of happiness†(Chekhov 28). This observation emphasizes the good that humans associate with light. The aristocrats distribute warmth and love, while coldness describes the capitalist feeling. The cherry orchard symbolizes the aristocrats, and the setting by Chekhov in the spring shows the power of good. The aristocrats with their caring fight in a symbolic battle against the capitalists who have no personal feelings in Chekhov’s play. Chekhov uses this to show that good, even when under attack, will prevail. Despite his siding with the aristocracy, Chekhov shows clean cut lines of black and white do not exist, but instead a shade of gray exists. Trofimov, a perpetual student and philosopher, says, â€Å"Your cherry orchard is a terrible thing. Possessing living souls has corrupted all of you, those who lived before and since†¦ the old bark on the trees glow dimly†(Chekhov 50). This remark of the socialist antagonist shows that even the warmth of the aristocracy has come from suffering. In reverse, cold capitalism, allows a man to become free and gain power. Without his contrasts and comparisons, the book becomes propaganda. By addressing the overlap of the pleasant as well as bad aspects of each, Chekhov shows that the human psyche has no clearly definable boundaries, and good as well as evil emerge as possible results of a man’s actions. Chekhov, by addressing the light opens up views and insights into good and evil. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka depicts the good and evil inherent in man also. Gregor Samsa, the protagonist, turns into a giant bug after unsettling dreams. He slowly retreats from his old generous self as a human to become a creature that his own family reviles. Kafka writes, â€Å"The light of the electric street-lamps lay in pallid streaks on the ceiling and on the upper parts of the furniture, but underneath, where Gregor was, it was dark†(Kafka 21). This quote shows that while Gregor can achieve a better level and become a human again, he chooses to remain as a bug, by hiding from the cleansing he must go through. Throughout the novel, Gregor avoids the light and light-colored objects. When his sister brings him milk, Gregor tries it, but â€Å"he turned away from the bowl almost with repulsion†(Kafka 21). Kafka uses this technique of hiding to show that humans all have the potential for good in them, but often hide from the chance. Gregor does not wish to fight to obtain his humanity. He would rather hide from his own potential by remaining something all men despise. Gregor finds being an outcast better than the possibility of being the only good man. None of his family remains loyal to him, but instead his father abuses him without care, and his whole family conspires to eliminate the problem. Gregor’s father attacks him, and eventually hurt him, the apple thrown hard and â€Å"literally forcing its way into Gregor’s back†(Kafka 39). Kafka uses this falling away in the family to show that even though they try to love Gregor, they allow their evil natures to take over. Kafka uses Gregor’s hiding from the light to show that the human psyche includes good and bad sides. With this method, Kafka shows the mind contains multiple parts, each of which can influence the whole. According to Jung, the human psyche comprises of these parts. The brains alter ego, or shadow, tries to dominate with acts that society rarely sees. This escape into the open world results in crime and hate. Jung says that the part of man with bad motives lies there, and the drive to do good exists in the self. Gregor, after his transformation and after the attacks, gains the right to an open door to watch the family. Despite this opportunity, â€Å"Gregor found it very easy to give up the open door†¦ when it was opened he had not taken advantage of it, but instead†¦ had lain in the darkest corner of the room†(Kafka 46). His reluctance to join in a crude family circle represents his ultimate rejection of his potential for good. Kafka applies his reluctance to show that man will naturally reject good for the simpler path of evil. By not becoming a problem and dealing with his position even within his family, Gregor denies his humanity and accepts to living in the shadows of his mind. These shadows, though normally hidden behind the persona, allow evil to escape from under the tight blocks in the mind. Gregor, when he becomes a bug, loses hope. The aristocrats in Chekhov’s play despair when they lose control. Both Gregor and Madame Ranevskaya cannot continue to hope, because darkness covers their mind. Madame Ranevskaya’s friend and buyer Lopakhin says, â€Å"Last year at this time snow was falling already, if you remember; but now it’s fine and sunny†(Chekhov 81). Before Lopakhin buys the estate, the aristocrats do not have hope. When snow covers the land, humans despair, because they remain in their houses without escape, with the feeling of existing in a trap. Humans find hope with release into wide-open spaces, where their expansion can grow without impedance. When restrictions come into place, the mind loses hope. In Chekhov’s play, at the end, the weather turns fine and so Madame Ranevskaya feels more hope. Anya, her daughter, shows both her own and her mother’s beliefs in saying â€Å"Very, very happy. A new life is beginning†(Chekhov 77). When she says this, the aristocrats are preparing to leave their estate. The confinement at the estate ends, so Madame Ranevskaya and her family have sunlight illuminating them, and they hope for a better future. Gregor Samsa, Kafka’s protagonist, remains a problem to his family. His presence tries their patience, and by his inability to help, Gregor puts a greater load on his sister and parents. Gregor, when he does try to participate in a family activity, manages to drive away the boarders who rent a room. Eventually Gregor realizes that he hurts his family by staying. Gregor knows that he cannot be of service, so instead of remaining in his room by his own will; he can leave his body to go to another plane of thought and knowledge. Kafka writes â€Å"His conviction that he would have to disappear was, if possible, firmer than his sister’s†¦ He still saw that outside the window everything was beginning to grow light†(Kafka 54). When his need to live cancels out by his thought for others, Gregor joins humanity again, and can have hope for himself. Gregor and Madame Ranevskaya both begin in their respective works as characters that have no reason for hope. Gregor becomes a bug, and because of debt, Madame Ranevskaya’s estate will go to the auction block. These situations offer little choice of resolving themselves, and the protagonists will correct them differently. The more despair grows in them, and the closer they come to their final reckoning, the less the two feel able to save themselves. In each work, the author has a different climax, at which the characters recognize their position and turn to something other than the previous life. Madame Ranevskaya moves away from her family wealth, and Gregor stops living as a human in a bug. Both character have the opportunity to gain hope. For Gregor and Madame Ranevskaya, light symbolizes what they can have, and darkness symbolizes their problems. However, where light exists there cannot also survive darkness, so hope cannot coexist with despair. By changing to a brighter outlook, the two characters show the goodness in man, and the difference from their previous state shows the darkness in man. Kafka and Chekhov both use the technique of antithetical elements to show the human condition of conflict and change.
Organizational structures Essay
Organizations have distinct structures for organizing business entities. An organization can be of different structures depending upon size of the business organization. The complexity in organizing demands segregating the responsibilities. The important organizations structures are pre-bureaucratic, bureaucratic, Functional, Divisional and post bureaucratic structures. Pre-bureaucratic organization has typically small management team, typically one man show format, low on profits and easy to organize. Bureaucratic organizations has a complex organization structure, large business entity with varied functions to take of, the decision making process needs to run in hierarchical phase and it may delay the decision making process. Functional organization is concerned with large organizations with different entities. A FMCG company may have toilet soaps, detergents, cosmetics etc is a perfect example of functional structure. The organizational structure will have more freedom to product enhancement. Cross functional organizing will be difficult to organize. Matrix organization segregates distinct functional profiles and organizational operational aspects. Different departments will separately work on a specific project like the engineering, marketing, operations and administration. Post organizational structure deals with the unique features of an organizational which are having virtual importance than the conventional organizational responsibilities. The functions like the quality management, employee benefits and cross cultural management are taken into account. Not many organizations can bear the non revenue profiles like the above as these facilities are expensive and complex to implement.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Statement Example The subjects of Economics and programming classes of C language and Matlab were also part of my undergraduate course of Electrical Engineering. I have the honor of having worked as â€Å"treasury†for my school organization. In addition to that, I frequently open stock market and buy stocks. I also have a lot of knowledge about various engineering, applied mathematics, finance, and economics tools that are frequently employed in problem solving techniques used in strategic planning, risk management, and investment. I would like to mention that I chose to study Electrical Engineering at the undergraduate level so that I would be able to serve in the firm that my father owns. My father wants me to take charge of the work once I am done with my studies. In order to run the business in the competitive market scenario, it is imperative that I equip myself with good skills on the financial side of the business as well. Having realized the importance of Financial Engineering in the c ontemporary world, I started reading books on the very subject. As I learnt more, my interest in Financial Engineering studies grew further. My father wants me to take complete hold of his business because he wants to see me leading his firm in the right direction in his life.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Comparing Policies of UK and Germany Research Proposal
Comparing Policies of UK and Germany - Research Proposal Example (Hofmann 78) For short term visits to engage in non work business activities, U.S. citizens do not need a visa to enter Germany. For longer term work assignments on the other hand, Germany offers a broad selection of employment authorization visa categories. (Gunlicks 67) As is the case with Germany, U.S, citizens do not currently need to have a visa to travel to the United Kingdom (UK) for short business visits. The individual may remain in the UK for up to six months. However, the UK government recently announced that it is considering the introduction of a new business visa that would reduce a permission to remain from six months to three months. (Schulte- Peevers 92) The UK has a number of specialized programs available for various types of work such as; training and work experience, business entrepreneurs, highly skilled migrants; however, the workhorse option for most companies sending U. S. citizens to the UK is the work permit Scheme. Under this system, a work permit may be issued for up to five years. Work permits are generally issued only where the job requires relatively advanced skills and or experience, or where resident labor is unavailable. The work permit Scheme is divided into two tiers; Tier One and Tier Two. (Szarka 83) Tier One work permit applications are exempt from any requirement to recruit for the position within the European Economic Area (EEA), which consists of the 27 EU member states plus Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein. (Boehmar- Christiansen 84) Tier Two applications do not fall within the various Tier One categories automatically come within Tier Two. For Two workers, the employer must document that it conducted a recruitment search for the position and was unable to find a suitable employee from either the UK or EEA labor market. (Chick 100) With both Tier One and Tier Two applications, once the work permit has been issued, in most cases an individual will apply for entry clearance to the UK at the British Embassy in his home country. The individual may then come to the UK to take up the contemplated employment. (Goodman 87) Under Germany, good option for multinational corporations allows transfer of personnel to Germany if it can be shown that the German company has employees working abroad; allows for a replacement of these employees, so that if five German employees are working abroad, five employees can be brought into Germany; valid for one year; extensions available for up to three years; no labor market opinion required. (Hofmann 82) Short term assignments on the other hand allows persons to enter Germany for up to three months in any 12 month period for specific purposes; a good choice for persons responsible for software installation, machine delivery or equipment repair; no labor market opinion required. (Szarka 90) Moreover, U.S. citizens enjoy a privileged status in Germany; in special cases, a work permit may be issued regardless of the requirements above; a labor opinion is required. (Chick 105) b) Why different/ Similar Different since UK's work permit is divided into two tiers and once the work permit has been issued, the individual is required to apply for entry clearance to the UK at the British Embassy in his home country and thereafter he or she may come to UK to take up the contemplated employment thus inconvenient. (Schulte- Peevers 96) c) Which better, and
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